What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
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Hilary has Parkinson's.
DESU i thought he was done with the political crybaby bullshit. His last special I heard seemed to have NONE of it and I thought "man, I guess Patton grew up! Great! Now I can enjoy 100% of his material!"
Then i saw him live and he went on for like 30 minutes about needing a woman president.
Pretty sure she's been dead at least a week and they're just Weekend at Bernie's ing her.
>That reply
jesus that reply was fucking brutal :/
He deserves it
fucking meme ""geek culture"""
Who the fuck is this guy? I only know him as a minor character from King of Queens.
Like why does every fucking tweet he makes about news events get endlessly repeated? Who the fuck is this guy?
Like are we so bereft of real experts nowadays that we look for the white chubby guy in a sitcom that's not Kevin James for audience?
Jesus fucking Christ I hate pop culture even more now.
>tfw no Ja Rule to help me make sense of 9/11
At least Kanye was there to offer his insight when Katrina hit
Fuck off you weak faggot
>At least Kanye was there to offer his insight when Katrina hit
Still doesn't answer my question, but at least I feel better now.
I really don't recall so many celebrities being as politically outspoken in the last election or the one before that. Am I mistaken? It seems like American pop culture has become significantly more politically charged in the last few years.
>Like are we so bereft of real experts nowadays that we look for the white chubby guy in a sitcom that's not Kevin James for audience?
It's not that we lack real experts
It's that people are just fucking retarded sheep
>I really don't recall so many celebrities being as politically outspoken in the last election or the one before that
were you twelve at the last two elections? there was a huge obamamania ffs
Illness is Vitality
Border Control is Racism
Diversity is Strength
You're either underage and this is your first election or you just live under a rock, because pop culture is always politically charged in election years.
The six umbrella corporations that control all popular American media are all run by liberal extremist Jews. If you don't constantly suck liberal dick and regurgitate the accepted opinion, you will not get very far as an entertainer.
gtfo underage faggot
Maybe it's because I just started paying attention to social media in like the last two years. I've never watched a lot television either.
Alright you got my reply
>I don't remember
Maybe because you're an underage faggot?
Obama was shilled so fucking hard by celebrities, more so than Hillary by my recounting. 2012 election year especially.
Fuck off cunt
Wait, is Patton Oswalt that beta cuck that attacks people if they didn't want to see ghostbusters?
I thought this guy was a comedian.
Why does this fat fuck not realise he's setting himself up perfectly for heckling like this?
>"I could stay off Twitter for a while and mourn my dead wife.....nah I better complain that this random guy isn't interested in watching a politicised movie about ghosts. What could go wrong?"
>"What could go wrong?"
More like "what could go right"
>Help help. I'm a widower and I'm being bullied online... by the way my next stand up shows at on the 18th, 19th, and the 21st. Tickets through Tickettek.
>Oh my god, can you believe that this unfeeling ass would accuse me of capitalizing on personal tragedy for fame and fourtune, I'm mourning you jackass... that means I'm immune from calling a spade a spade right?
>reddi/tv/r still spamming the epik reply he made
I was a fan of his comedy for a while then he got a little too lefty for me and I grew out of any form of "Geek culture". When his wife died I felt genuinely sorry for him. I've completely lost all sympathy for him. He deserves everything bad that happens to him
Why does he even try on twitter?
>posting your own tweet
>responder a
Patton Oswalt is the textbook definition of a liberal cuck actor.
Patton, bro. Hillary is dying dude
>Sup Forums
>Like are we so bereft of real experts nowadays that we look for the white chubby guy in a sitcom that's not Kevin James for audience?
No, it's that because of the internet and social media, every single person that has access to it now has a voice.
You got school tomorrow. Go to bed.
I cringe when actors/musicians discuss politics publicly. Stay in your lane
That's what he gets for sending a hate mob after James.
Isn't that completely immobilising?
Everyone I've ever seen with Pneumonia has been completely fucked, unable even to get out of bed
That's just how BADASS she is xD
Better his wife than him. She doesn't have to suffer seeing her husband be a total fag anymore
That guy is either retarded or underage, he should fuck off.
It's called denial
Why does Sup Forums feel the need to invade Sup Forums
What? No. I had pneumonia when I was 14. I had to get my ass to the doctors twice a day for a shot.
>television & film
what a madman
No. it's similar to the common cold with a fever