The Neon Demon 2016 1080p BluRay x264-ALLiANCE

>The Neon Demon 2016 1080p BluRay x264-ALLiANCE

>The Neon Demon 2016 1080p BluRay x264-ALLiANCE

>The Neon Demon 2016 1080p BluRay x264-ALLiANCE

Are there any cool shots of the actresses feet?


I'm gonna need 1080p caps of Elle's lewd pussy slit asap

Will I get another DMCA from my internet provider for downloading it?

fucking finally

REMUX really makes a difference. You can see the true texture of the film.

only reason to watch this is a 2 hour screensaver, and even then it gets cheesy

>it gets cheesy

Do you even genre film?

lol enjoy your russian bitcoin miner idiot

OK, it was cheesy for me. Just my opinion

>A video file is a bitcoin miner

Slap yourself in the face right now.

will this come out in 4k bluray?

is the quality noticeably better than the 1080p web rip?

i'd tell you to slap your ass if you dealt in physical currencies, cuz you're getting straightup robbed with that ignorance son.

You're legitimately stupid. Go do some research on how viruses and miners work before you ever post again.

>says the guy too cheap to buy film so instead willingly installs bitcoin miners on his PC


>says the guy too cheap to buy film so instead willingly installs bitcoin miners on his PC

Never said I was downloading this, and again you are fucking retarded. Stop posting because your ignorance isn't funny, it's sad.

Just watched this movie tonight it was disappointing. You could practically see where the plot was going 10 minutes into the film.

How much Argento is in this?

>It's an autist predicts the plot so it's bad episode

I counted seven Argentos, six Tarkovsky, three Antonioni's and one Cecil Howard.

Okay even if you don't think the plot is boring the movie barely develops the characters.

>in b4 other autist argues it's style over substance

I'm not saying it's not a visually gorgeous film, but besides that it doesn't really have a leg to stand on. Even the "message" is rather trite

you realize a file format is just a container, and said container can contain a codec which is programmed to mine bitcoins on your pc right?

need me to spell it out any fucking further champ?


Whew pleb.

Please, go on about these widely used video codecs that are made to mine bitcoins. We at Sup Forums would like to add you to our list of dumb people copypasta.

Films don't always need character development, I don't know why you think that. There's not a message really, it's just a spooky horror/B-movie elevated to high fashion and aesthetics. The medium is the message, and it's a beautiful one.

>he watches films for pretty pictures

>let me pretend to be a Sup Forums user for authority

i literally MAIN Sup Forums. hopefully enough anons post good reaction pics, as id like some for when i screencap your retardation and tech illiteracy for Sup Forums to laugh at.

>i literally MAIN Sup Forums

Confirmed for Sup Forumseddit retard. Please keep going.

flick is garbage
pic related is the only good thing about it, tbqh

I heard there was real lolita shit in this movie.

you already got told. no need to discuss any further.

Keep going, you didn't do anything other than show yourself to be fucking retarded and keep bumping the thread. Thanks for the lulz views and (You)s.

Now to wait for the remux

Who's the ugly chick on the cover in the center?

What's remux?

Some A list actress that is way hotter than your shit waifu and has a much better future.

yes friend u heard rite

Basically what you get on a bluray disc in one MKV file. Can be anything from 25 to 38GB

>get schooled so hard you have to end the conversation
I'm dying

You literally have no fucking clue what you're talking about. Of course movies don't NEED character development, but when the concept of the film hinges on the idea of the main character being corrupted by her surroundings we need to see the change in her (besides a single scene where she ditches her guy friend.) Maybe I'm just getting older but I cannot believe how hard Sup Forums is shilling this below average garbo.

Not to mention the last scene of the film felt insanely forced, the dream like sequences lent little to the theme of the movie besides "oo look visuals"

I'm just curious, if you had to say what you "enjoyed" about the movie what would it be?

kinda weak movie, had it's moments though

I liked all the boobs and the vaginas and the blood and the necrophilia and real lolita shit mostly.

I haven't seen it by the way. Still best movie of the year.

What's the ugly woman's name then?

>Maybe I'm just getting older

Cringe af.

ur mum

confirmed there's one 12 year old bumping this thread.

This so much. Youre so old and wise now, it's cute!

I'd love to be twelve again. Porn is so easy these days. I used to have hide a Sears catalog or snipe a Fredericks of Hollywood. Hitting the goldmine of old playboys was a game changer and one of the best days of my life.

>Only one of them is me

Thanks for the (You). Bump.

I m impressed by the fact that people shit on this movie while defending cultural crime that was Only God Forgives.

