I have a test tomorrow, and i haven't study anything... shit. Any advice?

I have a test tomorrow, and i haven't study anything... shit. Any advice?

What is it on?


Just leave it to luck and fuck it
I need to finish 40 linear algebra exercises for Tuesday, have exam that day
I don't want to do anything anymore

Call in a bomb threat

Study maybe?

Maybe, but i need coffe

Then brew some coffee and get started

Thank you canabro, now i see why you're first world.

We are indeed the best

Put yourself in a hyped up state of panicked and memorise as much as you can in a short period of time. Chanting to yourself out loud as you walk around frantically.

Then make sure you get some good sleep.

I send you nice culos jap

Don't listen to the guy who recommended coffee.

Ingesting caffeine up to 5 hours before you sleep ruins your REM sleep.

I know that feel. But this is where the grind really counts.

Revise what is likely to come up and go fucking hard. Pray. I will pray for you.

Give your vagina to your teacher or professor

this too

im a man

Those fucking moon boots, man.

Thank God im not a manlet

I am but would never do shit like that. It's painfully obvious.

you are not an actor/media personality

There are plenty of actors his height and shorter who don't act as cringe worthy as Downy does. Basically he and Cruise are known for being completely retarded about their height.