An 88-year-old Pullo going down to the riverside by Vorenus’ tomb, or sarcophagus, pouring wine on it...

>An 88-year-old Pullo going down to the riverside by Vorenus’ tomb, or sarcophagus, pouring wine on it, taking a sword out while sitting there on the banks, looking at the glistening river, and committing suicide.

>And as he has his face hit the sand on the banks, a fish jumped out of the water, and the silver light on the fish caught the sword, which brought us right into that first battle with Vorenus and Pullo where he breaks ranks.

As according to Stevenson, the final scenes of the series would have eventually explained this fate as the relationship between Octavian, who is only a child when Rome starts, and Pullo becomes clear.

>The reason was that the only person on the planet who knows the Emperor Augustus to be human, who was Octavian, is Pullo. And Pullo’s the only one who has that memory of him or that life. And basically, Augustus asks him to. Nobody else could kill him. But at that stage, Octavian is obviously in his paranoid imperial sort of thing, and Pullo is the last tie to that time when he was a boy. It’s genius.

Even though this sequence was obviously cut from what became the eventual Rome pilot, this was apparently the ending that Heller always had in mind, and where the series would have eventually built to if it had been allowed to move on past Antony and Cleopatra, and into the actual era of Pax Romana—not to mention the New Testament.

That sounds fucking stupid.

>A legionnaire veteran who has lived most of his later life in one of the most unsanitary cities on earth getting that old
This is really fucking stupid.

I really think this show should have ended two episodes earlier.

Why was the first episode of this show so silly? Gaull is fuckhuge and they just randomly wander into both that kid and the banner at the same spot.

It's like some stupid teen fantasy show.

People lived that long ALL THE TIME back then. There are people who lived back then that survived to be older than 100. They had healthier diets & exercised more than people today.

The fact of the matter is that if you survived past infancy your life expectancy wasn't that much shorter than today.

Season 2 is fucking boring though, I literally could not give a single shit about octavian.

No they never you fucking pleb, ignoring the average mean of 35 which includes children dying they were still lucky to reach 50, being a 60 year old was considered an old man.

that was during the dark ages you idiot

Please give me a link that shows plebs living in the city of Rome were all over 70 during the time of Augustus rule.

No. It's still true, even if you aren't provided with a link. Feel free to disprove it.

that's not how it works, and from sub-standard health, water practices and general hygiene, people did not live as long as you're stating for things like parasites alone killed people from infection. You're talking 50 or 60 at the most.

I can easily disprove what you're saying, go watch Naked and Afraid. That is life before humanity started manicuring the world for our health benefits.

Most people do not like a couple of weeks before they get some infection that knocks them out or causes liver damage.

And that is just a couple of weeks. While consistent food and water would be better, still infections, child birth death rates and things that killed scores of children almost to modern times is just a few common sense ways that you can know you're completely full of shit.

Garbage Sup Forums tricked you into watching general?

Could we talk about the show please ?

Like you know, favorite scene or smth. Anything but sanitary discussions.

This is a Rome thread, not Deadwood or The Wire.

Romans didn't live in the fucking jungle you twit. The lived in towns & cities. They didn't forage food, they bought bread from the baker or got it from the dole. You act like life for them was an everyday struggle for survival when the reality was that all basic services were provided for them (clean water, food, places to shit).

88 years old is something a patrician would (unlikely) reach.

No way.

Anyway, why did they end the show, can't remember.

Vorenus survived the show, right? They would have shown him die.

>This is why season 2 sucked

Bruno Heller on the cancellation:
"I discovered halfway through writing the second season the show was going to end. The second was going to end with the death of Brutus. Third and fourth season would be set in Egypt. Fifth was going to be the rise of the Messiah in Israel. But because we got the heads-up that the second season would be it, I telescoped the third and fourth season into the second one, which accounts for the blazing speed we go through history near the end. There's certainly more than enough history to go around."


>Pullo fucking Cleopatra, that's fine
>Pullo living until 88? Not in my fucking Rome

The show was always based in a skewed reality of Rome, it's not that big of a deal.

Our hunter-gatherer societies actually worked really well, though. Remains from that time showed that people then had healthier teeth and bones than we do now.

Death was only a major issue for 12 and under, afterwards people often lived quite long lives. The 'at 35 you were considered old' thing is a meme.

Dude cleopatra was a gigantic whore, she banged my great-great-great-great-great-...grandfather.

>pullo palling around with jesus
It would've been amazing.

>Dude cleopatra was a gigantic whore
No she was a good girl