Watching this for the first time. Heard good things

Watching this for the first time. Heard good things.

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People call this Hanks best movie, is it true?


It's up there with Joe vs. The Volcano and Saving Private Ryan.

I have a huge grin on my face right now watching this.

Don't forget Forrest Gump.

It's great. Back in the era when family-ish movies could still transcend humor and be both "adult" and "childish" at the same time. Now all we get that does that are fucking computer animated movies.

Tom Hanks has a ton of good movies. This one is up there.

Interestingly enough, Robert De Niro wanted to play the lead role early in production. Fucking imagine that.


the title could easily be re-worked as an ambigram, and that ambigram could easily be used in a future packaging to re-sell the movie. I hope/bet a designer somewhere has this in mind.

I have impressionistic memories of the movie from watching on TV as a kid. The first big thing, the trauma, is that the kid is tossed out of his house for being a creepy adult. Then he has the fun of spending his first night alone in a flophouse with guns and ambulances (IIRC) in the distance.

Anyway our plucky young man is wearing plot armor and this is mostly a comedy, so all is well. He goes to work for the toy company and gives the valuable kid's point of view about the toys. However he also has a certain dramatic arc with another kid who IIRC is in on the gag, and they have a falling out as the character has a cool pad now, and is interfacing with the 80s adult world.

Eventually the kid makes it back home. It's a weird, creepy, and therefore very interesting fairy-tale premise, all told. I do remember the tone of relief in the woman's voice at the end when her son has come back to her.

If I were the kid I would life-long insist to her, and make her understand, to a point within-reason, that that weirdo really was me all along. I also wouldn't blame her for acting as she did at the time, but I would insist the point.

Actually now I feel bad because I like Forrest Gump and Castaway, but I've never seen SPR beyond the first act. to the FP(BP?) point I don't know Hanks' work well enough to offer such an opinion.

Hanks was also in some raunchy trash in the 80s, including Bachelor Party and maybe one or two other things. But somehow during the 90s he picked up the everyman Hollywood cred. actually just re-checking his filmography I get it now: fantastical pictures (big, splash) plus the serious oscar-baity AIDS-y retard stuff, suffused with pathos.

Also, his personal religion (greek orthodox) and net worth somehow come as a surprise to me.

>Joe vs. The Volcano

That's not The Burbs

If you watch Hanks' Oscar speeches, he comes across as devoutly religious, and just a very unique, emotional person. Maybe just playing it up for the crowd? Hard to say.

Also, Bachelor Party has some hilarious moments even if it's pretty dated.

Doesn't he technically get raped in this flick?
He's still mentally a child when he bangs that lady and children can't give consent.

>dat sex scene

Don't think traditional laws apply to something without precedent.

Wasn't there a movie with a similar premise, starring Robin Williams instead? I remember him buying a Penthouse magazine because of course he did.

Jack. a boy who ages four times faster than normal

Most of Hanks 80s stuff was GOAT. The Money Pit, The Burbs etc.

Hey, what do you know: I'm not remembering something that doesn't exist again. Thanks, user.

I love that movie but I think of it more on an ensemble piece than a "Tom Hanks" movie. Nothing wrong with it though.

>tfw you can't melt the ice wizard

>ensemble piece

Ensemble of who? Hanks' character is the obvious main. You might as well say Forrest Gump is ensemble because it has Sinise, Fields and Wright in it.

>something without precedent.
There is precedent though. People with the equivalent intelligence level of a child, like the mentally disabled, can't consent.

What would you guys do?

Ah I miss when tv had this type of dialogue.

>wall of text
>ever enjoyed on Sup Forums

Do I even have to say it? A picture speaks a thousand words faggot.

>I wish I was a big guy

For whom?

So is it true or not that there's an alternate ending where the love interest shows up at Josh's school after using Zoltar to de-age herself?