>ywn have a mother who makes you lose your virginity
Why even live bros?
Ywn have a mother who makes you lose your virginity
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i just want to lick her pusy
pretty bitch face
pudding body
who is the hottest chick in rome?
I love her so much. One of the only female characters in a show that wasn't a weak point.
The fact that my boy Augustus wanted to bang his pleb sister instead of patrish Atia is ludicrous.
>ywn dip into the nasty barbarian puss puss of the olden days
That scene where she and Pullo get into a fight that turns into violent fucking always gets me rock hard.
Is pic related the most based character on the show?
By based you mean the most annoying? Then again that's probably the actor. He stinks everything up.
Fat faggot newsreader- he was based.
Nah, Octavian by a landslide.
Dat feel when Cicero and Julius ceasar were the two based romans of all time
Tfw tge show makes cicero into a sniveling coward
Like wtf legit my only complaint of this god tier show
Is there a scene where he does it?
Someone correct me if I'm wrong but they switched actors for an older guy. That one gets laid. This one, I don't think so.
> tfw watching any show ever
> Suddenly Mark Antony pretending to be someone else in modern day walks on screen
immediate smile
I thought the same about Cicero. How could he even get into that position if he was as weak as portrayed in the series? At least his death scene was good. But I always believed I was biased because I read Robert Harris' books in which Cicero is the main character.
>She didn't do it herself
The writers were probably most familiar with McCullough's "Masters of Rome."
It's a shame. The real Cicero was a great, great man. The most admirable of all the great Romans, IMO, including Caesar, August, Aurelius, Cincinatus, etc. All that even though he lost in the end.
Still, what a man.
What, people liked this show unironically? It was shallow, cringey garbage. Even the walking pleb is better. I bet most of you fags are ameriblobs who don't even have a real history.
I r8 this b8 a 8/8 in 48 st8s
This meme has been posted a bunch, so I'll respond. If you actually watch and understand the show you would know that his mother fucks his brain up and makes him the shit bag sociopath he becomes. Is that what you want to be a fucking unfeeling monster? Goodluck.
Yea, their portrayal of Cicero was the major crime of the show. I think the reason for downplaying the greatness of the man is similar to the reason why Shakespeare killed off Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet- he was too engaging and cool and made the other characters look bad. Read Cicero's political speeches collected in the Penguin edition or his Exhortation to Philosophy, great stuff. I much prefer Ancient Greek writers, but Cicero and Plutarch are pretty great.
There's a reason why the generation of europeans are a bunch of nu-males. Mothers and fathers dont push their children anymore. All there is, is passivity, indifference, degeneracy etc
>you will never have a mummy like her
kill me
>and not one of your soldier she-wolves, mind you. Something clean and pretty, untouched by a nigger
>Cant even get laid as show character
Cicero was slumlord scum. Even the Senate despised him, and they were kleptocrat scum themselves.
>That moment when Cicero congrats for killing Caesar and says Mark should have been killed as well and he appears behind him.
bricks were shat
In the same episode Titus Pullo takes him to a brothel but they don't show the actual sex scene. As said at some point they switch the actors as Octavian is not a child anymore and the older actor gets a sex scene.
He sure as hell picked the right one out of that lineup.
thanks for reminding me that I never saw season 2
not even sure why , just never got around to it
now if I could only find a torrent .....
>Fucking his lesbian sister had nothing to do with it.
>His mum getting him laid was the problem
Great work.
For some reason this show has been getting posted on every board even tho its 10 years old.
Watching the second season now.
Which did he pick, fourth from the right?
The trap
its a good show
No, but lol.
>dat blood bukake scene
Muh dick. Every time
>its an octavian asks his wife to slap him in the face while he fucks her episode
GOAT Roman drama. Milius is based.
Livia was muh waifu, always managed to piss of Atia
I know but its weird that I had never seen a post about it and now it's everywhere. I guess it's a meme show.
Polly walker is the perfect milf
>tfw she will never ride your cock
Young Octavian was GOAT, grown Octavian is an aspie with BDSM fetish
>Atia will never see you come out of a closet with your great uncle Caesar, assume you were orally pleasuring him, and congratulate you
>we will never live with roman attitudes towards sex ever again
why does religion ruin everything
>tfw 27 year old virgin
>tfw mom never helped me like that
Just kill me already
Probably because end-of-his-life, I-hate-Caesar Cicero was a very different man from prime-of-his-life Cicero
Atia is unironically my favourite female character ever. Talk about building a multilayered, complex character that doesn't boil down to hurr stronk female like pretty much every cunt in GoT
its not about religion, they were religious back then too
He picked one that wasn't very ugly, but not very pretty either. The perfect specimen to get slapped around. Seriously, lads she looks like a chiwawa.
