Why didn't he say to the interviewer that he would come back with a camera and film their threesome? He also could have added she was perfect for the part because porn stars are all a tad ugly.
Why didn't he say to the interviewer that he would come back with a camera and film their threesome...
If he even dared to add that last part he'd make the news in a heartbeat. Sorry jonah couldn't win either way, that's just the way this world works
why does this guy think we arent allowed to call him ugly?
he basically made millions of dollars playing a fat ugly cunt and making fun of himself. is jonah hill the amy schumer of men
it's rude to call someone fat
also a pretty lady literally saying she wouldn't have sex with him
jonah hillberg is fat and not a serious actor
He probably did have a good comeback but decided against it because it was only gonna add more fuel.
you're probably some fat piece of ugly shit too. thats why you cant see the flaws in your logic
if your job is being paid to walk around on screen as a fat sack of lard and a cuckold. you should be willing to accept that same place in your day to day life. otherwise you're just a fat slam pig like amy schumer
>implying you wouldn't react the same as jonah two subs
he was already in a weak spot because all he could do was sit awkwardly and concentrate on listening to the translation through a shitty earpiece, reacting a second later after the entire room has already started laughing at him.
>Sup Forums still talking about this total non-controversy
This is literally a tabloid board now. Fuck. I hate all of you.
there's nothing wrong with calling someone fat and ugly, period. that fact is exasperated when the person you're calling fat and ugly gets paid a couple million bucks a movie to reiterate that dynamic.
no sympathy for jonah
except he's a rich actor IRL
still rude and pointless
like hey scarjo I'd totally fuck u lol
Because then he'd be sued for sexual harassment and everyone would call him a misogynist?
He's not a comedian. That's why. Fuck, do you not know the difference?
lets be honest did she lie
Based frogs mocking the hollywood jew agenda that feldstein is a serious actor now.
>is jonah hill the amy schumer of men
This. Anyone defending Hill for not being able to handle the bantz is a fucking faggot.
What is this? Youtube link?
Fucking lmao that was funny
hahahahahahaha this jewish cucks dick was probably rock hard while thinking about that dynamic
you know jews are naturally perverted
Remember he got a lot of heat for calling that paparazzi fucking faggot. He's not allowed to speak his mind.
Why did he get so offended by the first joke?
I once heard a comedian say "The moment you cant return an insult with a joke your career is finished."
It might have been Doug Stanhope.
And he apologized for it and begged the paparazzi fag for forgiveness. What a weak beta faggot.
Hell it took you 2 days to come up with that comeback, can you imagine how much longer fatso'd take?
former fatties are like the biggest most humorless can't-take-a-joke fags on the planet. It's like they put up with being made fun of when they were fat, but now that they've gotten a bit healthier they think no one's allowed to do it anymore.
implying op isnt a fat fuck too
Acting in comedy films =/= comedian
being fat actually changes your genetics. because fat people have higher levels of estrogen. so if you're fat when you go through puberty you end up more bitch than man. thats why fat cunts and ex fat cunts are such little pussys
more like this pls
more awkward celeb interview cringe
i hate jews and i hate fat people
i see nothing wrong with what she said
I don't understand, why's he being such a butthurt fag about it? It's a joke, you just laugh. OP's suggestion is 100x more cringe-worthy and butthurt tho.
>I have a similar fantasy
>In my fantasy you call your blonde and black friends and leaves
He looks like some guy who works the floor at Best Buy. How did he ever make it in Hollywood?
yeah i bet op is fat as fuck. so he got second hand hurt feelings seeing that
He was chosen
Wait, he's a fat jew and he can't handle self-deprecating humor? What a fail jew.
hes a kike whos willing to embarrass himself on film and keep the weak little harmless jew stereotype alive and well
thats how jews are
he plays a weak self deprecating jew. because jews like to give the impression in film that they are harmless weak funny cuckolds
but in reality jonah hill wanted nothing more than to stomp on that lady's face and eat her organs. its part of his dna
I fucking hate Jews.
slam pig jonah is a joke
If people go to see your movie on a Friday night and it puts money in your pocket, are you breaking Shabbas?
wtf i love france now
>actor in comedies
>not funny
Why do we care for him, then?
