"I don't watch TV"
How do you even respond to this?
"I don't watch TV"
How do you even respond to this?
>10/10 thread op
Just put on your mask and let it do the talking
"I don't associate with pretentious faggots."
Then do a 360 and walk away.
"I dont take showers"
"Neither do I."
"Yeah, I'm a faggot."
Your choice OP.
I don't watch TV either, I just watch the good scenes of an episode on youtube
>Me too.
>I don't need cable, I have Netflix!
Anybody who says this or thinks this is a valid statement can fucking kill themselves right now.
>Then do a 360 and walk away.
user, but...
t. a person who sits on facebook 14 hours every day.
>"At last, I can engage in intelligent discourse with a formidable peer"
I don't own a TV, I have a projector without a tuner though and watch sometimes on the night
people don't understand why there is no TV when they come around, like they expect to watch it
when my parents visit they keep asking where the tv is even after 6 years
Why should I watch TV when I can see almost any movie I want on the internet?
I have a TV but don't have cable. I just have phone and internet. Anything that I want to watch I can download and then plug in my laptop into the TV.
Gonna build an HTPC soon and remove the need for plugging in my laptop.
I don't watch TV.
I download programming and watch in then.
I don't tune in my television to anything live.
what superior eastern kino is this mask from?
"Me neither"
you congratulate him for his good taste
>watching the electronic jew
>getting counterbaited this easily
ho ho hoooo
>hey kid, want to smoke this?
"I don't smoke drugs, I smoke fools like you on the b-ball court!"
Modern TV is garbage. Can you blame him?
>watching TV
the fuck's wrong with you OP? TV shows on the computer sure, but watching TV feels like browsing the web without adblock
If someone says that to you you give them a nod of approval because they're a fellow patrician
Onibaba, which is not very good. If you want a samurai horror movie watch Kuroneko
>browsing the web without adblock
A lot of normies do this. I went to a normie friend of mine this Sunday and he wanted to show me a video and we had to sit through a 30 second video ad before it started. I asked him why he doesn't use an ad blocker and he said he didn't mind them.
I honestly don't. I'm here for the occasional thread about movies I've seen and the dank memes.
I haven't had a cable subscription for 5 years. Between Netflix, Amazon Prime and HBO Now, free online streams, I'm covered.
I'm more of a movie guy anyway.
me neither. maybe news sometimes
Only people over 40 that are insecure about their irrelevant pastimes get pissy over someone not watching/owning a television.
getting counter counter baited
>yfw you just got reverse counterbaited
what kind of projector do you have/recommend?
Why should I respond with anything?
Web services are way better and convenient nowadays for media anyway, especially if you're someone who doesn't feel the need to see a live premier.
lol only 90s kids will get this
ITT: Weird nerds who don't watch live sports
me too
Only oafs watch sports. I prefer a good drama series of whodoneit.
You own a TV in 2016?
Are you implying you can't watch those on the internet?
kill him
I literally feel healthier mentally since I decided to cord cut
i don't watch tv either. watching films and series as a hobby is different from being the kind of person who sits on the couch and watches filler crap.
me neither
>only oafs watch sports
sporting contests are part of the human experience and youre an idiot for disregarding them
You probably like it because you're gay. Who wants to watch a bunch of guys in spandex all tackling each other? Gay dudes. That's who.
Got faced.
Sorry not sorry.
i dont watch football or wrestling or any gay dudes.
disregarding athletics is a mistake
>mfw can't tell where the bait ends and the baitee begins
Please list all the shows currently on television worth watching.
I actually dont, i just watch rips afterwards
Well I don't watch TV either
Didn't have a cable connected to my TV for about 4 years now.
What am I missing, commercial breaks? The only thing I miss from that time are random comfy documentaries.
Always Sunny
Crazy ex girlfriend
The flash
Whose line is it anyway
>that guy that plays video games but doesn't watch tv
More like
>guy who watches movies but doesn't read any books
So nothing really