Why do people pretend that this "lol so randumb xD" idiot was funny?

Why do people pretend that this "lol so randumb xD" idiot was funny?

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do YOU want to be haunted by Mitch Hedberg?


wtf was "lol so randumb xD" about his routine? do you just type out posts that aren't true with the hope of making someone mad? or are you just an idiot?

I thought his jokes were clever.

I like him because he just stood there telling clever jokes. He didn't use his routine to make a political statement or bitch about things.

But none of his jokes were non-sequiters and he didn't yell or wave his arms about like a moron like 90% of comics. One liners are really hard to come up with and he had hundreds.

Yes very much so

Just goes to show that one-liner comedy is dead. Any comedy routine that doesn't follow some gay little narrative monologue is garbage.

What happened to the Dufrenes?

I just like his delivery and the fact it was just non-sequitur after non-sequitur. No agenda, no long set-ups; just a guy with immense stage fright saying silly things.

OP used to be a faggot. He still is, but he used to too.

>you will never have the ghost of Mitch Hedberg follow you around whispering clever one liners into your ear.

I liked him because he was unusual for a stand up comedian in that he actually told jokes. Funny, original jokes.
And I also like black tar heroin

>And I also like black tar heroin

You know it doesn't like you though, right?

I always loved his cameo in the first season of That 70's Show.

>Hey order up. I didn't lose a leg in 'Nam to carry fries over to kids.
>What you didn't lose a leg in 'Nam.
>Like I said; I did not lose a leg in Vietnam.

What? Shit loves me or it wouldn't feel so good.

Also the fact that he'd make up new jokes on the spot and they'd fall flat so he'd just make a joke out of that.
I can't remember which CD it was but on the one he had a bassist on stage with him and some of the times he called on him to kill the awkward quiet parts had me in stitches.

Steven Wright is better

>Buy something or get out! I got a big wedding coming in.
>Frank, you don't have a big wedding coming in
>Oh is that what I said? What I meant to say was "buy something or get out!"

Well you got me there.

This picture is going too far
What the fuck are white people thinking?

Who can eat at a time like this? People are missing! Bush, SEARCH party of three. You can eat when you find the Dufrenes.

I feel really bad for him during his special on comedy central, the one where he gets kinda nervous and walks back and forth onstage.

That being said he did retell a lot of jokes, which is fine because they were all outsandingly clever.

Most comedians retell jokes.

Like they'll go on tour with a routine and be telling a lot of the same jokes over and over.

That type of comedy is golden, its sad he's gone

I had somebody like louis ck in mind when I typed the post, the fucker doesn't reuse material once either on stage or on the fx show.

Hedburg was literallly Reddit: The Comedian and this thread is chock full of redditers. you all need to fucking leave

He's a really good alternative to preachy comedians who sometimes seem to sacrifice funny for their "message".

I can appreciate different viewpoints or ones that I hold told in a humorous manner, but it does get tiring after a while. Hedberg, for me at least, is a great counterbalance to all those.

Honestly I always thought he was a discount stephen wright.

This. You people look for an excuse to hate everything, don't you?

No political bullshit like most comedians get into today, just light-hearted fun and silly puns. I miss him.

What comedians do you like?

They're asking god to rid the world of niggers. They're literally offering themselves for the good of the human race.


Club sandwich

>last thing he did was a seemingly out of place cameo in Lords of Dogtown

He's deffinitely at the top of my list of stand ups i wish i'd gotten to see

>Mitch Hedberg
Nigger, u dun goofed.

damn I miss the old days



One liners, user. Just because you don't know that there are different styles of comedy doesn't make them "lol so randumb".
And yes, I fell for the bait, but pretending to be retarded just makes you retarded.

Bullshit. If you went to a Louis C.K. show back to back in two close cities, the material would be nearly identical. All comedians do it. They're always done it. Comedians are fucking hacks.

Mitch is cool tho'


>tfw always seem to forget about Mitch Hedberg, and then when reminded of him I watch his stand-ups and realize that I will never be able to see that genius live

>file it under D, for donut

>using the same jokes in two different shows makes you a hack
Seriously? If you're traveling and going city to city, you're not fucking writing an entire new set for each crowd of faggots. No one on earth expects that.

He actually told clever, well crafted jokes instead of just getting up on stage and complaining and cursing. Breath of fresh air even for today

I don't think he really qualifies as "lol so randumb xD" considering how sharp a writer he was. His bread and butter was tight one-liners and they were rarely non-sequitur.

