>club scene
>every single person is a slim impossibly attractive tanned model wearing designer label fashion
Club scene
Is that not what real clubs are like?
Those are the clubs that don't let your ugly ass in lmao
Back to tumblr, landwhale
When was the last time you were in one, OP?
Two years maybe, I got kind of tired of the club scene and mostly just relax at a nice quiet bar now.
When I went to clubs there were no 10/10 fashion models, it was all young girls in shitty sunglasses and slutwear and tryhard men in shopping mall-tier collared shirts and stressed jeans with Kanye shit blasting from every speaker.
Because you were going to the shit-tier pleb clubs
Face it bro, there's a world out there you'll never know.
>restaurant scene
>they aren't serving big macs and coca cola
spoken like a true shut in
>go to kindergarten art show
>complain that there aren't any Botticelli paintings
This is exactly what real clubs are like you flyover faggot
isn't that how its supposed to be? never went to a club desu
>i've never partied a day in my life
You're one of two things
Someone who has never been to a club, but is pretending that they have
Some normie cunt who likes to PAR TAY
In either case; fuck off
>club scene
>this guy slaps your gf's butt
what do?
I get dragged to them occasionally by co-workers, and while there are a lot of Chads and Staceys there are also a lot of fat chicks, ugly chicks and beta males as well.
offer him unlimited drinks and watch him kill himself by your extension but without the blame or chance of being arrested for murder
God damnit Jack
so, of all the RLM which ones are genuine friends and which ones don't like each other?
>club scene
I just eject my vhs desu
isn't this what clubs are like?