>Flush toilet in America
>Somehow changes the temperature in the shower
Can somebody explain what's wrong with American plumbing? I even tried doing it to myself by using a stick to turn on the toilet while I was in the shower and it didn't do it.
>Flush toilet in America
>Somehow changes the temperature in the shower
Can somebody explain what's wrong with American plumbing? I even tried doing it to myself by using a stick to turn on the toilet while I was in the shower and it didn't do it.
American houses and infrastructure is made of cardboard and scrap. The whole "first world country" meme falls over if you just lightly push it, like a fake cutout.
God, I hate seeing this argument. Are you literally 13? Because for most of the time water heaters have existed, the technology has been insufficient in providing pressure to multiple outlets. If you knew FUCKING ANYTHING ABOUT ANYTHING YOU'D KNOW THAT
Yes I'm triggered
All the houses I've ever been in have never done that, ironically.
Americans cannot into plumbing. In america you cannot run two hot taps at the same time and expect both to be hot.
t. eurocuck with no a/c
Its actually illegal to use more than one litre of water every day, unless you're a federal marshal. If the government notices you took more than your designated water, you'll be arrested and get a lethal injection while being fried in an electrical chair in front of a firing squad.
Hello Chuck
who /10gallonsperflush/ here
i grew up in a home with a water heater back in the 90s and i never had that happen
Why would he know this? Are you one of those shitty "parents" who get angry when Johnny doesn't automatically know how to fix his motor and set up a banking account? Because schools aren't going to teach that shit, Mr. "Parent"
That is just a meme. My house doesn't do this. But I do have a really high tolerance for hot water that isn't scalding.
Hell, you'd have a damn hard time running the tap long enough to deplete hot water reserves in my house. That's the perk of not living in a 3rd world shithole.
I only recall this happening in the old ass rural house I lived in as a kid. It just had a small, shitty water heater and old plumbing that really needed to be replaced. No recently built house I've been in has done this. I actually forgot this happened at all.
Never had this problem. Had the toilet thing happen, but supplying hot water to multiple outlets always worked even in my shit shack.
the toilet flush hasn't been an issue in decades
i grew up in an older (60s built) home yelling at my dad from the shower about washing breakfast dishes, until he bought a more modern hot water resevoir, and even back in te day the toilet flush was never an issue
Did your mom not kiss you enough? What's the matter?
>It's an Americans fill their entire toilet with water so their dog can get a drink from it episode
I think you're the autistic one for caring so much that you went through the archives and made this image.
>p-please notice us Americans
>l-le banter w-with us
Nah, you're most certainly the autistic one for repeatedly making this making this thread. Wish mods would make display flags on Sup Forums so I can filter you on here as well
u jelly we have water to waste away
is anyone else terrified by what they cant see in the toilet bowl or just new toilets in general? for example i would never, ever, ever sit on a toilet that has a bowl full of water, and thinking about it is giving me anxiety.
I would also never stick my hand in the bowl, down the plumbing or under the rim or even in the back thing because that is just fucking terrifying
i still remember my brother coming into the toilet while i was taking a shit decades ago, pushing me into the bowl and flushing the toilet. its almost impossible for me to use new toilets now, making holidays and shit pretty hard
>post toilet stress disorder
I only ever saw this happen in an old Simpsons episode, I've never seen this or heard about it happening in real life.
is this the american "poo in loo"?
Shut up slut.