>I like an escalator because an escalator can never be broken... it can only become stairs

his cadence is half the reason his jokes are so funny


what he meant was CK throws out all of his material every year and starts from the ground up. He'll never reuse bits after that. Apparently got the idea from Carlin because Carlin said it will make you a better comic by keeping you sharp

Comedians don't usually retell jokes if they've filmed or recorded it for a special, unless they refined it since then.

But up until they film that special, they are on the road retelling the same jokes. They all do it.

this is funny. plebs confuse wit for lolsorandum

>OP thinks this is random humor

you literally know nothing, OP.

The only true comedian to ever exist

you're an idiot. you have no idea what comedians do.

Mitch and Steven Wright are my favorite comedians of all time tbqhwy

Literally the wittiest man to ever exist

His delivery was amazing. He was also funny.


he was a worthless heroin junkie.

good riddance


What have you done for me lately?

>why do people have different opinions than me?

took out a heckler without even really being mean. Legend


>I want to be american woman Ed-Deee

>fuck u Ed-Deeee

meh, I have hundreds, its not that hard

>tfw no zebra bitch

You should check out Oliver Graves, you might like him.

um, excuse me OOMFOOFOO, you was butt nekkid on a zebra two weeks ago,
,, +

eh, this is so obviously choreographed

mitch even fucks up by starting the question 'which way is my career going?' before the guy says 'downhill'

This guy might suit your taste better.

You need to listen more carefully to their exchange.

at around 2:06 in the youtube video Mitch wants to ask for the next answer but says:
>which way, (pause), what's next? what's the next answer?
The next question Mitch 'answers' to the heckler is
>downhill.... which way is my career going, Phil?

give us a few then

come out to one of my shows and I will

I almost lost my sideburns the other night.

It was a close shave.

> Yo dog you have to watch HE IS SO FUNNY!
> Yeah ?
> Yeah man, fuck Chappelle, Rogan, Pryor, O'Neal
> Ok
> Watch 1hr special on jewtube
> Nigga just stands there saying random award shit, no jokes, no funny stories, just random shit

Bill Hicks was the GOAT, Hedberg was great as well though

tell me one even slightly funny joke and I will


My ma knew Mitch in Vegas when he was starting out (she was a photographer in various casinos) and said he actually did this bit in real life at a restaurant and had everyone in tears

Stand up comedy is literally red dit: the entertainment

90% of tv posts are made in the hope of making someone mad

I know this is a troll thread but I have to admit the "I went to the store to buy a candleholder, they didn't have one so I bought a cake" bit made me cry laughing like a great burden was lifted from me.

> OP pretends to hate Hedberg to give us this thead.
> tha real mvp

>Implying he wouldn't be railing against Trump like the limpwristed drug addict degenerate faggot that he was

>meanwhile... in the UK

Are you cat food? Cause you're making my pussy hungry

He actually made one-liner comedy refreshing which is seemingly unheard of, so I have to give him credit for that.

because he did it before your favorite meme shitposter did

>liking Rogan's "comedy"



Gotta luv youtube comments


People like Mitch Hedburg because he wrote some funny one liners and because he flubbed so many of his jokes most people can actually tell them better than he could.

Yeah, right after he says "I guess we're doing this backwards" because the guy said he was a plumber without being asked

I saw Mitch in Seattle a month before he died. Dude was fucking hammered and still had the crowd roaring.

A couple days afterward Mitch apologized on his website for being drunk. He said he did it in protest for the venue going over the max price of tickets listed in his rider. It was, he claimed, a fuck you to the venue for charging us too much.

I miss his comedy. It was random and sporadic. And funny. That's why I liked him.

Almost all of his material would be 100% shit coming from any other comdeian, but there is someing about his delivery that makes it hilarious

Which is incredible because Carlin ended up as an unwatchably slack, paranoid ranter with no real material, riding entirely on the audience agreeing with him and remembering that he used to be George Carlin.

>Carlin ended up as an unwatchably slack
says who

That's cause his personality was so endearing and likable. His shyness was charming to a lot of people.

Carlin was lousy from You Are All Diseased through Life Is Worth Losing with occasionally funny material on Complaints and Grievances. He reeled it back some for his last special which was more lighthearted, probably his funniest since the 90s. I'm just glad LIWL wasn't his last one. That was awful.