Which of these are the godtier ethnic groups?
Which of these are the godtier ethnic groups?
Easton Baker
Gavin Russell
John Murphy
I've said this before. The Israeli cutie all the way
Ethan Anderson
the fact that these are neither in alphabetical or geographical order really pisses me off
Ian Diaz
Can any Romainians confirm their grills are that cute?
Grayson King
The Swede and German ones are almost identical. Germany is like a darker shade of of Sweden.
1. sweden
2. germany
3. italy
Colton Cook
I like the swede
Lincoln Edwards
France, Czech (pic related) and Sweden.
Caleb Nguyen
I want to marry the Hungarian so she can make me rantott hus everyday
Oliver Rogers
Who cares? Its not like you can change your ethnicity so why bother worrying about it?