One of the few fine movies from this sorry ass year.


why would that impress you? lol

also, Only God Forgives >>>>>> Neon Demon

Because things that people say are not good in this one are exagerated X 10 in OGF. I could not stand that film, found it increadibly obnoxious. This one however was solid 7 or 8.

already screencapped the thread, dumbfucks. there is no need to discuss the issue further, you were proven wrong within my very first post. enjoy the infamy of living on as tech illiterates through Sup Forums, you've brought a hilarious embarassment on your homeboard.

You are literally a human embodiment of cringe and if I ever see you on Sup Forums I will rape your fucking face.

keep going, it's hilarious to see someone so stupid.

Thanks for the bump.

thanks for the laugh

Thanks for the bump. Made a thread about you on Sup Forums by the way, got about twelve posts of people laughing at you before it got deleted.

>I MAIN Sup Forums

kek Sup Forumseddit

>before it got deleted.

kek, cool story bro. how about you stay on Sup Forums rather than going to on boards which you clearly have no experience with to do anything other than shitpost?

better yet, go back to pleddit.

>going to on boards

Looks like you don't MAIN english. Thanks for the bump.


are you claiming this thread as your own? are you suggesting you ACTUALLY did in fact download bitcoin miner? holy shit, you are more dense than i thought.


>what is sage?

holy shit you're stupid

>sage works

I guess you don't MAIN Sup Forums either considering that has been shut down for about two years now. Also in my replies it would bump the thread anyway. So, hey, thanks for the bump!

>he doesn't watch Motion Pictures for the cinematography
Go read a book, you disgusting plotfag.

will you kill yourself or learn how to fucking download something without getting flagged like a fucking retard

>still responding

butthurt much?

I've been torrenting since forever and never bothered learning what it means. then again I usually download smaller files.

YIFY 4lyfe

Thanks for the bump. ;^)

>YIFY 4lyfe
yep, no wonder

>we need to see the change in her

But you see it in the runway scene and in every scene from then on. I don't get the complaint. You could complain the change is too quick, but then I could counter with 1) Maybe there was a high baseline of narcissism to begin with 2) This film is not about examining psychology anyway so there's no need to make it more complicated.

And I wouldn't say the film "hinges" on Jesse changing, her manifestation of narcissism is just one aspect that pops up in the film.

How do you download shit now that kickass is down and the owner has been thrown in jail?

enjoy your russian bitcoin miner malware.

thanks for the (You) 8)

Good post.

Same to (You) XB

>Russians get bitcoins and use them to remove kebab
>I get a free movie

Who loses here? Oh right, you do don't you kebab?

when's the directors cut with the nude elle scenes coming out?

>downloading a bitcoin miner


You know, everything that is ever written is forced, right?
Try 'inorganic' next time. Guaranteed to give more credence to your position.

>I'm just curious, if you had to say what you "enjoyed" about the movie what would it be?
Not the guy you were responding too either, but the atmosphere above all else.

>"oo look visuals"
I've always thought that one of the nice things about film is that you actually can just make shit for the looking at and that's important! I mean consider how much raw visual sensory data goes into your eyes in every frame of every scene. It's a TON of information. HUGE. You don't smell, or touch, or taste a film you see it, and then you can potentially hear something attached to it, but even then the auditory data is much less than the visual. Film is cuisine for the eyes and should be prioritized more than everything else, HOWEVER all the other elements should serve to enhance the visuals. So a significant story beat can help set up a breathtaking shot, while a leitmotif can cue up a particular feeling about how a character is presented (in this case being shown).

keep going. already seen you mentioned in a thread on Sup Forums kek, people are laughing at your idiocy [==|:^)

came here for bluray webms and got 2 idiots arguing over some stupid shit

the 1080-web-rip is out for weeks.

lmao web rip OK user xd

Get out Anti-Skub fucking shit!

Reply to these posts and then thanks for the bump. XD

>wasting bandwidth on this piece of shit


10/10 quality, m8

oh, so now that we know you're wrong, you're going to say you're OK with installing russian malware on your PC

dumbfuck. kill yourself

Thanks for the bump and not answering the questions.

The thing I took from the film is that she was always a narcissist, I thought that she was arrogant and nowhere near as innocent as she made out initially, but when she was told she would be closing the show, everything changed, she became openly arrogant, not much different from her peers I suppose.

so.. you said
>i literally MAIN Sup Forums
thats the proof for the existence of bitcoin mining video codec formats.

yify when?

>plot is important in a book

You've obviously never read a book, you filthy pleb

>codec inside the video file
Are you from the fucking 90s?

you motherfuckers are seriously slacking

holy shit

kys guys

That was only in the theatrical version. It was edited out on home version obviously.

Cool so;

If this movie is shit, is it at least a decent fap?

And since KAT got killed, whats the next best thing?

remux and ISO are up