Why is Panama a shithole?

Why is Panama a shithole?

They are American colony for years.

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Those slums are even better than favelas and villas, Calle 13 told mw that.



Looks the same third world crap, sorry.

>They are American colony for years.
So were the Philippines.

The point of Panama "colonization" was to dig a whole through mosquito-infested shithole to make travel faster.

well, turning countries into shitholes is a very american thing

So which of your shitholes was actually a "country" and made it a shithole?

*we made it

plan condor, read about it.

you made lefties martyrs, I will never forget that, american pig

lovely music!

Yes I know about that. But you didn't answer my question. Argentina's economy went down the shitter long before that. And why is Chile doing fine then.

It started as a shithole and we o ly really controlled the canal zone which was the only reason we were there. The Philippines was another utter shithole that the Spanish didn't build up besides where they lived. America was the one to do things like educate the population and build universities. Also their per capita GDP is higher than Costa Rica's.

i was there when you finaly gtfo off here
felt great t bh i personally spit on an amerishit's face and now we got this beauty for ourselves

Chile was a shithole they had nowhere to go but up, the military just happen to be in the right place at the right time, so they still like them.

Argentina on the other hand was fairly developed and during dictatorship all went yo shit, that's why they hate the military. Same happened in Uruguay.

>felt great desu i personally spit on an amerishit's face and now we got this beauty for ourselves
Uh-Oh it's the salty Panamanian nigger.

The only reason that exists is because of us finishing what the French started. Hell even upgrades after we left we're designed by American engineers.

lol false but okay

ok fair enough. i meant to say that in the early 20th century argentina literally ranked among top 10 economies in the world ahead of germany and france. and then somehow it all went down from there. and they also had like 5 or 6 military coups since then (inb4 the american backed was the most brutal, i know that)

The military junta nationalized the private debt, that fucked the country really hard for decades.

Imagine how much worse it would be without the Canal.

fuck you south americans. you should all be paying a tribute tax to america to help build trumps wall

Because they try to be Costa Rica, but they fail

>lol false but okay


>The first attempt to construct a canal through what was then Colombia's province of Panama began on 1 January 1881. The project was inspired by the diplomat Ferdinand de Lesseps, who was able to raise considerable finance in France as a result of the huge profits generated by his successful construction of the Suez Canal.[14] Although the Panama Canal would eventually have to be only 40% as long as the Suez Canal, the former would prove to be far more of an engineering challenge, due to the tropical rain forests, the climate, the need for canal locks, and the lack of any ancient route to follow.

How the fuck do you not know the history of your own country? Holy shit we should keep all of you sudaca niggers out of our country. You're clearly all sub-80 IQ

probably worse than subsaharan africa