When will White Crackers apologize?Fuck your evil White race,you are race of opressors...

When will White Crackers apologize?Fuck your evil White race,you are race of opressors.It's time to apologize you Cracker Albino Apes.

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Dear black people,
I'm so sorry. I mean, I’m really sorry you’re so assfuckingly retarded.
I don’t owe any of you walking, talking hunks of shit reparations because every freedom that I have enjoyed for my entire life has been made possible by wealth that my ancestors earned. I have benefited from this wealth as you also would if you had any motivation beyond slamman da hoes, as my ancestors did, as our nation did before and after slavery. No white people owe reparations because as a white person I sit on the pedestal of humanity and civility that built the wealth of not only this country but the whole European world.
Every opportunity and amnesty I have has been earned despite all the niggers around the world. Everything in this country is soaked and saturated with the success of hard work and teamwork, something niggers haven’t even heard of. Even the times I have had to scrape for dollars in my life, I still worked my ass off for what little I could earn. I know full well that even the homeless white man on the street corner is going to get more head nods and ham sandwiches than the black man across the street because the black man is busy jackin old ladies for their welfare checks. So to every white person, no matter how little you got or you think you got, you don’t owe shit to any niggers. You owe them a bullet to the head right now and you will pay them right now, or they’ll attack a cop.
I'm so sorry. For the existence of niggers.

when will you apologize for ruining our once great cities with you nigger behavior?



Only slaves my ancesters owned were Jews, and that was a really long time ago. My American roots were dirt poor people, so within the majority of white people who didn't own slaves, so screw you. No white guilt here.


And now niggers, nigger lovers, libtards, faggots, traps and fetish freaks it's time for the Looney Coons and their new smash hit "Sheeeeit!"

yo mamma rappa dappy doo
kill dapigs and scrappy too
bang da hoes drop ya droes
look muh big black cock
get muh bling out da muhfukn hock
sheeeit she says sheeeit
hit dat cracka ass hard like a whip
on a nigga ass

do da time fo da crime
like workin five ta nine
for a dime and a rhyme in time
on muh ebt card
sheeeit she says sheeeeit
hit da cracka ass

>ITT: False flag, idiots buying into it, trolls trolling, people saging

i love how you backwards hill people can think the n word can instantly diffuse any opposition on the internet

that pic got the epic quints

Fuck you!
You were never a slave.
I was never a master.
Go get a job or start your own fucking business you have all the same opportunity I do.
1/10 I replied with out responding in kind with insults.

Obvious whitefag is obvious

>you replying

Yeah cuz learning to apologize is in my top 10 for great feels

Apologizing for doing something to someone who had nothing done to them.
That would be the equivalent of me being black and apologizing for that other black guy that murderer your family because he wanted a new bike.

i ain't apologizing for anything. Especially since most slavery happened in AFRICA and the second most in the middle east.

Maybe opening a fucking history book would have showed you that.
But hey there are 1.6 billion slaves TODAY in the world while there are nearly none in the western world.

You fuckers are so stupid, so deluded that it sickens me.
The first slave holder in America was black. Most slaves in Europe where white. Most slaves in the middle east where white. Because black slaves where considered inferior. The only reason you don't see many races in the middle east was because they cut of the dick of any slave so that they couldn't reproduce.

Ever heard about the Irish slave trade? No, well then fuck of you pretentious twat




>Albino Apes
pic related..a "NOT albino APE"...aka a NIGGER


i don't giiiive a shit *sings* brown people can die in a holocaaaaust for all i caaare

u mad black grill? y dem black bois chose the superior white chicks over you? is it because they are more attractive? probably. white women are proven to be more feminine than black golem looking women. the black race will be outbred by the superior white race in 2100. no black woman looks like this. why is that? bad genes. that is why all black women are virgins that will die alone. because black men chose the superior genes. if you want to help the human kind you need to make your black boyfriend fuck white chicks. it's the only way we distribute good genes to all of humanity while removing the bad ones.

as a white person I'm sorry for all the fucked up shit white people have done to non-whites in the name of white supremacy or w/e

non-argument intensifies

> implies slavery is bad
> refuses to apologise for it cos someone else did it too


how dare you make deaf waifu apologize for something she didn't do.

no one wins an argument, user. especially in this place


Yes. I sure am oppressing you with my shitty dishwashing job, living in my parents' basement. Get fucked you RPing retard.

yeah, you're right there.

Go back to Africa.


idiot, why would i apologize for something i never did, nor anyone in my entire family tree.

And like i said, the blacks enslaved each other and sold them to other races.So the blacks should apologize and no one else


dragon dildos that is.



There is no richer store of human experience than the folk tales, folk poems and songs of a people. In many, the heroes are always fully recognizable humans—only larger and more embracing in dimension. So it is with the Russian, Chinese. and the African folk-lore.

In 1937, a highly expectant audience of Moscow citizens—workers, artists, youth, farmers from surrounding towns—crowded the Bolshoy Theater. They awaited a performance by the Uzbek National Theater, headed by the highly gifted Tamara Khanum. The orchestra was a large one with instruments ancient and modern. How exciting would be the blending of the music of the rich culture of Moussorgsky, Tchaikovsky, Prokofiev, Shostakovich, Khrennikov, Gliere—with that of the beautiful music of the Uzbeks, stemming from an old and proud civilization.

Suddenly everyone stood—began to applaud—to cheer—and to smile. The children waved.

