wtf I hate Sam now...
wtf I hate Sam now...
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Bullshit aside...all the alt-right cucks are a bunch of racists and nazi Sam's case he is literally a faggot trannylover, which says all you need to know about these '''''''''people'''''''''''.
>Nazis want world peace
What else is new?
what blockhead wrote this?
Don't get it twisted, Sam's a booty warrior
>being a nigger
the alt right is some bullshit Hillary Clinton made up to scare more people into voting for her
>guy literally has a BLACKED shirt on
people who calls cucks are literal cucks surprise surprise
Trump is already doing that...
Is that a mega 64 shirt?
(((Bernstein))), him again
I would wreck Sam's shit if I ever saw that pussy fagut irl I'd kick the stick legs right out from under that pathetic roid gut of his
Watching you whiny fat faggots shit up every thread for the past few months has assured me the alt right is definitely real. I now hope Shillary wins just to make you fat pussies cry and kill yourselves.
>Sam hyde found a comedy market and he took it and now he rolls in easy money
He's smarter then people make him out to be.
This dude studied journalism for five years and his most significant two articles are vengeful attempts to disparage a fucking sketch comedy show because one of its creators publicly humiliated him.
Is there any interpretation of these events that can make Joe Bernstein NOT look like a really big fucking loser?
Is there a youtube video of that scene with the original music?
cant his father, george mcdonald sue buzzfeed for slander?
Are /mlp/ austists still convinced they got one over on MDE?
Thank you for correcting the record. $0.05 has been deposited to your account!
>dat gold tooth
Yeah. The Mega64 guys are fans of his apparently. I guess it's relatively mutual.
> it's just a prank bro
>Copy paste reply that proves them right
You sure are helping.
remember when he e-begged his retarded fans to send him money and promised them t-shirts in exchange?
Have you gotten yours yet? I didn't think so lol
Sam is a scum sucking bottom dweller dude I don't know why you want to suck his dick so badly.
if it's a prank then give the money back Samwell
It was a Kickstarter that was cancelled before completion, all the money got automatically refunded. That's how Kickstarter works, you dweeb.
But that's the best part of the prank, he gets to keep it.
>all the money got automatically refunded.
you're an idiot dude lol
Leave and never come back
Was he autistic?
Alt right is just a term for all the edgy Sup Forums and stormfaggots shitting up Twitter with endless Nazi and trump themed Pepes. They definitely exist.
why would you just straight up lie about something that's so easy to confirm? They say on the fucking site that they don't offer refunds
Kickstarter campaigns don't get the money unless they're fully funded by their completion date, buddy.
No you're just retarded lol
...except that's not true at all
>shitting up twitter
well aren't you an oxymoron
yeah, no, you either got the wrong info or you're intentionally lying
Wrong. the alt right was coined by adult conservatives who didn't want to be associated with children who unironically identify with "national socialism"
this faggot kike is trying to get us to look at his shitty article
pastebin or die
>Every project creator sets their project's funding goal and deadline. If people like the project, they can pledge money to make it happen. If the project succeeds in reaching its funding goal, all backers' credit cards are charged when time expires. If the project falls short, no one is charged. Funding on Kickstarter is all-or-nothing.
and then this happened
That article is only talking about projects that are fully funded by their deadline but ultimately fail to follow through AFTER being funded, you idiot. The stupid pony dating sim thing was never funded by its deadline.
>Implying Hey Moon didn't turn out to be better in the end
And it did
>ultimately fail to follow through AFTER being funded
which was exactly Samwell's intention you fucking cockmuncher. why do you insist on defending him when this isn't even the first time he has tried to scam people?
Bullshit aside, the alt-right is the arch nemesis of the left and this amounts to nothing more than pushing their enemy under the rug as something not worth even debating. We're seeing here the development of censorship in America. It's not paranoic to consider that when it's voiced from the lips of Hillary herself. Opposition to progressive liberalism will soon become ethno-nationalist rhetoric, a.k.a nazism, fascism, racism, bigotry, homophobia, transphobia, sexism. All big no-nos. Taboo. Can't say that. Can't have that opinion. It's not even debatable. If you're guilty of the above you don't deserve an argument or a voice. This is what it's coming to and you can't deny that because people of your ilk already approach the debate from that angle.
you do realize that Sam only cut the project after being outed as a scam right? He fully intended to scam those niggers
Cop Killer is better because of the context of the skit.
You asked why he "doesn't give the money back." But there's no money to fucking give back because the credits cards of the people donated to Dark Skyes were never charged because it was never funded by its deadline. How fucking difficult is that to understand?
>Haven't visited /mlp/ in a while
That place had so much fun in the beginning
>it's a whining jew episode
Hey Moon had better cadence and added more feels in my opinion. It's not like the sketch was LITERALLY about a guy going to prison.
Oh so it was a failed scam? So Sam shouldn't be held accountable right? Can you suck his dick any harder bro?
Yeah, keep moving the goalposts, faggot.
>moving the goalposts
pretty sure I've been calling Samwell out for being a scam artist for this entire thread you fucking faggot, you're the one trying to patch it up by claiming "they didn't get any of the money tho!" even though Sam basically bragged to his retarded fanbase (you) that the whole thing was fake and he had no intention of going through with it. Sam got outed by a bunch of bronies. Does that upset you?
well isn't being against the left a freedom of expression?
Hey Moon had better cadence and added more feels in my opinion.
You're right.
>It's not like the sketch was LITERALLY about a guy going to prison.
It was, both literally and metaphorically.
No, what upsets me is that you were demonstrably wrong about Kickstarter's policies and now you're trying to argue with me about something irrelevant to that.
