Fuck You wetbacks!

Fuck You wetbacks!
Arpaio Gets Pardoned!

pardoned doesn't mean safe

An embarrassment for AZ.

This. All. Fucking. Day.

Next step on the road to MAGA.
Instant pardons for any who the Coup led by Muller tries to convict to follow.

Pardoned doesn't mean not guilty as defined by the moral majority, and in this case, it never will.

I guess when being an American is the only thing you have to be proud of, this is important to you.

Arpaio: We have a lot of illegal aliens and I intend to do something about it

Obama Admin: RACIST

Arpaio: They are murdering my civilian population, I will not allow this


His jail/tent camps were unconstitutional as well. He treated people who were awaiting trial like they were in a 3rd world gulag. Joe is a piece of shit that pissed all over the Bill of Rights. Dogfuckers like you only love him because you like to see someone below you on the ladder get kicked. It makes you feel a little less worthless.

oooh edgy man, you must be a real badass

Jesus when did this turn into a libturd board. Chances are if you're already on trial you are a degenerate and are guilty

A racist pardoned a racist.
Anybody suprised?

why do you hate the Constitution?

when did you?


there was a time that this board wasn't filled with badge-kissers and bootlickers like you. It was glorious.

I'm not the one cheerleading for some fat pig violating the constitutional rights of American citizens

If by safe you mean from you, then yes it does.

Ever think it's possible to be anti-authoritarian at the same time?

You know what I think? I think that you people don't think much at all. You just like things because liberals don't. You don't even care if it is ultimately bad for you or the country as a whole.

America is wining again

That's where your wrong

No that was Obama

People used to grow up. But now there's college.

Everything is racist if you want it to be.

Think about it, then kill yourself you Fucking racist

Don't you have a lawn to mow?

>He treated people who were awaiting trial like they were in a 3rd world gulag. Joe is a piece of shit that pissed all over the Bill of Rights. Dogfuckers like you only love him because you like to see someone below you on the ladder get kicked. It makes you feel a little less worthless.


do you have any original thoughts that don't fit on a meme? I'll bet you have idiotic bumper stickers all over your car too. Go back to Sup Forums with the other incels and kick the people below you so you can feel good about yourselves.

Are you shopping for a new country.

That's great! Good luck in your new country!

That'll be here when the GOP gives corporate America everything they want on a silver platter. The new Gilded Age, and it won't be for you.

Maybe you vote at the ballot box next time instead of the Fucking street

Very happy. This guy is what we need Nationwide.

Wetbacks can't do shit.

What! He's literally the best thing for AZ.

how many more "thoughts" do you have saved on your hard drive there, champ?

Bet you couldn't make your own to save your life.

So you are afraid of jobs.
I knew it

Doesn't matter. He is free and should still be in office.


Fuck off nigger. There was nothing unconstitutional about his tent city. People like you need to get your teeth kicked in.

If you're not a tacist you're not paying attention.

It's just a lot of samefagging shills.

Illegals aren't citizens and criminals are allowed to be imprisoned.

I bet you pussy tear down statues cuz if you tore down mosques for actual current slavery practices. You get your ass kicked.
Statues are straw men that don't fight back.

There no memes. Just the truth.
I know I'm your hero

Enforcing immigration laws is illegal and racists now?

The world changed and people get more informed. When you graduate middle School you'll see that if you're white you can't be a liberal.

>Fuck off nigger. There was nothing unconstitutional about his tent city

That's not what the courts ruled to be unconstitutional. Want to try to defend him against the things he was accused of instead of the things he wasn't?

Internet tough guy

Only until the Demacrats are in charge again.
Don't see it happening anytime soon though.

Yes weakth creators and job producers are evil. We need socilaism because nothing says prosperity than letting the same people who run the VA run everything else.

Stay mad


A true American Hero! We need more of him and Trump.

If an illegal immigrant is caught here, why the fuck would we grant him constitutional rights? Gulag that motherfucker. Especially if his home country doesn't want to ship him back. Labor camps or execution.

Yeah, they should let peaceful Muslims run the VA.

Hillary Clinton received and epic bitch slap in that election. But she took it with grace and dignity Trump won and is still acting like a little bitch.

How is it some gang hasn't taken this cuckold out yet?

>hurr get off ur pedestal
we're not on a pedestal, we're on ground level.
they should just get their shit straight if they dont want to be discriminated.

Under rated post

Americans are funny.
Their CEOs steal billions of profits from the companys they work at, then they lay off thousands of people to make more profit, then steal some of that profit.

Those same CEOs then point at the gardener and say "thats why you hicks are so poor" as he flues off in his personal jet. Then you make the CEO your president.

