Louis Theroux: My Scientology Movie

Are you hyped yet?

>UK Cinema Release: October 7th
>Australian VOD Release (meaning torrents): October 5th


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I'll watch it when it's on youtube.

he is just a smug prick, that spouts reddit opinions.

We all know Scientology is a fraud at this point we should probably let them be alone.

We do have freedom of religion in this country. All everyone can do is inform people then let them make their own choices.

We don't need 5 docs a year telling us Scientology is shit.

They go after the low hanging fruit because they wouldn't dare criticize Islam.

you can usually identify the asshole by seeing who he picks on. Scientology is the bullied kid on the playground and Louis is the bully.


>They go after the low hanging fruit because they wouldn't dare criticize Islam.
Except Islam is heavily criticized. Much more than scientology or any other religion combined.

The only thing is that Islam isn't criticized in main discourse (i.e. public), for the same reason no one talks about politics in main discourse. It's considered impolite.

>Doesn't need to be critisized and exposed as often as possible to stop bluepillers from joining

Just fuck my Sup Forums up. They already have too much power (not exclusively in Hollywood, allthough that would be enough for this board) and every opportunity to enlighten the masses about the tax exempt rip off cult that it is is great imo.

That scene where Louis walks the cameraman into traffic was brutal.

ok bud

>let them be alone
fuck off tom cruise

skip to 1:01:40 of you want to hear louis beautiful singing voice

It's the same as any other religion was in its infancy. You're just really dumb and gullible so the fact that it happened a long time ago makes you think it was different somehow, but Jesus and Lord Xenu or whatever have the same degree of plausibility. The Catholic Church is also one of the most corrupt, barbaric institutions to ever exist and was for most of its history. Islam is at that level right now.

Saw it last weekend at the cinema, was better than expected. The reenactment stuff was only part of the movie.

kek what the fuck

Why is this cringe fuck forever shilling his garbage show?

freedom of religion is cancer for the whole world

And you're just a fat retard that also spouts dumb opinions.

Guess which one people want to kys?

I've already seen it.

It was actually really good the way it was edited and how it was presented.

I loved the Tom Cruise audition part and seeing the Tom Cruise laughing in a cinema was hillarious on its own.

When they actually do the reeactment, the guy who plays Miscavige was very powerful and super scary. He almost actually really harmed someone (I won't say what he does so I won't spoil the surprise) but DAMN it was some fine acting.

>le hipster Jarry Springer
He is a kind of confidence man, preying on people's vanity, ignorance or loneliness, gaining their trust and betraying them without remorse. Like the credulous widow who wakes up one day to find the charming young man and all her savings gone, so the consenting subject of a piece of nonfiction learns—when the article or book appears—his hard lesson. Journalists justify their treachery in various ways according to their temperaments. The more pompous talk about freedom of speech and "the public's right to know"; the least talented talk about Art; the seemliest murmur about earning a living.

anyone who sees bad things in Louis are projecting

>le projection response

he was great on university challenge

Hi Tom Cruise. Hows it going?

This. People who dislike him in a certain episode, usually its because the show skews against the opinion they want presented. Louis himself doesn't bias, but he tells jokes to keep it entertaining and leads the conversation to what people want to hear.

I've seen quite a few of these documentaries and this is the only time I've seen a Sea Org member get BTFO and actually have their harassment backfire to the point THEY have to leave.

>Why are you leaving, you're not trespassing?
Why the fuck does Sup Forums not like louis?


I'd kiss Louis desu.

>The Catholic Church is also one of the most corrupt, barbaric institutions to ever exist and was for most of its history. Islam is at that level right now.
>Christianity is one the same level as Islam and Scientology
>Jesus didn't exist just like Xenu

back to /r/atheism

Scientology Internet defense squad out in full force today

That trailer is old as fuck, this is the newest one.



got you senpai

>Are you making a documentary as well?

Louis always on his top game.
