Unpopular onion thread. Seriously, who the fuck puts onions on a pizza anyway?

Unpopular onion thread. Seriously, who the fuck puts onions on a pizza anyway?

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i like onion soup

If its carmaelized, Im all about it. Raw ass onion is a no go in my book, however.

fucking plebs

I bought onion soup by mistake once. Threw it out. Too cruel to even give that shit to the starving homeless beggars.

Tuna pizza with onions and olives is the best pizza

Well, you could've given it to me.

That's a bread to be shared and dipped in various flavoured oils, not a pizza.
Onions are Meh

That just makes it worse. The onion juice gets all though the rest of your food and then the taint can't be removed.


Its grilled first.
I hate onions, but sautaeed onions are pretty dope.

Just a random pic, but onion tainted food products are a scourge in restaurants.

>who the fuck puts onions on a pizza anyway?
i do, bitch.

Onions and paprika is godlike on pretty much any pizza.

Sausage and onion is a classic pizza topping combination.


you can put onions on everyting unless you're a faggot

Excuse me, is this the Anonymous Shrek Disrespecting Club for notorious Shrek Disrespecters?

if you don't like onions, /ck/ is not for you

Birthdays were the worst days now we sip champagne when we're thustaaay

Pepperoni mushroom and onion wood fire pizza is awesome. But OP what you have is foccia.

I once put onion on your mom

>unpopular onion thread

pic's or it did not happen

Yer dead Harry!

Wood fire? What a weird topping for a pizza.

Onions > Op (Fruit)

Oh, shut yer gob.

I even put it in your mum's cunt.

better than a fucking pineapple thats for sure

I don't carrot all.

I don't have them, your farther has them, onion cucking is still a underground fetish

>Unpopular onion thread. Seriously, who the fuck puts onions on a pizza anyway?
You must be American. Sad Americans with their giant pizzas with no onions, lol. Enjoy yourselfs silly yanks.

I do. Fight me bitch.

> who the fuck puts onions on a pizza anyway?
But...but...but... what's wrong with onions? Are you saying there is something wrong with the onions? :(

when they are raw on your pizza, switch your pizza place.

warm/grilled/caramelized onions belong to hot dishes and cold and raw ones to cold dishes. that simple. like grilled onions way more though, dont like the stingy hotness when they are raw.

instead they put a fuckin pineapple on pizzas
a pineapple.

The stingy hotness and relentless tang gave me a temporary case of psd.

imagine this dude is pressing so hard it cuts the bottom of the box, then they lift it


i would add extra onion to that

Pineapple, bacon, jalapenos, and bbq sauce.

Onions must be cooked. Never raw. Period.

i love pineapple pizza

A Greek-Canadian (obviously a gay communist) invented pinapple ham pizza.

aw man just a thought of ruining delicious pizza with pineapple makes me vomit hard

I'm gay so whatever !

No no no, fuck you people. I, myself prefer onions but I respect it when someone doesn't because it's a particular kind of taste, but you fuckers need to die. You're the reason why at pizza parties, or get-togethers that have pizza ordered there's always gotta be about a fourth of the pizza there ruined by your dumb as fuck palette, and you niggers have the nerve to imply it's because of your sophisticated taste.

You must die for humanity to go on.

Then you'll have to kill everyone in Sweden and Finland

So basically, they are doing my work for me.I accept this.

Sometimes I put corn on pizza too.

I love pineapple on pizza. Onions too. On the same pizza. And there is nothing you can do about it.

i put onions in about 90% of all meals i cook

and yeah, i cook around 20 different meals so that is not much. but still. onion is love. onion is life.

as i friend of mine ordered a pizza once "put a portion of onions on the pizza. if you think it is enough put the same portion again on it. and if there is so much onion on the pizza that you think no person on earth could find that delicious - put that same amount of onion on top of the pizza again"

i honestly don't know a single person who doesn't love onions. it's like hating steak or beer.

See intolerance is an issue we need to deal with.Not that pizza is a big deal either way.

But your comments ARE.

It is ridiculous that folks see something they don't like being done and then jump on the "lynch them" band wagon.

If it does not draw blood it is none of your damn business.

Get the fuck over it.

People like YOU are why we have an idiot oompa loompa as president.

Add green peppers for master race pizza.

Fuckin pizza's like a mattress... I want to have sex on that thing. And then eat it.

Pineappleskin spotted.

Get wrecked, fruit looper.

No you ignorant fuck. I despise pineapple on pizza. BUT I defend that right among many others. I do not demand that others only do what I like. FREEDOM!

I do, it's actually quite good...Why is that a big deal? Value is subjective, man...Taste is personal.


Are you baiting me, or are you seriously implying you're going to take up arms over pineapple hate?

You can't possibly be tough-manning for the rights of people because someone mentioned they thought they should die. This is a new level of baiting or you are actually underage b&

Onions are fucking gross

mah nigger

Green onions are okay, but other than that I don't care for them. Red onions can fuck right off.

>mixing fish and olives with any sort of dough
kill yourself!

In my teenage days I ate onions like apples and my pizza was always overloaded with em. So that's that.

there are onions on dat pizza, bottom left corner. amercians do put onions on their pizzas.

I had a seafood pizza once at some fancy gourmet place. There were scallops, shrimp, calamari, mussels, baby octopus. Wasn't bad.

>amercians do put onions on their pizzas
It all makes sense now...

.... You can't be this fucking autistic.

^ I hurt his feelings.

No not violence to be sure. Just angry recognition. I see the problem but am powerless to deal with it beyond words. Nor would I even if I could.World is going to hell in a hand basket and I am order to not interfere just to watch and perhaps shout out the occasional warning. I agree this is silly pineapple, but the user who said folks should be "killed" for pineapple on pizza is a symptom of the bigger and very real problem.

The gun was just because it had the bill of right printed on it. (And I like guns)

>bought onion soup

What a disagrace you are if you buy premade soups in the first place. And then even proceed to complain about its taste as if it was surprise to anyone.

You: ugh.