>irrelevant to that
kickstarters policies were irrelevant to the entire thread and my original post you cocksmoking negro. as if it clears him of guilt that Sam's little scheme blew up in his face. You're the one who brought the entire discussion off topic.
just a reminder: sam got outsmarted by a bunch of bronies but successfully scammed his own fans with fake t-shirt promises
god im getting tired of these people exaggerating everything with white supremacist and neonazi
>the meaning of the white supremacist character played by ryan gosling in the movie drive
and then they go on and on and on about how racist and make up connections to the kkk and hitler.
>It was, both literally and metaphorically.
Metaphorically it strongly points to being about people who don't want to face life's reralities, waste time, and then meet uninteded consequences and deep regret down the road.
That's the theme Sam talked about repeatedly in his YouTube vids and KSTV. It's sort of a Randian distaste for people that don't do anything with their lives and fuck around alot, and then say that "they've never got their big break and life was unfair."
>Give the money back, Sam!
>Actually he doesn't have any of the money because that's not how Kickstarter works
>No, you're wrong, he has the money
Dude, I was just trying to tell you the facts. I'm sorry you're still upset about a scam that happened two fucking years ago and didn't even work, but don't let that rage distort reality for you.
Stopped reading right there.
He's got an entire Facebook album dedicated to people taking selfies with their shirt, and publicly announced he regretted offering them because he finds them a pain to produce.
could you have a more jewish last name than this
>joseph bernstein
so this is the cucked little jewboi who called sam trying to get an interview then got verbally dismantled? i can see why hes so unbelievably butthurt and calling sammy a nazi
is this a joke? you yourself said he never intended for the project to be fully funded, which means he never intended to receive any money
suicide ASAP
It's funny how a song choice can literally change the meaning of the Skit lol
Unintentional kino at its finest
>This false narrative
can't make this shit up
Truly, a Jewish person having concerns about Nazism. What an absurd world we live in.
yeah yeah, deal with it fag
>Truly, a Jewish person having concerns about Nazism.
>w-why does this evil g-goy have his own b-b-bro-broadcast..?!
>strawmanning someone's eloquent, well-written article using your Sup Forums retard meme-speak is an argument
The alt right is the least intelligent political movement in the history of our species.
>the alt right
did this one fucking article brainwash you?
Wow weev is a fukken manlet lmfao
>le boogeyman label again
parrot more shit so i can laugh at you, little bird
To be fair Sam is like 6'8"
>Everyone making assumptions based on Sam Hyde and his political stance
>Sam has never said "I agree with the alt-right"
He could be dooping us all
It refers to the conservative version of social justice warriors currently spamming about their cuckold fetish in every part of the internet. They attempt to derail every thread on this site with their triggered, inbred Nazi sensibilities, so I don't know what denying their existence does for you. If anything it just reinforces how brutally unintelligent you are, since you're currently, at this very moment, surrounded by these people.
Fuck off Hillary, you have some cartoon frogs to yell at again
The first post was a triggered liberal derailing this thread. I think you've got your facts a bit messed up there buddy.
>they're nazis!
>they're cucks!
good bird
>using the term alt-right has actually picked up traction
>it is going to become a mainstream thing
ffs how embarassing
Alt right is just neo nazism dressed up for people who are too cowardly to call themselves nazis and edgy teens who think they are just the coolest people for rebelling against their parents. Unironically kill yourself please.
As far as I know it's people like you who derail every thread
>It refers to the conservative version of social justice warriors currently spamming about their cuckold fetish in every part of the internet. They attempt to derail every thread on this site with their triggered, inbred Nazi sensibilities, so I don't know what denying their existence does for you. If anything it just reinforces how brutally unintelligent you are, since you're currently, at this very moment, surrounded by these people
We called these people 'trolls' and 'internet hate machine' up until last week when mainstream media outlets starting calling them the alt-right
i really dont think youve been coming to this website for any longer than 6 months, which is a shame because people like yourself ruined this place
all you people itt need to fuck off and watch this
Just like social justice warriors. If anything it's truly embarrassing that it took people this long to figure out that SJWs on the left have an exact analogue on the right. People largely and truly are depressingly dumb and depressingly slow.
With any luck, the social ostracization of both left wing and right wing brainwashed extremists who eschew logic and debate in favor of primitive propaganda tools will take place simultaneously. They really are all the same people after all, just raised in different households -- the determining factor in whether they are later found screeching about the patriarchy or the jews once their parents give them internet access.
They were trolls 10 years ago, now they're serious. You're not even half as smart as you think you are.
>Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company.
This is a summary of how Sup Forums became easily the dumbest forum on the internet.
>Implying racism and nazi worship is anything new on this board, let alone Sup Forums
People have been ranting about niggers and jews for years on this board, but now that the "alt-right" label exists, you faggots alone are gonna wear it out to the point where it means even less than it apparently does. In other words: fuck off, newfag.
Sup Forumsfaggots make bad things even worse. Just look at Sup Forums and every other board where Sup Forums regularly leaks.
christ that quote is overused by people who have nothing else to fall back on than "this is what you get for playing pretend, hah tards"
that you're posting on what you think is the dumbest "forum" on the internet and believe you're the smartest person in the thread is incredibly telling, you're playing pretend by imagining you're above it, and yet here you are, shitposting along with your good company ;^)
You have a low IQ and you aren't going to convince people superior to you in every single way with your broken English that your point of view is correct. Your thinking lacks appropriate nuance because you're an unintelligent, worthless waste of space like every single other person on that retard safe-space you need to go back to.
Fuck off, tourist.