>movie about the armenian genocide starring Christian Bale and Oscar Isaac
>not even released yet
>no critical reviews
>flooded by 1/10s by mad t*rks
Lmao, great system IMDB.
>movie about the armenian genocide starring Christian Bale and Oscar Isaac
>not even released yet
>no critical reviews
>flooded by 1/10s by mad t*rks
Lmao, great system IMDB.
Other urls found in this thread:
Why is the "Armenian genocide" so controversial? President Obama hasn't recognized it. I saw the Conan O'Brien Armenia episode, but still don't understand it. Why is it only getting a movie adaptation in 2016? What is the truth here?
The Ottomans were savages, there's no question about it. Look at what they did to the Balkans for 5 centuries. Obama doesn't recognize it because Turkey is a big part of NATO, and he doesn't want them to get butthurt.
The Turks killed a bunch of Christians and the leftist media does not like talking about it because they don't want the christian right riled up and ready to kill Turks because it would interfere with their globalist agenda.
I just checked out the IMDB forum. Holy shit, the amount of buttravaged roaches is insane.
When will the west finally remove kebab?
The truth is that the Turkish diaspora in the US has alot of connections and money.
They lobby conress to NOT talk about the genocide, since Turkish nationalism is such a poltical weapon.
So, what are the Hollywood kikes up to?
¿Should we flood 10/10s and make turkroaches btfo?
The President of the US won't acknowledge the Armenian genocide because It would massively piss off the t*rkroaches
Fairly sure Obama has talked about the genocide before when he wasn't President
Someone's ahead of you spanitard.
lol i fucking hate armenians but i hate roaches just as much so watching the butthurt is great
they both have the same agenda, covering up the mass murder christians
I hope this becomes a fucking hit with critics, about time we remembered how bad kebabs are.
Turks killed far more Arabs/Muslims, killed a lot of god damn Mongolians trying to get into Europe too
Honestly they weren't so bad as far as Empires go, but the Armenian genocide denial is pathetic, Japan is just as bad, don't even get me started on Turks/Japan playing the victim & pretending "White people" oppressed them these days
Same shit with neckbeard holocaust deniers. Every genocide has its own brigade of anti-intellectual third worlders and trailer parkers who say it didn't happen.
>Armenian """"""""""""""""""""""""Genocide"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
kek fucking roaches
It's an anonymous expects anyone to know what this is episode.
Nigga only turks and Armenians give a shit beyond history nerds, much like that doc about the Indonesian genocide and the one about the Khamer Rouge, shit is unnoticed for a reason, it hurts their sensitive tum tums.
>Honestly they weren't so bad as far as Empires go,
>literally the reason why the Balkans are such a shithole
Ahmed, pls go.
Let's not be niggers & pretend all our problems are due to "colonisation"
Greece & it's neighbours were already a shithole long before the Turks rocked up
>Serbian Kingdom
>Bulgarian Empire
>Byzantine Empire
I'm pretty a Sup Forums-tier person but they really weren't that bad
Obviously they were bad and mudslime scum who tried to conquer Europe
But there really was worse out there than the Ottomans and the whole of the middle east would be better If the Ottomans still controlled it instead of the fucking Saudis
Byzantine was pretty bad by the time the Turks showed up
It had been on a long decline
Large sectors of Constantinople were uninhabited and overgrown when It was taken
Greece started Western Civilisation. What went wrong?
Have you been to Istanbul? The turks have only made it worse.
You ain't pol holmes. Maybe yr a shill Republican cunt, I dunno, but you wouldn't last a day on pol with that mindset. Even on /his/ which is not a great board but has some level headed dudes you still get shilled out if you talk about the Ottoman Empire in anything but unkind terms.
El Presidente doesn't want to piss of the roaches because they happen to be located on a strategically important piece of land relative to the eastern bloc
remember when crusaders sacked Constantinople.
Good times.
True, the turks can't into urbanization
This just isn't true. I see people on /his/ talking about the Ottoman all the damn time
Pretty much this it all comes down to money. Hollywood is much the same. Disney knew that casting Tilda Swinton would piss off a vocal minority, but that's nothing of consequence in comparison to the giant that is the Chinese market. The movie would have 100% for sure banned if they had cast a Tibetan.
>What went right?
Fixed that for you
Same answers applies
Probably when we have enough makers of kebab.
>mfw Turks colonized the Middle East & liberal revisionist history has somehow blamed Europeans for it
>Greece & it's neighbours were already a shithole long before the Turks rocked up
butthurt Turk detected
Up until it was conquered by Turks, mainland Greece was one of the most prosperous areas in the worlds.
The balkans weren't bad either -- the bulgarian empire was really strong at the time.
Not exactly. The Bulgarian Empire was fractured at the time and Byzantium wasn't at it's peak either. Still took the Ottomans 50 years to conquer the Bulgarians and over 100 to conquer Constantinople. The Bulgarian and Byzantine empires at their prime would have repelled the Ottomans.
Acknowledging it does nothing other than piss of turks
America is smarter than that.
Talking about them sure. But every thread has at least 10 christcuck dudes ashamed of the historical facts regarding the byzantine empire.
>not pissing off t*rks
>America is afraid off hurting the feelings of kebab
not even funny, just disappointing desu
No seriously tell me what would be the point in obama acknowledging the armenian genocide.
Or are you just one of those retards who thinks america should needlessly antagonize the rest of the world because "murrica fuck yeah".
America is a melting pot. It is not as islamophobic as europe.
>denying the slaughter of over 1.5 million christians is okay
>muh holocaust though
America is a joke.
There is no such thing as being racist against germans though.
Acknowledging the Holocaust does not insult germans. In fact it is illegal to deny it there.
Turkey does not accept the armenian genocide and you only want to acknowledge it because you hate muslims.
