Daddy, meet my new boyfriend

>Daddy, meet my new boyfriend.

Your 12 year old daughter brings this man to your house, claiming that he is her new boyfriend. He is 6'4", makes six figures a year, lifts weights at the gym every week, goes to church, is trained in marshal arts, and is conceal carrying an AR-15. There is absolutely nothing you can do to stop your underage daughter from dating this man. If you try to get violent, you will be dead six times before you hit the floor. What is your reaction?

I can call the police and get him arrested.

It'd be better than my daughter turns 14 or so and becomes coal burner for some thugs in her school. I don't mind this at all.

nice scenario friend, is he a chef at Wendy's with a 9 inch cock too?

>conceal carrying an ar15


My daughters are three years and one month old so I'd be pretty impressed if they brought home such high quality men.

>what are AR pistols

Youre missing out on your freedom, burgerbro

>marshal arts

Ask her if I can watch

Why would I want to get in the way of such an upstanding citizen showing an interest in making my little girl his wife? I'd shake his hand and give him a beer.