My name is Sayid Jarrah

My name is Sayid Jarrah...

and I am a torturer!

Salaam alick'um


Sayid was based as fuck. The nigga broke a guy's neck with his fucking feet.

You're easily amused, aren't you?

not as based as Richard was

what did he mean by this?

muh nadia muh torture. then he kills 5 more people next episode. guy never learns a fucking thing

>muh Nadia muh love of my life
>goes into afterlife with some godless American whore

well to be fair
he does live in a perpetual existensial crisis nearly all the time

Best character on the show

Fuck off different user here tgat scene was cool af

Anyone else kind of want to fuck him?

Like not on a gay way but you know

You wanna know a secret, Jack?? Something I've known a long, long time?? You're dead. I mean literally, we're all dead. Every single one of us. And this, this, all this, it's not what you think it is. We're not on an island, we never where. We're in hell.

Richard was so fucking cool up until they ruined him with that origin episode

wew lad at that picture

fuck they all were. but the island was like "don't be gay to each other guys". and he was gay to people by murdering them.

wut if i told u Richards blue cup gave him all his powers?

I actually kind of wish we never got a clear origin for Richard. The mystery surrounding him was far more intriguing than actually finding out about him.

was he one of the ones that filled in for the writer strike?

different user, but agreed


yeah he ended up being a big pussy that was jacob's secretary. and he never even told anyone that esau existed which is a dick move.


I love lost but damn there are so many plot holes and just terrible writing that it's ridiculous. Has potential to be one of the best tv shows of all time but they just fucked it up.

Then people would have bitched about that.

That's because the writers didn't think of that plot line until season 5 or 6.

Doesnt help that the writers quite half way through

Because the show leaves out so much. Lost's problem is that it introduced so many mysteries that it forgot about the ones they made.


Writer strike

>"he looks pretty much the same in that flashback episode, that's weird"
>think it's just a fluke
>that episode where Ben talks about his birthday and says "You remember birthdays, don't you?"

no, he's talking about how it made him look like a bitch when for the rest of the series was badass

That only happened during the beginning of the third season I thought. During those boring as fuck episodes where sawyer and Kate are stuck in cages and nothing really happens.

No, it's because fans want it both ways. They want the mystery and the explanation.

They'll get an explanation and they don't like it because it wasn't what they wanted, so it sucks/plot hole/yadayadayada.

I'm just referring to the fact that the mystery made him interesting. I also would've preferred it was never revealed because it rarely adds anything interesting

I thought they didnt come back.
well regardless, whoever was writting for the last 2 seasons dropped the ball a few times when they decided they needed to tie shit up all the sudden. If they spent more time thinking about tieing shit up then they could have taken a more gradual approach but nope

>six episodes and you could sum it up with Eko died, Desmond got premonition powers from electromagnetism and Jack, Sawyer and Kate escaped

You'd have done a better job, I'm sure.

But there were huge plot holes in the show. Ones that can't even be explained. For instance, when the French women meets sayid she tells him that her team were on the island 3 months before anything happened to any of them. She told him that she never saw the monster that killed her team. However, when Jin meets the team and her just when they crash the next day her fucking team get attacked by the monster, and two are killed. Not even that but they all see the fucking monster.

And furthermore, she tells Jack and all the survivors that she never saw any of the others even though Ben confronts her with a fucking gun and takes her baby. Oh and let's not forget that she CAPTURES Ben some years later and says that she's never seen him.

Oh and one more, she never recognizes Jin even though he hasn't even aged in the first two seasons.

There are PLENTY more.

You dont have to be someone who can do a better job to be a critic

Desmond's episode was pretty good at least. In fact, all of his episodes were good. He was probably the only character without a bad one.

Isn't that the same arc with Ben's tumor and the intro of Juliet?

It was really way to long. Ekos episode really a flawed episode as well and nothing comes out it. You can tell its rushed because the actor wanted to leave.

Let's not forget that Locke finds the others based off a note on ekos stick which I'm sure the others were expecting to happen.

All the episodes with jack sawyer and Kate are terribly dull. The writers even admitted it.

Remember the episode about jacks tattoos lol.

That was also because Darlton wanted a definitive end date for the series. Writers just weren't sure how long LOST would run for.

I forgot about Juliet but Ben's tumor went nowhere. He got it fixed and then it wasn't mentioned again

mr. eggo wasn't even allowed in the universal church. what did he do to piss everyone off.

No one ever said there weren't plotholes. I just said that when something is left a mystery, such as Richard's origin, fans hate that just as much.

I think the whole thing lacked majorly because of the sideways crap. So many loose ends could have been tied up without that eating up so much of S6.

The actor wanted out and apparently wasn't very easy to work with. Same with Ana Lucia

>Like not on a gay way but you know

What way then

Why would it? It was just the framework for Jack leverage him, leading to lock blowing up the ship and so on.

By the same logic, you could sum up S1 with "crashed plane, shot a bear, built a raft".

He was tired of living in Hawaii to film. Apparently they wanted his character to counter locke's. Which I don't know why since they already had jack.

I hated the sideways but I don't mind the ending too much. I mean, how can you end a show like lost?

I think they fucked up before that, I didn't mind the time traveling stuff but everything in the story just got waaaay out of hand.

I didn't mind the present time stuff at all. In fact, I liked it. The sideways stuff just seemed like a way to kill everyone and still get a happy ending. I didn't mind the storyline of it on its own, but the entire concept of it.

>you now realize that this also applies to everything in the entire fucking show


The episode where he joined that weird cult that was growing weed was pretty fucking terrible.

I don't remember disliking any Hurley eps, not that there were many.

also tackles people every other episode