>america should needlessly antagonize the rest of the world because "murrica fuck yeah"
Oh, like they've been doing sine, like, the 1950's?
Not "needlessly", though, but still.
Would America acknowledge their own crimes as well?
>killed a lot of god damn Mongolians trying to get into Europe too
Don't you mean ''The Mongolians killed a lot of T*rks"?
Also, the Mongols had several agreement with the Byzantines, they were never planning to invade Europe through Greece.
But T*rks are great at historic revisionism. Haven't met a single T*rk yet that doesn't engage in the practise.
>it's okay to be racist against Christians
>but not againt muslims
t. Land of the Free
>>it's okay to be racist against Christians
That isn't even a thing.
you're pretending that the armenians genocide didn't happen, that's pretty damn racist
It was the nazis!
>Armenian genocide is not a genocide because or Turkish feelings
You can't be racist against christians.
But the armenian genocide is in contention is it not?
So AGAIN, what is the point of acknowledging it.
Why should america do it?
Lul, as if this an American issue. Nigga get on any fucking level, no one acknowledges any genocide other than the Nazis cause it's not well publicized.
wake me up when anyone notices what happened in China and Korea via Japan or the Indonesian genocide or the Cambodian genocide or the tutti genocide or the Bosnian genocide.
>Turkey wanted to genocide this
>The governments of Turkey and its close ally Azerbaijan are the only ones that directly deny the historical factuality of the Armenian Genocide
America does not deny what happened. America just doesn't use the G-word because it would upset a vital ally.
They did genocide that, but they spared her bloodline because they recognized the damage she could do to the west. Only the good Armenians/Greeks/Assyrians died.
>and the leftist media does not like talking about it because they don't want the christian right riled up and ready to kill Turks because it would interfere with their globalist agenda.
lmao, the (American) "Christian Right" is dumb as fuck about anything and everything regarding Middle Eastern Christians
>go to an event held by relatives of Middle Eastern Christians facing persecution
>tell them that Israel is their greatest ally
Everybody has noticed you dolt. You think your basic American high school history knowledge goes for everybody?
Is this thicc, Sup Forums?
What do you expect? America might as well be renamed the United States of Israel.
Turkish feelings and ((Their)) feelings. Remember that Turks and ((They)) are allies.
>it's another zionist smear campaign against my beloved country FACT: Armenian genocide did not happen. Brave Ottoman Empire was modelled after the conquests of Mohamed (PBuH) himself (PBuH). It is blasphemy to suggest we were involved in such crimes.
Just gave it a 10, just for inciting an insane amount of turkroach butthurt.
I'm starting to hate those savages more each passing day.
I just got told. Ok I am sure everyone knows what happened in all of these genocides, thx dude. Hehe.
If you actually talked to anyone or left yr autist den, you would know that this, as with most of human history is the last thing people care about. And if your implying your school system taught the Indonesian or Cambodian genocide, well I'm just laffing lad.
>american education
Not that guy, but everyone in Europe has heard of the Armenian genocide.
Seriously nigger? Thats my point, its cause it's in Europe. I'm talking about anything outside of your babby comfort zone.
I'm from North America so they're both common knowledge.
>being educated means you're living in a comfort zone
wew lad
>implying the armenian genocide happened
I wonder who could be behind this post.
>1.5 million Armenians
>Implying there even were 1.5 million Armenians there
Butthurt Armenian detected
The Romis really got it right.
looks like t*rks found the thread
When did I ever say that?
Fucking christ. I was talking about a specific kind of historical event being outside of most people's comfort zone. This thread has given me brain cancer.
Sounds like you already had it.
XD hue hue. XD
>scum in your territory try to rebel
>kick their fucking shit in
>boo hoo muh genocide armenians dindu nuffins
In America, we killed 300,000 rebels when they tried to rebel. Fuck traitors.
>fighting for your freedom from muslim savages
>a bad thing
americans really are cucks
It's not a bad thing, it's just not genocide.
They rebelled and they failed. Boo hoo.
>it's just not genocide.
Right, it was just a friendly ethnic cleansing. What was I thinking?
never question authority
enjoy your future hijab
People making the movie are leftist kikes.
>Using the most retardedly vague definition of the word so you can continue to cry about bullshit.
Don't rebel and you won't get smacked. If you rebel and fail, don't fucking cry about it forever. No one gives a shit. Better people than you died for their failed rebellions all throughout history.
Question authority all you want, but don't be surprised if you have to back your shit up with fighting.
>it's okay to murder millions because they didn't want to live under your savage regime
>naive child
Of course it's fucking okay. It's also okay for rebels to kill you and enforce their demands if they can.
>see user reviews
>Everyone rates it as good
>Except two
>They can't speak English
>Comment on history especially
>might makes right
>implying there's a genocide
This is why everyone in the world treat Americans like a piece of shit they are.Eat your happy meals fat fucks.
>This is what pol believe
kill yourself filthy t*rk
Whatever happens is the what happens. There is no right and wrong, there is no evil and good. Go back to your shitty comic book villains and heroes tier understanding of the world, you naive fuck.
>Mongols were good boi's, they dindu nuffin
Bullshit, they would have loved to ransack Italy, they just didn't get the chance because the Ottoman's were in fact in the way
I swear to god, Turks get even more butthurt about things on the internet than Indians
I don't even understand why it's such a sore spot for the Turks, it was during Ottoman times, and the Greeks massacred a few Turks too during that period.
You could totally say "that's not who Turkey is, that was pre-Ataturk" it just makes me think they are secretly PROUD of ethnically cleansing Armenia, but also don't want the negative publicity for it.
you're a boring fag, you know that? your opinions are neither insightful, correct or interesting, and the way you present them is even more banal.
You can stop now, roach.