This movie is hilarious. How are women this fucking stupid?

This movie is hilarious. How are women this fucking stupid?

Other urls found in this thread:

>How are women this fucking stupid?
Because they're women.

>How are women this fucking stupid?
Because they're women.

>How are women this fucking stupid?
Because they're women.

>How are women this fucking stupid?
Because they're women.

Holy Moly

white Christian girls


this entire thread is rude as fuck sm h

All these women are ugly.

they are 17-18 y/o girls

They're just basic. You can tell they all have the exact same life. Like Drones. Like Cattle. And oh look, they've found some bulls.


>that girl on the left holding her nose to keep the smell or nigger out of her nose

>How are women this fucking stupid?
Because they're white women

Girls, women, it's all the same. I know 40 year old women that don't act any different than 18 year olds. It's pretty common.

even with makeup those girls are ugly




I thought this was about camwhoring but it was more about porn.

I'm not mad just disappointed. Still funny to laugh at them tho.

They should make a sequel in Japan with JAV actresses doing weird shit like a 200 men bukkake or sticking an eel up their vagina and then explain how used up they feel.

I wonder if that main girl is still running that restaurant or gone back to being a camwhore.

They have a really weird culture anyway. I don't think they put as much value on themselves as your typical 18-20something white girl.

>That facial abuse scene



>90% single motherhood with a kinky haired baby

These women and their offspring are parasites on society, they should be put down. It's the best thing for everyone really

So who else looked up the corresponding porn scenes to watch while they talk about it.

>How are women this fucking stupid?
Because they're women.

>le pornography is bad propaganda film
Absolute horrid Hollywood trash


why are white women so shit at earning money

more like "Slightly Above Average Girls Wanted"


>100% of these women said that the father of all their children were black

Which number numbers are they referring to here?

>"Then I understood, that's how rape victims felt. They felt bad about themselves."


porn is terrible but WOMYN who make poor life choices aren't the only victims

Agreed, pornography and prostitution is terrible but it's a direct result of the capitalist system we live in.

got fuckall to do with capitlaism

theres prostitutes in every system

its got to do with mans desire to fuck and womens desire to eat

They aren't victims at all. People need to learn to accept the consequences for the decisions they make.

This movie was very shitty it barely makes a point and is so one sided it's not even funny

Shitty parenting of course.

Shitty parenting on the women's side of thing and on the side of the people doing this to them.

Puberty decides who is an adult, not social norms.

Except porn and hookers have existed long before capitalism showed up.

after this doc, her vids are way better to me

>Women are not responsible for their own actions - the film

What were they thinking? Modern feminism is a joke

>hey do you want to be in porn?
>ok give me lots of money lol
>damn how did I end up in porn?!!?

>How are women this fucking stupid?
They aren't expected to be smart and don't need to be, they can get away with being complete retards because there will always be a man to provide them with whatever they need. On the other hand men are fucked if they happen to be stupid because they're disposable they always have been.

>6 girls
>7 guys

W-which guy has no GF?

>"I got my heart broken in middle school when I lost my virginity. Sex means nothing now."

Come on. There's pure stupidity that's hard not to laugh at.

Shitty parenting is an excuse people make for their own bad decisions. Its called accepting responsibility for your actions.

9 to 5, days in porn is much better..
>dat hilariously jewish manager of Sasha Grey

The oldest profession is prostitution you moron. It is literally the first exchange of goods and services in existence.

Even animals do it. And holy fuck, give animals money, and they do it even harder:

Savage but accurate

ava taylor is hot af


Blame the patriarchy

You will have to explain that one to me user. I know one society that didn't use capitalism and that was Sparta, I didn't read much about spartan prostitutes and porn.

interesting point

>Shitty parenting is an excuse people make for their own bad decisions. Its called accepting responsibility for your actions.

They wouldn't make those decisions if they had competent parents in their lives. It is a sign to stay the fuck away from those types of people. Like dyed hair, makeup, tattoos, piercings, etc. Fucking degenerates.

Society needs to go back to shamming women who have children out of wedlock. That's the only way to stop this.

what a stupid argument
>I walk down a road and get mugged
>my life is marginally fucked on essentially a coinflip
>bu u had a choice, shoulda chosen to go down the other road i guess, gotta accept the consequences

come up with a counterargument that avoids leaving unlucky people in dirt and it'll be fine though

>Shitty parenting is an excuse people make for their own bad decisions. Its called accepting responsibility for your actions.

pretty fucking dumb comment. how does a child know what decision is right or wrong when their role models arent teaching them right or wrong or are teaching them that the wrong decisions are right?

you know kids dont just learn by way of magic, they get taught

once you reach maturity you need to take responsibility but kids themselves are blank slates you can mould into greate or fuck ups

The white guy

Ava Taylor looks like every stoner girl that thinks she's hot. She even talks like a stoner girl.

