The military guys get their head shaven for maximum performance

>the military guys get their head shaven for maximum performance
>athletes don't because they only care about money and the the money they get from their "image" is going to be higher than from their higher performance when fully shaved
Prove me wrong

Military have shaved heads for hygiene and uniformity

they have computers in armenia?

>the military guys get their head shaven for maximum performance
they get their heads shaven to remove any individuality during BC, to learn to function as one

But that should be a good trait in team sports for the very same reason
Also the productivity argument still remains. Hair is weight after all
Athletes already sperg out over shoes and pants that make you 0.2% faster, and you know that it's true.

this would only matter in the most minute circumstances of sport, like swimming or sprinting

and swimmers will shave their entire body because body hair causes drag in the water

and most sprinters have very short haircuts, you don't see many sprinters with afros or dreadlocks or anything crazy that would weight them down

in team sports like soccer or basketball, it's pointless, you would gain like milliseconds at most on your in-game speed

Go away bizarro Colombia, this is a terrible thread.

One of the colors in your tricolor is twice as large as the others, and it's not even the one in the middle, and you also have a city named Armenia. Colombia is bizarro Armenia, not the other way around.

And it's probably more than miliseconds for sure


Effects like air resistance are incredibly marginal with hair. The only exception I can think of is if your hair is so long that an opponent could unfairly grab on it or something to stop you.

this. it's an important aspect in breaking down individuality in order to form a cohesive force.

it's all a part of the indoctrination. athletic teams don't really need that.

You seriously think that by shaving your head a player could shave seconds off Their 40?

They shouldn't wear uniforms either. Just body paint to differentiate teams.

They should also chop off their dick and balls since that's just weight holding them back.

>armenian physics

Actually they do that on basketball. A big hair will mess your

>tfw no qt blonde hair, blue-eyed gf anymore

Kill me, lads

>cyclist shave their legs for maximum performance
>military guys are backward furfag harfoots

prove me wrong

This is absurd. Do you think Messi would be any better if he was bald?

Somebody tell this fag
