>tfw completely dead inside.
Give some movies for this feel.
Not even shitposting.
Tfw completely dead inside
Other urls found in this thread:
The Apostle with R. Duvall.
The Act of Seeing With One's Own Eyes
What happened man?
>inb4 it's about cunts
Please don't be that type of faggot
Leon the Professional
Children of Men
Mad Max Fury Road
Master and Commander Far Side of the World
Looks like that movie where the chinks try and help the niggers with infrastructure
Do you want to counter act that feel and get some pep back in your step or do you want to exacerbate the feeling while going THAT'S LITERALLY ME at the screen?
Don't you mean the movie where the chinks try to exploit africa on the large scale and africans exploit their presence on the small scale, resulting in china spinning it's wheels and africa keeping most of it's natural resources?
Everything has to get worse before it can get better.
Besides, when you're dead inside, depictions of happiness feel fake.
some nice spinwork you got there, nigger.
Just watch some WKW.
What's his end game?
... Oh I'm sorry, did I trigger you by not directly referring to "small scale exploitation" as "petty theft" and "clock milking?"
Or is it you just can't understand any sort of issue that takes longer than a single sentence to describe?
I just want to go back 5-7 years in time to when things were better. Although often I feel like the best thing for me would be to just die.
Nah man, he just here to maek fun a niggers, mayne. Why you gotta be a spoilsport?
Eh, I get more dopamine out of being right than feeling better by pretending I'm superior to other people.
But if I can do both at the same time, bonus.
Full Metal Jacket
Beasts of No Nation
5-7 tears sounds about right.
Watch synedoche new york OP its a little artsy but it has some great scenes in it.
The funny thing about that film was that the Chinese were cheap and unorganized fucks too. It was amusing watching some sub-humans be patronizing to other sub-humans.
Woman in the Dunes.
If you have taste and you haven't seen it, that is.