How do you cure depression?

how do you cure depression?

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Eat right
Base jumping

with more depression
two negatives equal a positive

cure? you don't. some vitamin D seemed to help a bit. 1000IU daily.


Not by coming here. That's for sure.

Go outside you faggots

Get over it

don't need to now. taking a pill for that.

From my experience, there is no cure.
That shit will be with you forever.

However... As bad as things may seem, suicide is not the answer. There will be some good days.

Remember that song... Always look on the bright side of life...

you don't cure it, but you find a way to live with it

that or you kill yourself

I always get depressed on weekends. I have friends and go out drinking but im like a magnet to girls. That meaning they fuck off everytime im in the room. Ive dropped so low that i come here for consolation. Im the fat midget of my friend group. my vocabulary consists of self loathing jokes and dumb shit.

they probably fuck off because of your attitude. dumb shit is fine, depending on the people you're with, but stop with the self-loathing crap. no one thinks it's funny and you're not doing yourself any favors. you're better off saying nothing if you can't think of anything better. just sit there looking confident, without looking smug. fake it if you have to.

if being fat bothers you, you know what to do about it. up to you. nothing you can do about being short, but that, by itself, isn't exactly crippling.

Bullet to the head, blade to the neck, noose, etc. That should work

love someone
have a pet
%100 works

A metric fuckton of constant effort to develop self awareness, that's the big one and you have to do the overwhelming majority of the legwork yourself.

The recognition that your emotional structures primary function is as a fuel source and like any fuel source it requires proper balancing otherwise it can and will blow up in your face.

Also finding a function you can serve that you feel is useful in some small way and can find meaning in is a pretty hard wired necessity as far as satisfaction goes.

Might not ever go away but if you give it a few decades of constant work you'll probably get to a reasonably satisfactory point.

Or you can decide that you're a failed genetic mutation that only failed to be weeded out by natural selection because of the shelter of first world civilisation and kill yourself.

Either way.

I have recently been microdosing with edibles they last a couple hours and so long as you don't go crazy you just get this happy backround

Let's ask our good friend; the edgy version of watchmojo

But seriously if you're not already getting help you gotta see someone about that

Organize yourself.
Do things.
Find interests and involve yourself in them.

Accept your suffering, set goals/formulate projects, dedicate yourself.


>with more depression
>two negatives equal a positive

Funny thing is that's actually how I beat mine

haha sounds like that might backfire.....

Also self hatred is a cop out. Everyone is a piece of shit sometimes. You can either own it, place yourself above your shitty traits and use that as motivation to fucking rid yourself of them. Or become complacent because "Well I'm just inherently a piece of shit I guess." You're indirectly telling yourself that it's sort of okay. Misery can be cripplingly comfortable.

Make a tulpa.

The above is a real suggestion, many tulpamancers crawled out of depression and into happy lives thanks to the actions of their tulpas.

This guy depressions

Music usually moves me when nothing else can


By beating yourself

what kind o music?

By accepting that you have it, and are not consumed by it.
It's alright to feel sad, but once it dictates your progress it's time to check out some meds.