Wake up

>wake up
>see this

wat do?

Tell the bitch I wanted a psp

>youre getting your dick sucked, kid

>tfw shadowbanned

i masturbated to this scene so much

Ask for a knife and fork. I'm not going to eat chocolate cake like a fucking ape

>pedophilia is okay when the adult is a woman

when will this meme end

I can't remember the last time I had a dream this nice.

what movie is this

Faggot detected

It literally is unless you're gay

are you gay user?

>Mint condition ted williams card
>pressed against her ass


>Men and women don't mentally process things different at a chemical level meme

Blast in my pyjamas


show called picket fences, season 1 ep 14

Call the FBI, because apparently I'm an 11 year old boy being seduced by a naked woman who assured me my parents can't hear us.

The ass sweat serves as a natural protective jacket for the cardboard.

GOL (groan out loud)

>doesn't have sex 6 times in a row that night
Unrealistic virgin movie standards

That was pretty dumb, Jack.

what the fuck do you need a knife for you fucking retard have you never eaten cake before?

>>youre getting your dick sucked, kid
Classic Kay

why, out of all the absurd 80's pornos, is this movie so well known?

How is that baseball card even close to mint when she just pulled it out of her ass?

It's NM at best, with probably corner creasing and bending due to being used as anal floss

It's mint because it just came out of a smoking hot brunettes ass

>... when the adult is an attractive woman.


Incest kino before incest was even a kino

but she poops from there

fuck her pusy!!

that video game console is 20 years out of date, the cake is probably shit, cake technology has progressed a lot in recent years

>he doesnt still have his game boy from when he was a kid

user pls

>high cut

>implying he was even born when Game Boy was around

I still can't believe they got away with this then. I always think what would happen if the roles were reversed.

I think people would have lost their shit, even back then.


>I always think what would happen if the roles were reversed.
Do you also update your tumblr about the mental horror of living in an unequal world where men and women are different? You should, that sounds very triggering and I am sorry you had to go through that.

Tired of you SJWs crying about hot women doing hot things. They're all children mentally anyways if you paid an ounce of attention to hey they act in public compared to men.

Throw the cake out for being chocolate and choose her and the Game Boy.

>Throw the cake out for being chocolate
Delete this

Whoa, whoa, I think we're off base here. I grew up loving this episode.

I'm just saying it's a double standard women force on people. I would have killed to be the kid from Eerie Indiana withave Lauren Holly at that point in time.

I know


I wonder if he really got to see her tits or if Lauren Holly had something covering her nipples.

I feel you, senpai, but I for one am just sick of victim culture crybabies pretending they are so victimized by the trope of sexy milfs rocking young boys' worlds because it is my fetish. I get it, you don't like feminism and think this is some weak political chink in the armor to wail about the double standard. I hate feminism too. But quite pretending such situations aren't "Nice!" as hell and you didn't dream of it happening to you when you were that age.

Leave the /ss/ milfs out this political battle! They did nothing wrong.

Except most women fucking kids are 50, ugly and fat as fuck and they literally manipulate the kid into keep doing it and not telling

If she had pasties on that's kinda hotter than without 'em.

Agreed, I was just talking about this scene the other day with a friend. He had never seen Picket Fences, and I showed him that part.

We were discussing how there's no way in hell that would fly in today's climate, and especially if you flipped the genders. Even back then.

Which is ridiculous, because surprise, surprise, you think and dream about that kind of stuff when you're growing up. I know I did.

That's why people lose their minds over the sex scene in IT.

This user gets it.

Literally a website dedicated to hot milf pedos

I mean, that's hot and all, but I'll take nips over pasties any day.

I don't get how one can be immersed among the Loser's Club over 30 fucking hours of reading and still not understand that scene.

Yep, and girls dream of that as well. Sure if you swapped my wife when she was 13 with Peyton Manning offering cake and himself, she would of gladly agreed.

but heaven forbid we talk that kids hitting that age suddenly have sexual thoughts.


Well... you're not incorrect.

I'd go to town on that mouth tbqh

Yep, it was an act of love, and as King puts it, something connecting childhood to adulthood.

Like the connecting glass between the children's Library and the adult that Ben was always looking at, and eventually based his Skyscraper on.

You know, THAT won't make the new film.

Excactly. Sally even talks about it in When Harry Met Sally.

A faceless man rips off all her clothes, and that's the sex dream she's been having since she was 12.

Again though, that kind of dialogue wouldn't fly today.

Mary Kay would get it.

Forgot about that part of Harry met Sally.

Also, i think the faceless man is a common sexual theme for women sexual fantasies.


I thought she was redheaded.

The hell is this from?

>Peyton Manning

>When Harry Met Sally

A man wrote that script, dumbass

Eerie Indiana.

>that kind of dialogue wouldn't fly today.
I wish this maymay would die already.

I like korean girls!! oh yhea korean Paddock girled are fucking hot. kgirls100.blogspot.com

Um, who is Nora Ephron you fucking jack ass.

>dat high cut


It's true though.

>pedophilia is justified because of my bro science

the reason we don't allow it has nothing to do with "wanting it" or "processing it on a chemical level" or whatever bullshit you spout. It's to ensure that the kids that can't handle it don't get manipulated into doing something because adults are seen as authority figures which creates a power imbalance. Those rules are not in place to protect those who are mature enough to make those decisions, they are in place to protect those who can't.

It's absolutely not, you retard.

what was the name of this video

just google it, you fucking shit cunt

Private Tutor, was it? The actress is Kay Parker though.



>in my mom' and dad's bedroom!

>Why are we green texting her last name

Seriously, what is this from?


>Sure thing, friendo


Believe it or not, there was a time when even if the roles were reversed it would not have been a very big deal. It used to be customary for older men to write playful "love letters" to young girls, Mark Twain himself wrote one to a friend's daughter. It was just seen as a cute way to boost a girl's self-esteem.

I literally just woke up and watched that webm, now I have a boner.

I know around that time for sure. I remember watching an ep of The Twilight Zone where a woman can't remember what happened the night her father(?)is murdered other than vague shadows and shouting.

A man comes to her new apt and talks with her. Tells her he had a crush on her back then, which at the time, she was about 11. Said it pretty matter of factly and she just smiled.

I was pretty shocked.


I haven't seen this since the Kazaa days.

What's the name, seems to be known around here?

It was a shitty scene in the book. I understand it, it is still shit.

I'd bang her. I know what I was like at that age, and it wouldn't have scarred me.

>go to bed
>see this

wat do?

>look into the eyes of satan

this phrase resonated to me up until this very day. truly a masterpiece

Lucky gay bastard.

Yes, girls grow up faster so its more okay to fuck them than little boys.

To cut a slice you filthy swine. Were you just going to sit and eat the whole cake with the fork in one sitting?


I would eat this cake from her body like a filthy animal

>he didn't make sweet love to a tomboy in the sewers with his 5 bros, your childhood sucked

>a reaction gif from 80s Aykroyd/Candy comedy The Great Outdoors

I think I've literally seen everything now.

A great fucking movie, my friend.
