Fight scene

>fight scene
>quick cuts
>camera shake

Other urls found in this thread:

If you post frogs you're a retard, plain and simple, you project onto a simpleton frog that pees with its pants down in public toilets.

>marvel scene
>fight scene
>quick cuts
>50 shots per punch/kick
>camera shake

>war movie
>no blood

>quick cuts
>shaky camera
>slow motion
>fade to black
>motion blur

This shit gives me a fucking headache

Chinese movies actually slow action down and pans the scene.
They know how action is done.
The Matrix used that technique. Why hasn't it been used in other movies. It drives me crazy when what OP describes.

never forget

I'm gonna kick your ass

>character getting chased by something that wants to eat him

>CGI blood


I love these punching pepes

>"Fight scene"
>Shit looks like a dance off

>Grenade goes off near character
>Everything goes silent and slow motion
>high pitched ringing sound for a few seconds
> everything suddenly goes back to real time with gunfire and shouting everywhere

this triggered me

thats literally what happens IRL retard

jesus christ thats jason bourne

>war movie
>no rape or torture

if they're even lucky enough to not have ruptured an inner ear organ

Simply shooting without goggles in an indoor shooting range can cause permanent injury

>fight scene
>character jumps down from high above
>into the group of opponents
>lands on 1 knee, onto the concrete
>hand expended to the side
>cement underneath him cracks

character DOESN'T immediately break his knees, legs, pelvis and back

what's better, Sup Forums:

MCU's "down to earth" realistic fighting or DCU's Dragon Ball Z super fast fantasy fighting?

>the movie's resolution starts
>it's a slow montage
>*simple piano melody* starts playing

name 3 kinos and 65 animes, just do it

doesn't matter, as long as there's actual choreography and shit's clear

Dumb nazi frog posters

Both did justice to their respective characters
t. comicfag


Man, I grew up reading Marvel comics and it disgusts me to see the garbage they've become

Absolute fucking pleb fodder

>affecting your ears

All jokes aside, even when outdoors you can fuck your ears.

Modern movies were a mistake.


why would somebody make this?

They do this 2 days for 2 reasons:

1.) To have clean, bloodless, violent-less violence . Marvel movies and so on are notorious for this, people get shot and fall to the ground instantly with no blood. Similar deal with the fist fighting. it's to avoid a R rating and maximize casual audiences

2.) It's cheaper to shoot and requires minimal choreographing

>action movie
>pistol slide doesnt move when shot
>no muzzle flash

kek, the rule of thumb should be:
The cameraman should never be doing more movement then your actors/doubles in a fight scene

This will be Dunkirk. Nolan's sterile look will feel weird in a war movie.

I prefer the hyper realistic style of a Snyder film.

Maybe frogposters aren't so dumb after all. Shaky camera fights are literally the worst.

>window bars, bush leaves or some other obstacle are in front of the lens
>camera is moving up and down and to the sides very gently, making it look like we're watching from the perspective of someone hiding behind said obstacle
>it turns out no one is and it's just the way they decided to film the scene

>fight is about to happen between MC and antagonist
>"it's a dance-off, bro!"
It's harder to film realistic fight scenes.

It COULD work. Not saying it always will but in a scene where they are trying to portray unease/paranoia. Perhaps if the character in question has already mentioned being worried about such a thing.

Yeah that's justified, but there are shows which use it constantly even when I feel it doesn't fit. Maybe they want that constant feeling of unease or to not let you feel comfortable, making you think the character is always in danger. Not sure.