
When will people realized the Communism is the ultimate redpill?

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t. Soviet spy that got abandoned

>he isn't nazbol

It's true.

Help me get home.

Communism is just the shitty religion of atheist liberal arts majors with a god complex.

The ultimate red pill is anarcho-syndicalism.

not communism, that's so last year, it's marxism
and neo-marxism

what we have isn't just dialectic of the material but the dialectic of the non-dialectic, or rather the synthetic religion of post 1848

marxian mechanics of capital accumulation can explain our social discontent better than the freudian complexes, such as the desire-production and so on

by being communistic in the modern term isn't come political proposal but a psychological one where you try to de-fascify your own desire and so on



Based Wobblies have it right.
>The Russian Nationalist meme


All ideology, political or otherwise, are simply promises made by a couple of idealistic bourgeoisie to push an agenda that ultimately only serves themselves.

We're all doomed to suffer and die on this shithole of a planet and nothing that is ever said or done will change that.

>modern men face economic hardship
>they turn to fascism instead of communism
is the red terror over lads?

>nothing that is ever said or done will change that
ideology does
it gives you the impetus, of course you can have it and then do nothing, everyone have that freedom

VR will do.

Facism is capitalism in crisis This

>what is history

um no sweetie x

>it gives you the impetus

To fail, and ultimately make things only marginally better for people who are just going to live shit lives anyway.

a few simple questions

-how does a society with no State (the goal of communism) work? does a rapist go to jail? who decides how many years? who is the judge? who builds the jail? who feeds him?
how do you build a hydroelectric dam? who decides what gets built? how does someone get a universally recognized engineering degree?

-also, if Marx was wrong about communist revolutions happening in first world developed countries (they happened in poor places), and also about the importance of workers (fewer people work in factories every year and robots will only make things worse, think of the future of truck and taxi drivers with self driving cars) couldnt he be completely wrong?

is the working wage cuck class nowadays more important than self employed people like odontologists, vets, plumbers or hairdressers?

Yeah as I said fascism is capitalism in crisis. An example of this is germoney

>Not bourgeoisie

then you don't know the power ideology have over people

so you have campaigns and volunteers and so forth, they can only get them if they feel something positive in that direction, and that is why they believe their worst enemy is not the opposing party but the people who don't vote and so on

a totalitarian freedom

>Bourgeoisie even though it wants to get rid of classes.

marx did not own any labor even his own
he is more proletariat than the poorest proletariat

Marxism is good at ruining things. Haven't seen much good come of it.

you would live in a very perverse world without the ideological battles they had
nothing short of biological machines

All third world revolutions have becone state capitalist
You need capitalism before socialism

>then you don't know the power ideology have over people
I do know how powerful it is, and also how destructive it is. Ideology is used to justify atrocities far more than it's used to make the world better for others.

>they can only get them if they feel something positive in that direction

That's the thing, they 'feel' positive, they rarely actually commit to performing positive acts. Humans are mentally fragile, we would breakdown if we choose to understand just how futile our efforts to better society are on a macro level. That's why we absorb ourselves into petty, everyday things. To distract our thoughts from thinking about the death and suffering that goes on all around us.

>kids in Western countries think they know anything about communism

>USSR and puppet states

Marx had a PHD and was friends with Engels, who was undoubtedly bourgeoisie. Your average laborer who suffers day in and day out and is mentally and physically exhausted did not have the luxury to think up things like Class struggle or labor theory of value.
>marx did not own any labor even his own
Marx had many, many advantages in life just by being born in the place he had been and to the parents he had.

>it wasn't real communism

Here we go

But he didn't exploit others labour..

fine then think about death
but it will reel you in one way or the other
even consumption is ideology
there is no way to take yourself out of it, only recognize it for what it does

because our "default" value into the lives we are born to is not neutral, expectation and demands are placed unto us yet our history supposes that we are rational individuals with choices, these ideas conflict with each other and you get a conflict of the self and so on

that is a ridiculous oversimplification and I find it unbelievable that communists are still repeating it to this day
marx gets away with it because he didn't live through the 20th century, but you people?

Nazis and commies should be shot on spot, no exceptions.

schools and universities like to teach communism like its some magical system where everyone gets free shit depending on how hard they work
if you actually meet one of these marxists its very quickly evident they have zero idea how communism works in reality


Secondhand, he did, whether he liked it or not. He even admits this in Das Kapital.

>wage labour and a profit based society
Are you retarded? No one does that

lets not forget the workers didn't own the MoP.


The ultimate redpill isn't Communism or Capitalism; it's Pluralism, as suggested by Isaiah Berlin.

he actively pursued anarchism in the countries he lived, if he was advantageous he threw them away to get in trouble to spite those advantages

its how I've seen it taught, why would anyone unironically support communism if they taught how it actually works?
>most people will starve
>you will live in a slum
>no freedom
woo sounds like the political ideology for me!

>these ideas conflict with each other and you get a conflict of the self and so on
Exactly, how can we expect to resolve conflicts in society when we can't even resolve conflicts in ourselves is my question.
Enlighten me. My interest is peaked.

>most people will starve
But no one did after collectivizatio in the USSR
>you will live in a slum
The opposite in fact
>No freedom
>What is libertarian leftism e.g. communalism, anarchist, libertarisn marxism etc

>wage labour

Yeah, we pretended to work and the state pretended to pay us

>profit based society

But there was no profit possible

>workers didn't own the MoP.