In a box to the right—smiling and applauding the audience—as well as the artists on the stage—stood the great Stalin.

I remember the tears began to quietly flow and I too smiled and waved. Here was clearly a man who seemed to embrace all. So kindly—I can never forget that warm feeling of kindliness and also a feeling of sureness. Here was one who was wise and good—the world and especially the socialist world was fortunate indeed to have his daily guidance. I lifted high my son Paul to wave to this world leader, and his leader. For Paul, Jr. had entered school in Moscow, in the land of the Soviets.

The wonderful performance began, unfolding new delights at every turn—ensemble and individual, vocal and orchestral, classic and folk-dancing of amazing originality. Could it be possible that a few years before in 1900—in 1915—these people had been semi-serfs—their cultural expression forbidden, their rich heritage almost lost under tsarist oppression’s heel?

>stating facts = being pissed off..

So here one witnessed in the field of the arts—a culture national in form, socialist in content. Here was a people quite comparable to some of the tribal folk of Asia—quite comparable to the proud Yoruba or Basuto of West and East Africa, but now their lives flowering anew within the socialist way of life twenty years matured under the guidance of Lenin and Stalin. And in this whole area of development of national minorities—of their relation to the Great Russians—Stalin had played and was playing a most decisive role.

I was later to travel—to see with my own eyes what could happen to so-called backward peoples. In the West (in England, in Belgium, France, Portugal, Holland)—the Africans, the Indians (East and West), many of the Asian peoples were considered so backward that centuries, perhaps, would have to pass before these so-called ’colonials’ could become a part of modern society.

But in the Soviet Union, Yakuts, Nenetses, Kirgiz, Tadzhiks—had respect and were helped to advance with unbelievable rapidity in this socialist land. No empty promises, such as colored folk continuously hear in the United States, but deeds. For example, the transforming of the desert in Uzbekistan into blooming acres of cotton. And an old friend of mine, Mr. Golden, trained under Carver at Tuskegee, played a prominent role in cotton production. In 1949, I saw his daughter, now grown and in the university—a proud Soviet citizen.

Today in Korea—in Southeast Asia—in Latin America and the West Indies, in the Middle East—in Africa, one sees tens of millions of long oppressed colonial peoples surging toward freedom. What courage—what sacrifice—what determination never to rest until victory!


And arrayed against them, the combined powers of the so-called Free West, headed by the greedy, profit-hungry, war-minded industrialists and financial barons of our America. The illusion of an “American Century” blinds them for the immediate present to the clear fact that civilization has passed them by—that we now live in a people’s century—that the star shines brightly in the East of Europe and of the world. Colonial peoples today look to the Soviet Socialist Republics. They see how under the great Stalin millions like themselves have found a new life. They see that aided and guided by the example of the Soviet Union, led by their Mao Tse-tung, a new China adds its mighty power to the true and expanding socialist way of life. They see formerly semi-colonial Eastern European nations building new People’s Democracies, based upon the people’s power with the people shaping their own destinies. So much of this progress stems from the magnificent leadership, theoretical and practical, given by their friend Joseph Stalin.

They have sung—sing now and will sing his praise—in song and story. Slava - slava - slava - Stalin, Glory to Stalin. Forever will his name be honored and beloved in all lands.

In all spheres of modern life the influence of Stalin reaches wide and deep. From his last simply written but vastly discerning and comprehensive document, back through the years, his contributions to the science of our world society remain invaluable. One reverently speaks of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin—the shapers of humanity’s richest present and future.

Yes, through his deep humanity, by his wise understanding, he leaves us a rich and monumental heritage. Most importantly—he has charted the direction of our present and future struggles. He has pointed the way to peace—to friendly co-existence—to the exchange of mutual scientific and cultural contributions—to the end of war and destruction. How consistently, how patiently, he labored for peace and ever increasing abundance, with what deep kindliness and wisdom. He leaves tens of millions all over the earth bowed in heart-aching grief.

But, as he well knew, the struggle continues. So, inspired by his noble example, let us lift our heads slowly but proudly high and march forward in the fight for peace—for a rich and rewarding life for all.

In the inspired words of Lewis Allan, our progressive lyricist—

To you Beloved Comrade, we make this solemn vow
The fight will go on—the fight will still go on.
Sleep well, Beloved Comrade, our work will just begin.
The fight will go on—till we win—until we win.



get your fucking commie shit out of here.
your copy pasta is moldy and old.





You go back to Europe, Cracker


Are you Antifa?


it doesn't exist anymore, there is only a bunch of larping liberal anarkiddy faggots appropriating symbols they do not understand




I will never apologize for shit I did not do.

If you want me to, you can fuck off.

If you try to force me to, you can choose among the violent options that come along with me defending myself.

Quit crying about shit that other people did to other people and focus on your own shit. You probably need to, considering your attitude.



the violence, oh my!

I hope you burn to death

Got Milk?

>when you cry about violence and shit yourself over a warrant after having attacked people

woops forgot pic

we already did dumbass.

pic related, this is you.

oh look, it's this assclown.

actually, you do fight fire with fire.
It's the fastest way to destroy a fire, deprive it of oxygen


"We're sorry."

Fine. Can we go now?

>saves the thumbnail

>this guy knows it

hell yeah

Is it time for Americans to pay some money for what they did?

no point in an apology the people that needed it are dead user

move on

>bumping your own b8 thread