Holy trashcan of ideology

Anyone else find their videos much hotter after watching this movie?
Now it's like watching a porn of someone you actually know. gets me way harder. Especially the bondage scenes of the main girl.

Why IS Sup Forums always right?

> sympathetic girls make bad life choices and are exploited to no end until they quit

>implying I didn't fap immediately after watching this

>judging normies who have responsibilities

disturbing desu

>realises his argument is retarded/wrong
>decides to just say something retarded

you couldve said nothing at all you dipshit

Some roads are safer than others. Sure there are unfortunate circumstances, but you're in control of which road you take.

Society tells us what's wrong and what isn't. We're told by our peers, and by our teachers. These bitches knew what they were doing. This is coming from someone who had shitty parents.

As an attention-whoring Sup Forums bumboy you shouldn't need to ask.

>Society tells us what's wrong and what isn't. We're told by our peers, and by our teachers. These bitches knew what they were doing. This is coming from someone who had shitty parents.

shitty parents > you choose shitty friends > you ignore good teachers > you ignore society

good parents > you choose good friends > you listen to good teachers > you listen to society

>judging normies who have responsibilities

imagine this was you, user. of course you'd want to feel as though you'd some sort of business being judgmental

in the context of the thread a large portion of society proclaims porn is perfectly fine, just like it is perfectly fine for young girls going to college to pay the tuition being a stripper.

>Anyone else find their videos much hotter after watching this movie?

Shit this reminds me of a Louis Theroux porn doc years ago. He spoke with some woman who talked about how ashamed she was about this one scene where two guys fucked her pussy at the same time.

Immediately went online to find that video, knowing she hated it made it even hotter.

How fucking old are you? Are you black? This is literally the mentality of a black person. After a certain age, you really can't blame anyone but yourself. If you keep getting DUIs, maybe, you should stop drinking and driving. If you keep gettting STDs , maybe, you should stop having so much unprotected sex. The Mommy and Daddy excuse is a cop-out that leaves you incapable of improvement.

Not where I live. Plus, usually if it feels wrong when you're doing it, you shouldn't be doing it.

i guess youre retarded cause as i wrote children are one thing and when you mature thats enough

we're discussing children here you absolute fucking retard

if you want to assume children are in control of their lives you should write a thesis on it and change science you dumb cunt

lmao seething Amerifat

>make up statistics
>people on Sup Forums believe it

All of you are fucking stupid. Do you have a black father?

It's funny because of the proportion of people on Sup Forums who prefer to believe they're systemically discriminated against for being white and/or "redpilled" over acknowledging their personal shittiness.


Please, fuck off.

I'm just being honest. It comes from personal experience. I hate everyone else for different reasons.

>shifting the goal posts

kill your self

Hell fucking yes.

It's like watching a porn of a girl you knew in school.

Not about where you live user its a young girl with shitty parents watching tv and listening to Scarlett Johanson tell a funny story about how she went to a strip club once and had a private dance, she talked to the dancer who explained she is paying for college stripping. Oh how the audience laughs and the host its a perfectly and acceptable way of life and girls should be proud of there body's.

Okay, so let's stop convicting 18-25 year olds for murder. I mean, they're not in control. Especially if mom and dad didn't give them the proper amount of hugs.

>Every news report of every crime has a black mother but no father in sight
>All the DNC BLM moms.. no fathers in sight
>Blacks 83% single motherhood rating Milwaukee
>Blacks 79% single motherhood rating Detroit
>Blacks 70% single motherhood rating in Dallas

"lol made up statistics"

the blonde with the nose piercing was the only one who seemed like she genuinely enjoyed what she was doing. i was not surprised when it showed that she was still in the business.

>movie about complaining about lying on your back for money

I don't feel sorry for people that don't want to use their brains. I will admit that society plays a huge role in influencing people, but we still have a choice. It's like those obese people blaming mcdonalds for being fat. Yeah, you can't go anywhere without having food shoved in your face, but you use your brain. You use willpower, and think like an individual.


kill yourself

I am fairly sure there is at least one or more that in the movie say that stopped doing it, but is actually still in the business.

sauce plz

Ain't that the point of the film? These girls literally don't know any better and have been told by peers and society that porn is perfectly acceptable and after experiencing it many didn't like it.
You cannot just become a 18 year old adult growing up with shitty parents influenced by modern media and live with the same type of peers and know that porn may not be the best career to choose.

some pornstars enjoy their fucking job. it's as simple as that you fucking cuck

me on the horse

>le porn is bad meme
They have so many rules in place to avoid this shit
>then how did they get exploited
Best example is unions facial abuse is a non Union company that exploits girls just like non Union construction abuses their workers, there is Union porn that offers free healthcare and retirement these girls were retarded and wanted free money

is somewhere in murica prostitution legal?
