
Well, not even last night's storm could wake you. I heard them say we've reached /dixie/. I'm sure they'll let us go.

Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw southern vvardenfell is plantations ruled by dark elf aristocrats with catfolk and lizardfolk slaves

The Dunmer are definitely our TES counterparts, no question.
>connections to aristocratic lines and houses rather than the state

6th house>>> telvanni>>>redoran>>>hlaalu>>>>indoril=dres

Morrowind turned 15 years old today.

It is depressing as fuck.

>The Southern Agrarians were a group of twelve American writers, all with roots in the Southern United States, who joined together to write a pro-Southern agrarian manifesto



Why are human races so shit? Tarried is mer clay.


what the fuck was that thing anyway?

Fuck autocorrect. As soon as I sober up I'm turning this shit off.

daedra prince vivec fought

>loredump incoming


>CHIM allows you to do whatever you want
iirc CHIM could only be used when your entire being wanted something to be done


>CHIM allows you to do whatever you want
That's amaranth

Amaranth is becoming a new godhead, you don't have any power to influence your dream as a godhead

Still better than CHIM

Imagine being this butthurt lol

Never played morrowind before but I'm thinking about modding it and giving it a go

Should I read this?


r8 my Nerevarine /dixie/

Play the game first :^)
Read it when you get sent first to Vivec

>Not shit

Taazogaan belongs to dragonkind, mortal.

Read it anyway x

No you fucks. CHIM comes from a realization that the universe is all just part of a dream and that nothing is real, yet still asserting that you ARE a very real and unique person, and maintain your individuality in relation to the Aurbis as a whole. This allows you to essentially see reality from a different angle, and thus manipulate it in ways similar to a god.

Amaranth is becoming the godhead yourself, and thus recreating the universe in your own image.

If looking at your character doesn't give you a mild sense of confusion, then you need to go further

skywind when

Either we, as a people, will realize Hitler was right or we will cease to exist. There is no middle ground.

>said nothing about CHIM beyond performing actions as someone who has achieved CHIM
I think you might have a touch of the 'tism bud

Hitler was the worst thing to happen to Europe since the French Revolution

Hitler's defeat and the subsequent removal of all transcendent aspects from politics was. He fought two atheistic hegemons and lost but the black sun will rise again.

Really WWI and the October Revolution were when the West fell. WWII was just a last gasp of the gods.

Hitler was dumb. We were on the right side.

Hmm. What do we call the culture of the American dominated 21 century west if not western?

American culture isn't western

Also Fascism is modernist. Western society needs traditionalism.

Fighting against Hitler's (mainly Himmler) desire to purify the British and the French was not wrong but the fight for liberalism is only overshadowed in its corrosiveness by the fight for Communism


The traditional institutions are lost to time. Only a new order modeled in their glory can save us

It was good for maybe the first twenty years after WW2 when it was full of star-spangled patriots fighting communism

then we became geopolitical slaves to Saudi Arabia and multicultural shitheads


I wasn't even baiting, you're just stupid

But the West will not be saved, at least not anytime soon, the remainder of Faustian culture must be purged before the next high culture can emerge.

i love perverting spengler's ideas ngl

So did Spengler


he had a great voice


*tips fedora*


what is NOLA


New Orleans, Louisiana

How come liberals' attacks on Lee always wind up relying upon "b-but he's a traitor!" and "b-but he defended slavery!" even though it's been shown time and time again that a) the only people that considered him a traitor at the time were ultra-radical Republicans; and b) that he explicitly fought to defend his home from invasion.






Just got back from a ball game. Y'all do anything fun today?

I went shopping because my little brother wanted sushi ingrediants then after dinner I watched two of my younger brothers play battlefield 1

Good taste leaf

Did you get to have sushi?




I hate bethesda and I think they never made anything worth playing (truth be told, I never tried Arena or Fallout 4, but I doubt they're any better). Am I cool?

Hello, y'all

Mornin'. Or whatever it is there.

you have to seriously hate fun to not at least like pre-Skyrim Bethesda.

god dammit I hate this stuff

that's blatantly untrue though

Was good read, love me some Dagoth lore





Fallout 3 was ass and Oblivion had a bland "dude Europe lmao" setting

Oblivion was still fun tho

should have been pre-Fallout 3 Bethesda in my post, that's legitimately one of the worst games ever made.

what brought you over here lad?

>southern "people"

Yer folks should be sad they gave a birthday to such chicken shit such as yourself

Definitely not your women



>he doesn't understand the intricacies of the british class system and it's ablity to produce both top tier qts and orange bridge trolls


oh damn!

Good morning turkbro

That sure is a long way of writing "most are ugly, few are gorgeous"

But then again, you Brits really love to sugar coat shit.

Genocide them both...now!




good morning angel :^)

Are you feeling any better?

yes i have recovered thank you.
Now i need to finish my finals and i have a week left and i havent even started hahahahahaha ))))))))

I did my dissertation in just a few days, I'm sure you'll be fine

I have to do my Macro final in 30 minutes

i have been in worst scenarios as well, ı can manage probably most likely.
Thank you for the encouragment

You can do it user!

I'm not even sure if I have to do it because the syllabus says that he'll drop the lowest test and I already have an A. I don't know if he just copied that from another syllabus tho because some of the professors are known for doing that

it'll feel great when you're finally done with it and you'll wonder why you were ever worried

good luck