Who did then?

we keep pushing
or give up

that's why modern physics personality hate philosophy

go ahead and give an example of this marvelous communism working in real life

>no profit possible
Oh no...
>Who did then
The state
>We pretended to work and the state pretended to pay us
Ah so you don't even know what wage labour means yet you criticize communism...

Pluralism is the political concept, that allows for more political concepts.

It means there is no one right way (Communism, Fascism, Capitalism), but instead allows for argument and debate. Otherwise, the political concept will ultimately fail.


what is this thread doing on Sup Forums? get the fuck off to Sup Forums.

i'm not a commie but the paris commune was ok, yugoslavia was pretty alright too until the later days.

Sup Forums is the politically incorrect board

communism is politically correct

>until the later days
Think you mean when the US peacefully funded nationalist rebels :^) because the bourgeoise fear communism

The ultimate redpill is Royalism, tho. Absolute Monarchy, to be more precise.

>communism politically correct
Are you retarded? Although it's more accepted than nazism

>The state

The state was the party and the party was the people. Of course, in practise NOBODY owned those factories and MoP, that's why they were in such shit conditions.

>criticize communism

Because I live in a country previously run by communists.

go move to north korea or Venezuela if you love communism so much

Until you have a bad king and you end up having to behead him.


that ended in 1793

Yea, this happens, sometimes...


>USSR puppet
Have you ever studied how the USSR was economically?
>The party
Not the people as it wasn't democratic
kek Venezula only did badly because chavez was stupid by depending on oil.
Just stop

The only rational thing in my mind is to give up, especially since society only seems to push back harder when we try to change it remotely, since there are almost just as many individuals who protect the status quo as those who seek to change it.

In this atmosphere of demoralization, it makes little sense to keep fighting for ideology when I haven't even figured out how to make the most of my own life in the current system.

I don't know about you, but it seems utterly insane to me to throw my life away like that.

*blows you a kiss* (Not in a gay way)
Vive la commune

literally said i'm not a commie you twat. i was just answering your question.

See, that makes sense. It doesn't just simplify things down to "Capitalism bad" or "Communism is impossible".


Top kek. How else can you institute communism without totalitarianism.

Are you violating the NAP? Don't blow kisses.

communism is great mate why would you need a totalitarian government

Fascism is the finalpill

you cannot de-ideology yourself
every desire every want, even biological needs like hunger and thirst has an ideological motive

you can only close your eyes

Those are simplistic ideologies tho no? Ones that all life must fulfill in order to simply stay alive as a biological imperative.

Why do we as humans choose to fight and kill and strive for abstract ideologies that only serve to push an agenda that benefits the sensibilities of a few?

Because smart people will oppose communism.

no, not staying alive, not from us as our choices but the choices we make, say a can of beans versus a can of peas and they are far from simple, to the primitive man it doesn't matter, food is food but for us it does we like one more than the other
something something brown stuff is worse than yellow stuff or what not

we become the desire-machine our whole existence is the production of desire

even if we don't go so far we give esoteric reasons for simple thing, our rationality is psychotic

so with the ideological motives one answer is that it satisfies our desire, something we have learned to accept as "organs" of the desiring-machine-world, or in a non-deleuzian term, it gives us individuality

what about einstein?

smart people will oppose the subjugation of their rights

>didn't even study economics

>Board has an incredibly high rate of /r9k/ posting, posts about depression, suicide, homosexuality, obsession with "traps"

>Board also happens to have a very high percentage of Communists and other leftists

Gee I wonder if these are related lol

t. commune of france

no, i don't post about /r9k/ stuff and always about leftist stuff

i have good grounds that /r9k/ stuff and alt-right stuff are done by the same people

of course they are

people on the fringes of society are more far more likely to spend their free time searching for alternatives to the status quo

It's called sour grapes

>Communism is the ultimate redpill

for all the so-called "progress", I know prehistoric men could build themselves a home to shelter their children.

though I dream of it, I'll never be able to afford a house (to own) or children.

But TV will rant 365/7 about the wonders of capitalism and liberty.
Crap media was funny though the other day, they interview a woman about Macron,
>I'm 55, I've been fired. In itw they say I'm too old. Most companies in the region have closed. And I ain't no gonna launch a startup (reference to the Macron rants about entrepreneurship) ... I make only 500€ a month, what bank would land me money.

It very much is. Communists are usually extremely cynical in ways that are unpleasant for most outsiders to hear. It's why it doesn't have much appeal for older, career oriented adults, but plenty of appeal for younger college students who have the time to reflect on how shit the world is.

>people want a better life under a more equal system
this is a bad thing?

>people are envious motherfuckers

Want a better life? Go and build one.

Nothing guarantees that it will be more equal, it only promises equality.

It also doesn't guarantee their happiness or emotional stability. You see even nowadays in advanced capitalist countries that people are killing themselves via drugs, obesity, and alcohol even if they aren't starving to death.

Yes. I don't want poor lazy minorities getting any benefits from the money taken from me by the government.

If they want a better life they can fuck off to a different land


i want a better life where i, and everyone i care about, am not being exploited and i am not exploiting anyone myself

pretty much impossible under capitalism

i don't disagree with anything you've said


shit i thought i was on /leftypol/ for a second

how'd this thread end up here

part of the secret /leftypol/ shilling raids mate

selfish prick.
There's no such thing as "self-made man", but I'm sure you're one.
You were born in the gutter, but you belived in the pursuit of happiness, that's how you made it or are making it.

Fucking myth.

>Ten trains of "losers" for one Rockefeller.

they know their time is almost over so they're trying to flail about whilst they can.

pretty sad imo.

time lag.
Middle of the night here.
I start work at 2pm, for the nice wage of 0€/month.