What is DMT like and how much would one even have to shell out to obtain such an experience? /g preferably

What is DMT like and how much would one even have to shell out to obtain such an experience? /g preferably


bout tree fiddy

It's a chemical that gets released when you die, and about tree fiddy.

Some say there's a legend about DMT... but I never heard it...

Like 10 maybe 15 bucks for a few hits, if they're nice.

Tree fiddy per gee?

Is 100/g good

Yeah, about tree fiddy, G.

If it's crystallized, its an ok deal.

You're better off making it tho, much cheaper, easy to make, supplies are easy to get.

Has anyone heard the legend?

What is it like with Syd?

Can you do DMT if you have down syndrome?

I'm asking for a friend.

nice memes

Sorry pal, you're "friend" is out of luck.

You'll reach beyond the stars and meet the potato God. Don't be worried though, potato God is an observer and would never touch a down syndrome child for he knows it would trigger them physically.

my first experience sucked ass... everything was yellowish, got hot and pumps were sweaty.

One more set of trips itt and the gods of the universe will kill the next man to trip on this substance.


I have.
Why do you ask user?

Were your knees weak, palms spaghetti?

try ayahausca. i've been smoking pure dmt in a vape and it sucked.

Is it about the trees?

Well? What it is?!

Come on bro..

Thats not a proven fact.

Ayahuasca is a miserable experience, especially the vomiting

Have you tried it?

No its about love, realisation and oneness.
And nice warm puke running my nads


Your personal experience, not the truth.

Trips round 2

Not today, junior.

Excuse you?

Don't talk to me or my wife's son ever again.


Hahaha you fucking cuck XD

You're fucking a WHITE MALE