Are you really this retarded?

maybe you should stop focusing on that he is posting a picture but focus on the content that is in the picture
>avoiding the point
>making someone out for a retard whilst acting like one

Flues off? Now whose retarded?

Lol she has yet to go away or take responsibility

The got drunk and threw shit at he's staff, not being able to address the constituents until the next day.

Seriously, are you feeling ok?

They are pussies like libcucks


The Democrats and Repulicans basically switched sides. You dumb shits probably believe that Socialists and National Socialists are the same thing because they have similar names.

Yes, yes they are.

>Democrats are liberal hippy nigger loving scum
>Democrats are racist KKK enablers

You have to be on meth to be able to do those mental gymnastics.

another "teen tries to shoot police officer, teen gets btfo" headline soon

This place really changed after the trayvon martin and zimmerman trial.

This place used to be anti-authority, anti-government, anti-police and now it's hilarious looking at all these newfriends growing up on a Sup Forums that is sucking the president's dick and thinks police are the best thing ever.

I think its like repairing a severed arm with a band aid. I mean, you are taking action. But are you solving any problems?

Ok so Jose wife can't clean the motel room any more. Are you going to take her place now? You really think that mexicans are the reason you make 6 bucks an hour at aspergers king?

I can already tell you're fucking retarded. Best to avoid it.

I saved that one.

Not sure who you ment it for.
I thought you were a fellow American sharing memes with me , until I read what you wrote.
Hope you had better understanding when you voted.
Oh, I see what happened now.

Nazis were fascists not socialists you retard
Don't confuse commies for nazis.
You nazi commie retard.

Digging up graves of fallen soldiers should be a red flag for you, yet some how you make sense of that.

Mental gymnast recognized!

that's not what I was referring to. It is clear you have no real understanding about what this man has done over the years.

I'm 46 and white and I think it is fucking hilarious that the country is turning brown. Poetic justice.

>creating a socialist utopia

Whatever mongoloid created that one should please explain what that "socialist Utiopia" was supposed to look like?

These are the same people who say Obama was an atheist, Muslim, communist so it's not worth getting into it with them.

The law applies to everyone
You professors lied to yoi6

violence is the last resort for those without an argument

when you can't fall back on brains, there's always the boot

Why are americans pigeon-holed into two choices?

Nigger and nigger lovers are a threat and threats need to be taken care of.

That's the way (((they))) want things.

I think the tumblr raid was the final tipping point. It made the news and all the frat boy types came flooding in because it was a place to be edgy and upset SJWs

We know first hand what this man has done. That's why we don't fall for you false narrative.
Your college professors don't work here.

That real inconvenient to talk about, isn't it?

National SOCIALIST German workers party


communism, fascism, and progressivism are forms of socialism.

Agreed. Trump only pardoned him to have pardoned someone already, once he has to protect his campaign staff.

Ah i see, too lazy to create the law or too much of a pussy to question any kind of authority? I guess it must be better to lick the assholes of the politicians who tell you what to do and how much money to do it for, ya? When the captain starts ranting about steering the whole ship off a waterfall, you'll be the brainless retarded repeating "aye aye."

What is it like to have been born with such a tiny brain?

I don't give a damn about confederate statues - just monuments to failure cast in bronze for posterity

if they are torn down or left up, it makes no difference to me

as for mosques, I don't like muslims, but I hate evangelicals more because they are the ones who actually try to pass *their* sharia law here - and your side panders to them. Ironic how those who hate the muslims the most have the most in common with them.

He's a convicted criminal who will die soon.

Before Ron Paul nobody on Sup Forums really cared about politics and it was just for laughs but when Donald Trump happened it was like the Ron Paul happening on steroids.

It's a giant real life circle jerk. He won 7 months ago and he just had another campaign rally.

>Jesus when did this turn into a libturd board. Chances are if you're already on trial you are a degenerate and are guilty
Remind yourself of that once the Grand Jury prosecutes Trump.

My professors told me to forget that in order to move the goal post during a political discussion

by who? nazis and confederate wannabes? both got their fucking asses handed to them before. Don't think it won't happen again.

Obama pardoned killers and drug kingpins. Lets talk about how much niggers love their drug dealers.

Trump perdons a cop and you lose your shit!

What an


The average retard doesn't get this

Nice redirect. Learn that in college or a black panther meeting?

>This place really changed after the trayvon martin and zimmerman trial.

This place hasn't been the fucking same since 2009.

2010 increased faggotry 1000x fold.
2013 is just cancer.

>National SOCIALIST German workers party

Do you believe Hitler had the support of the old elites from the German empire and the economical and financial leaders of the Weimar Republic because he was anywhere near being a socialist, you dumb fuck?

>being this retarded
Name a drug kingpin Obama pardoned. Trumpists have zero facts or arguments. Its gets lame.

Trump pardoned a convicted criminal.