I need a lot of help, Sup Forums. I did something completely idiotic and fell for the Skype nude call scam...

I need a lot of help, Sup Forums. I did something completely idiotic and fell for the Skype nude call scam, and this chick has been blackmailing me for two weeks. My bank account is in the red and she's pushing for more. What the fuck do I do?

Pic unrelated


Deal with the consequences, better a finite punishment than an indefinite one, could also try to have her killed.

What is it? She has your dick pics???
If so, is your face in it?
Also do you know her personally

No, OP is a retard and didn't think in the time of being blackmailed if his face was shown

Tell her that you going to report her to the police.

U dumbsheit it will learn you stop being a such fag
falling in a trap that is as old as the pharaohs

OP, you should have known that you should never put nudes on the internet with a face attached unless you are ok with people knowing about it. I camwhore myself sometimes but I always wear a mask. This is internet 101 my man. But you can't keep paying this person. In all likelyhood, even if she leaks the nudes on the internet, no one you know will ever see them.

Man, this is just like that Black Mirror episode, really sucks OP, but you should have been more smart. Best I can suggest is that you contact authorities, they can't do much, but if they track her down they can fuck her shit up for scamming people.

show her a picture of your bank account.

>Dude I don't have anymore money and I have bigger problems than worrying about people seeing me naked, you've drained me. Do what you must. I literally have no options.

Then just stop responding to her forever.

If this person used a fake video or pictures to get you, you can report it to the police. it's highly illegal to pretend to be someone else to solicit sexual pictures. Also, blackmail is also really illegal, so I don't know why you didn't immediately go to the police.

Yeah this could work. If she knows OP has no money then there is no need to pursue him, she'll just go to another victim.

especially if he doesn't reply to her.


(no response)

no fear no power, she'll gain nothing out of showing it and move on.

just never reply, OP.

I don't get why you care. So some nigger has your nudes and he is probably gonna send em to friends and family. They won't care. So whats the big deal?

Same shit happened to me, only I wasn't a retard and I didn't give the bitch any fuckin money. Told her to post my shit online cause I wasn't going to give her a cent and then blocked all communication. For all I know there's a video of me jacking off floating around the internet, but at least I didn't lose any money.

Just show everyone you dick and get it out of the way. Now what, bitch?

You prob have a nice dick go for it

Holy fucking shit OP it must really suck to be you. Your life is basically over, she will release the vid once she realises you have no money left so then you will just be broke and exposed. You should have just accepted it from the start and let her do it without paying her.

Revenge catfish them

This. The internet is vast OP. Does this woman know any of your contacts? Otherwise, it is a tiny chance that this will ever affect you.

Say you have no money, then block all communications and live life as if nothing happened. Chances are this won't affect you.

Let ""her""expose it. It's most probably a guy. Now tell me, who will care about your case when a guy pretended to be a girl to see your dick? That's gay as fuck.

2. Go to the police, it can have 2 results.

1. They laugh at you, and put your case to the other "important" ones.
2. You win.

You have literaly nothing to lose.

You should have known better. Just stop sending her money.

Block communication.
Change banks.
Transfer money.
Problem solved.

Your dick was in the internet as soon as the Skype call started.
If she knows your friends and family, fuck it. Let her blackmail you all she wants. If she sends it to them, deal with the consequences. But don't let that bitch fuck with your money anymore.

You did this. Own up to it and safeguard your finances.

report to police you can't get your money back but if you have evidence she can be jailed

Shit OP you post all "her" info here and let the army of anonymous take care of it.

>the army of anonymous
you mean your asshole


Yeah we got Dis

No. I meant you, asshole.

>the army of anonymous
How can you be so fucking new


even if this is true they would still send it anyway well that's what I would do in their situation. That would be a true life lesson a fuckin harsh one at that.

I am not new.I knew there would be short dicked fucks like you who care nothing for justice. But a few of the oldfags are still around. Now GTFO! Or Tits and time stamp. Fuck is summer over yet?

PSA: If a bitch asks for a cock-o-gram just snag on e of the billions from the rate my cock threads on b

fucking hell this is perfect

4/10 made me reply

Pls stop trying to fit in, you can relax here user

There's a million dick pics on the internet. No one is going to give a shit about yours. Go to the police, maybe they can use whatever method you're using you pay her to bust her ass.

I am all "10" bitch. I could give a fuck less about you 12 year olds.

If I was trying to "fit" in I would have called someone autistic or used "kek" or "lel" ... Nope I am oldfag supremo.

Parrot Guy since 2007 bite me ya newfags.

Only Snacks has more fame then I.


Guys is that the hacker known as Sup Forums?

No one is known as Sup Forums it is a site or a place. There are many hackers none particularly famous? Man I miss ID's and Moot.


Kys, then she cant get no more money you dumb cunt

What's the matter user can't type your own insults? Have to rely on a shitty image not even meme worthy? Try harder.
Her use one of mine:
If laughter is the best medicine, your face must be curing the world.

Im bored, I have a bat and a ski mask. where does she live. I haven't done racketeering work in a while

THIS! Post your nudes OP, first report her to the police, don't tell her but report her. Then leak your nudes


anyone actually replying to this bait
> you're a guy, no one cares
> congratulations, she has proof you have a dick!
what is the issue exactly user?

he must be using incognito mode

an australian shitpost?

OP you should know not to negotiate with terrorists
Just post what info you have and maybe a nice user will dox her