Turn on Fox News

>Turn on Fox News
>expect what liberals keep stereotyping Fox News as

>It's a report on a bill about illegal immigration or government spending or something
>Host calmly chats with two other political commentators
>"What do you think about this bill?"
>"I think this bill is good because [Reason X], but it has drawbacks, like [Reason Y]".
>"Interesting. What do you think, other commentator?"
>"I think this is a bad decision for Congress to make. In addition to the benefits, we need to consider drawbacks like [Reason Z]."
>"Also a good point. You both make interesting arguments. Thank you for your time. Coming up next, the weather."

>Check out "redeye"
>Armond White is making fun of movies

I don't get it.
I thought this was the supposed brainwashing boogeyman that you keep claiming is destroying America. Why is it that outside of O'Riley and the other shows that are clearly marked as opinion-pieces like a Talk Show, that 90% of the channel calm and reasonable discussion among various guests and commentators? They had a fucking two-hour biography on President Kennedy the other day.
You really think that's somehow worse than literally editing a phone call to make it sound more "racist"?

Anyways what are some other decent news channels or even series like old Vice that get a lot of hate, but aren't all that bad?

Other urls found in this thread:

foxnews.com/on-air/red-eye/blog/category/Everyone's a critic

the whole >le Faux News xP thing has always been a meme. Fox's political commentary shows are more balanced than their competitors in regards to guests and pundits they bring on.

Part of it is also simply how FN has been naturally positioned lately. It's not like MSNBC where the whole channel is backing one candidate. FN, due to having many on the station not with Republican presidential candidate, has been able to be much more objective in election coverage due to this kind of diversity in opinion.

>tfw no Varney M-F

Cavuto needs to step the fuck down.

Its not, you only saw one segment of it. The mere fact it has shit like bill orielly on it proves its bad.

where did it go so wrong?

Pulling shit like this makes me weary of them

>I thought this was the supposed brainwashing boogeyman that you keep claiming is destroying America.

Do you think brainwashing is supposed to be obvious? Protip: it's designed to manipulate old people still smarter than you. It's not going to punch you in the face with it.

O'Reily is the original troll & says stupid shit on purpose to get people to watch, Kelly does it too sometimes (saying Santa is White when he isn't even fucking real, yet Liberals took the bait, her views skyrocketed the next week $$$)

Aside from that, these days Fox is far superior to CNN/MSNBC etc, it's more of a meme from the Liberal media that Fox news is bad at this point

>look Ma I posted it again

>I thought this was the supposed brainwashing boogeyman
That's exactly the point where you reveal your own ineptitude, if brainwashing was obvious it wouldn't be brainwashing. Their whole goal is to make things seem as reasonable as possible and very, very carefully implant ideas and agendas and implications in your head. Facts will be very slightly tweaked, opinions chosen for debate not X vs Y but rather X vs X.5, all to skew things slightly to one side using subtext. It's insidious and if all you see is LE FOX MENS VS LE JONY STEWART LEF VS RIGT LOL you aren't equipped with the mental faculties to be watching political television.

Fox News can be fair and balanced but is not always of course hence the criticism. THere is also some damning things from around 2001 where Ailes or whomever I forget would basically put out a memo to set an entire theme for the day. The rub here is that leftists thought the other networks weren't already doing this that they watch. That's how naive many of them were. They all do it more or less. The recent leaks basically paint almost every major leftist outlet as compromised. Online sources are compromised as well considering Google/Facebook/Twitter are also guilty.

You could write up MSNBC dialogue in the exact same way. Why should I trust either? If you get your news and opinions from MSM news you're a fucking idiot.

This. Tards are falling for it again.

Fox improved a lot when they got rid of that lunatic retard Glen Beck, but simultaneously got shittier when Greg Gutfeld left Redeye. Overall, it's not really any better or worse than MSNBC or CNN in terms of actual news coverage, just tends to pander to dumb Christfag rednecks the rest of the time. Oh, and Bill O'Reilly is generally a far more reasonable and intelligent man than the left would make you believe. I wouldn't personally sit and watch it to get my news because they encourage stupidity too much, but they aren't outright garbage. 24 hour news networks all kind of suck in general.

>but they aren't outright garbage. 24 hour news networks all kind of suck in general.

Yes, they are. It's not as bad in the evenings,but morning to afternoon is 100% shill faggotry on a whole new level. They didn't used to be so bad, but in the last few months they've devolved into everything the left said they were.

Haven't watched it in a long time anyway. I just get my news online, no need to sit and watch them sensationalize shit all day. I'll take your word for it though, it's perfectly believable to me that they've gone further off the deep end.

Where as cnn has folks going on television and telling us Clinton might just be the most honest politician we've ever had.

>watching any 24 hour cable news network

you already fucked up, all of them are garbage that cater to a specific audience because ratings>any actual journalistic integrity. that is why every one of these channels has pundits that will spew whatever buzzwords their demographic wants to hear

>fox news: muh bootstraps, immigrants ruin everything, obama is a secret muslim

>msnbc: gop hates gays, corporate overlords rule the country, trump is very bad

some legitimate facts will come out of any of these networks but it is always in service of catering to whoever gives them the most ratings

>post things that never happen

Whereas you constantly have Fox trying to rewrite RR as the greatest president ever.

>I thought this was the supposed brainwashing boogeyman that you keep claiming is destroying America
Don't lie, you didn't think. That's why you would believe it so readily without any firsthand experience.

What's it like to get btfo?

I think it was worse during the Bush administration. I think liberals got much worse during the last 7.7 years.

The recent Clinton fainting thing really showed the MSM bias best. Fox news was the first to report the facts objectively, showing the full clip, while MSNBC and CNN immediately went into damage control mode and even had the audacity to show a cut version of a 20 second clip.

>“Meanwhile, it turns out that Hillary Clinton, when you look at the fact checkers, she’s one of the most honest politicians in America according to the fact checker,” said Van Jones, a former White House czar in the Obama administration.

Lemon showed the panel on his show a recent CNN/ORC poll that said Donald Trump was beating Clinton in honesty and trustworthiness among potential voters. Fifty percent of voters see him as more honest and trustworthy, while only 35 percent see Clinton that way.

>claim a channel said something
>post link that is actually about the channel challenging that very assertion

You tell me.

I remember when Don Lemon was just the afternoon replacement anchor for when the regular woman was out

>I had a preconcieved notion but I found out I was wrong all along! I was so innocent and brainwashed until I found the truth!
Fuck off. We all know you liked Fox News the whole time and made up this bullshit story to lend credence to your opinion. You're not fooling anyone.

foxnews.com/on-air/red-eye/blog/category/Everyone's a critic

>so what was your favorite movie of the year?
>Pain and Gain, or Man of Steel

>Fact checker isn't biased and 100% leftist propaganda

"Liberal" is a political ideology, not some vaporous boogeyman on which you can blame all your problems. On Sup Forums the majority has decided the political spectrum is divided into "conservative" and "bad" and it's morphed into a hivemind where nobody questions it. One can just say the word "liberal" and it will mean anything from someone who wants to take your guns and freedoms, to someone who lets black people fuck his wife.
That's a strawman and you know it.

>responding to copypasta

It's a pasta dipshit. Lurk for a couple years.

stop being a negative nancy

It seems every news channel does this, but I still rage a little.