>now that's the man of my dreams
>that's why I have a sexual fantasy with you, Jonah
She was flirting. That's comedienne for flirting. Jesus Christ, Jonah, you autist, handle the bantz next time, you were in.
He`s an actor. He is as funny as the plot demands him to be.
He`s not Galifianakis.
I`m mad and i fucking hate KK
Fuck off Jonah, leave my frenchfu alone
He fucked up too
L'esprit de l'escalier
This is obviously a joke, right?
whoa, how'd you get that reddit gold?
Several of my posts were upboated.
Trying to get the third star.
Good luck, man
Was he informed that the hosts would be roasting him? I can totally see the confusion in his face when they said that shit. It'd be different if it was a costar or someone that he knew, but it was just some random French broad.
She apologized, everyone realizes that right?
She even made jonah out to be some well regarded celebrity while putting herself down.
Post your tiddies, honey
There's no way this is a woman.
Everyone ITT is on her side and making fun of Jonah, you realize that right?
>forgot image
Phew, for a second there I thought you were making fun of my gorgeous comedienne-fu
Why the fuck are you guys so hung up about this?
Have you been self inserting as Jonah this whole time?
Why are you still harping on this, this blubbermoose is no man's son, who gives a fuck if he got his feelings hurt, he's dog's vomit!
well fags notwithstanding
Tragically, I think they have!
if it was the other way around, the man would be sent to prison for life
This fat kike got roasted hard by that qt Frenchie. God, there is nothing better than seeing a fat fuck get humiliated. I usually spit on them ,without them knowing, when I see them in public. On the rare occasions I do get caught, I just run away because their mobility scooters can only go so fast.
>that awkward moment when youre in a group of friends and a girl says a really mean joke to you that really hurts your feelings and you want to fire back, but you realize saying a really mean insult to her will just make you look like an over reacting, butthurt autist, so you just kind of sit there and pretend to smile and say something like "wow, that was pretty brutal" because you also cant show that you were hurt because then that would make you look like a giant pussy
Humans like to protect stuff. Jonah is like a bird with broken wings.
T b h I didn't expect him to take offence.
If you rape her you're asserting your dominance and your friends would probably help.
ITT we try to make better comebacks than the shitty OP
>I thought your fantasy was waking next to an actual man instead of pocket change and a used condoms
>seems well put together
there is no way shes even a little bit funny
No, ITT we laugh at people who are invested in Jonah Hill, who needs his fucking intestines taken out and shown to him.
Nah, he can't be funny without writing and months of notice.
Women are allowed to treat men almost however they want whenever they want. Must feel liberating. I have zero idea why they feel oppressed.
women are the jews of the sexes
men are the niggers
i would imagine having a dick shoved in your cunt would feel kind of suffocating.
Holy fuck it all makes sense
But when the man can be a Jew nigger that's when he can start womanizing
Fucking kek
Why can't Jews handle the banter
>crowd laughs
>I guess I don't need to finish my joke
>that great feeling when you're the group bully so if anyone ever does roast you, not only are they unsurprised when you start targeting their insecurities with the most hateful shit you can imagine, it's both expected and appreciated by the people you're not targeting
Is Sup Forums still talking about this? Must have hit a little too close to home for some peeps here.
Fat fucks can't take the banter.
>tfw I actually thought Based Pitt and Based Leo had passed some of their broness to this fat fuck
I was wrong. Once a kike always a kike
There you go. Stop making 30 threads a day about this shit
exfat here
being a former fatass actually (should) give you a thicker skin for this. Also if you lift, you generate more testosterone, balancing out the estrogen you had when you were a fat fuck
that was fucking awful, you only liked it because it shows her miming sex
Triggered fatty
This is the most disturbing pic I've seen all month, I'm not even shitposting. Like real, it makes my stomach shrink, I truly feel uncomfortable and sick just by watching at that walking abomination.