Thanks for the laughs Sup Forums. I'm 36 panadol and I'm gonna finish the box. cheers for the memories

thanks for the laughs Sup Forums. I'm 36 panadol and I'm gonna finish the box. cheers for the memories.

So long, faggot! Enjoy the nothingness.

Make sure to shit first so it won't smell as bad when they find you

already did

▲ ▲

36 panadol won't kill you. it'll just make you sick and slowly cause organ damage.

you are a fucking retard.

Alright well have a good one mate.

192 will though XD

You'll puke them up... and be left with

lol Tylenol shuts your liver and kidneys down. it doesn't kill you in mins or hours but over days... lol you're about to be in serious agony up until your blood toxifies too much.


Do you even internet?
You fail at failing.

Helium Tank/CPAP MASK Master Race reporting.

what a shit drug to od on lmao

go get help fast.

Call emergency services, mate.

Get the immediate intervention you need, then link in to ongoing psychological and psychiatric treatment.

I truly wish you the best and take my advice.

Much love from a psychologist.


more like xd



Go eat something, bust a nut and sleep. Comrade you can do alota things in life, of course you might not get to experience normie life lame and fake bullshit. But a fucking life. No shit, if you're really in such pain and misery, and got no hope and shit, even after lowering your bars, then do it.

And just letting you know life is shit for everyone not just you. even 16 yo elite white bitches/fags whom even very god/goddesses envy. and so called celebrities with millions-billions, name-fame you name it. Life's a worthless, endless and pointless cycle of misery and despair.

does this really have t be the end, OP?
we all going to die someday anyway so you might as well keep going

This pic is gay af but it gets the point across

youre not gonna die
you have to crush them or youll throw them up
get help dying sucks, not being able to OD sucks harder because then youre reminded that people actually do care about you and it makes it harder to do it again


Care to paypal some spare bucks?

Could you buy me a laptop, an xbox, and few pizzas before you die man?

get a job