Who is actually voting for hillary?

I've never seen a Hillary supporter in real life. Never even heard of one.

Niggers, boomers, and hispanics.


Black people and foreigners.

NJ here. Essex county is speaks for the entire goddamn state and they're all Hilldogs.

.>mfw my family are voting hillary because I shit you not, "She's a clinton"
>This is the reasoning behind her entire vote

All women

>I've never seen a Hillary supporter in real life. Never even heard of one.
I haven't either. The only presidential candidate that seems popular irl is Bernie Sanders. I see support for him fucking EVERYWHERE.
I also saw a bumper sticker that says "Please, God, not Hillary". And I saw graffitti that said "Dump Trump". But other than that the only stuff I see is pro-Bernie stuff.
>.>mfw my family are voting hillary because I shit you not, "She's a clinton"
Do people even like Bill Clinton?

My mom and grandma are voting for Trump


i am hispanic , never none of my friends and famly over there say they vote for shillary , user you may be up to someting.