>Caesar is mai historical waifu
>tfw he dies
He was too good for this world, too pure
Roman religion was orthopraxic, so as long as you did the correct rituals everything was a-ok with the gods.
Orthopraxic religions are the best.
when did we get webms with sound?
like a year ago, i think theres specifically a board for it but i dont know it and im not going to go through hovering over like 50 board links, look it up friendo
/wsg/ and /gif/
i rarely see sound weebums on /gif/
Any requests for WebM of Rome?
>dat scene between him and Verenus after killing Arastese
lol are you me?
that fucking face though...
Cicero practically ran rome while octavian was fighting antony in gaul. The senate and the consuls followed his lead and he turned the whole population against Antony with his philipics. The only reason he died was because octavian made a truce with antony to fight brutus and during the truce antonys followers hunted dowb his enemies amongst whom was cicero. Remember even at the time of his death cicero was widely popular and many people mislead antonies spies to aid ciceros escape
Quite cute whore, though way too small tits.
Many nuts were busted to this scene.
Octavian was such an asshole goddamn
I really think Caesar would have been disappointed in how he treated Cicero, for all of Caesar and Cicero's bickering there was a level of respect present, I think (I'm basing this off Plutarch, anyway)
Perfect tits.
Large but not too big, somewhat floppy and great nipple size.
Is there a man more cucked than Vorenus?
>your wife sluts around while you fight in Gaul for 7 years
>come back home hoping for quiet life, suddenly all your slaves die, back to military
>realise you're supporting a tyrant, but muh honour prevents you from doing anything
>wife offs herself like a stupid bitch, your kids now hate you and think you did it
>forced to drag these idiots from slavery while killing 100000 roman citizens in your path
>your now raise your wife's son and your daughter takes after mom and sluts around with your enemies
>fuck this shit, I'm going to Egypt to raise Pullo's son
>turns out Mark Antony is a fucking idiot too
>run away and get mortally wounded in a Shithole, State Nowhere
>TFW when you think of Livia you think of the old hag from the sopranos and not this hottie
This and the mom from The OC gave me a fetish for bitchy-faced redhead milfs, a fetish that unfortunately has gone unfulfilled since.
It makes me sad though because he's betraying his beautiful former-slave wife
wait is this the blonde whore that sells rust tranqs in true detective?
>ywn never a friend like Titus Pullo
Whats it like to have someone unquestionably loyal to you even when you sink to the lowest of lows? Even Octavian knew that Pullo is a top bro
>way too small
They really misrepresented Cicero as an arrogant scheming rat, it made most scenes he was in unwatchable for me at the time.
Julius Caesar entering Rome with his army behind him. With sound, if possible.
Those aint anywhere close to large senpai.
Permavirgin Faggot.
>In the end, she finally became ROME
Manages to survive mortal wound Egypt, spends months dodging further guard posts, makes it back to ROME
Series 1.
Episode 2
Vorenus and Pullo just back in Rome. Titus is in a brothel fucking a whore and pouring wine on her.
Look carefully and you can see his erect cock pop out, but he continues to pretend fuck.
right fucking there.
>You'll never go whoring with Uncle Pullus who knows the best whores in the seven hills.
Why live.
It's the same in America. I'm a product of the destruction of the nuclear family.
Yeah but it's retarded to pretend it's better, leagues better, than GoT Seasons 1-3.
Season 1 of Rome is better than every episode of GoT combined. Now GoT books on the other hand.....yea not so much.
>Season 1 of Rome is better than every episode of GoT combined
How? Besides Rome having the wincest kino I don't see how. You fuckers promised me it even had higher production values than old-GoT. It doesn't at all.
I can't think of any GoT episode that gives me the feels of Vorenus redeeming Pullo in the arena. Probably the bro-est tier thing I've ever seen.
polly walker's sex scenes pls
nice quads, shame about your post though
>bang his pleb sister
> Give him what your brother wants
> what does he want ?
> What every brother wants of his sister
Well thats a leap of conclusion to make you nasty bitch and the worst part she actually managed to fuck him and the dude had no problems fucking his sister, like lol ok its current year everything is acceptable
You literally sound like one of those kids thats gets buttmad that Stalin or Hitler get portrayed as fucking evil dictators
Hello there redditor!
Yeh but that ruff puss is something you only get once within a lifetime