>reports have surfaced of people having to eat their own pets
>75 percent of Venezuelans live in poverty
>has no access to international financial markets to borrow
>it has no reserves left.
>reports have surfaced of people having to eat their own pets
>75 percent of Venezuelans live in poverty
>has no access to international financial markets to borrow
>it has no reserves left.
Sleep tight Venezuelan puppers
Hopefully those sub humans starve to death so we can get a naimba thing going on.
I feel bad for the pet's having to be devoured by dirty subhumans. Poor animals.
Hopefully all of those people die off.
God damn we're going to a million fucking Venezuelan refugees aren't we?
>>reports have surfaced of people having to eat their own pet
Fuuuuck... feels. Sorry Venezuela. I blame communists.
please let this happen to Sweden soon
>tfw you know that the same shit would happen here if we weren't US property
We are getting all the upper class whiter Venezuelan qt refugees. I'm ok with this.
(I do hope they sort their shit out, Maduro needs to go before he destroys the fucking country)
Good, I hope this irrelevant useless nigger shithole implodes in itself , and becomes Brazilian clay
After we come in a suck all the oil dry
Will we get our own refugees now?
laugh it up heueue, they're headed your way.
They won't be crazy enough to cross the Amazon, they'll go to Colombia
You're actually right, it appears. They are already flooding Colombia.
That article reads like it was written by a 2nd-grader.
>accused the United States FOR ordering a coup...
>COMPETENTLY dependent on hydro-electric power
WTF is wrong with journalism now? Even the New York Times is full of grammatical errors these days. Rarely spelling errors, though, but I think spell-check is part of the problem - people use the wrong word but spell it correctly so don't get gigged for it.
I mainly blame texting and Twitter. People are forgetting their own fucking language because they only use slang and shorthand now.
The rich ones will leave by plane.
The poorfags will just cross to Colombia.
>Fuuuuck... feels. Sorry Venezuela. I blame communists.
You should. Hugo Chavez and Marxist dipshits like him are what made this happen.
Should be good when the US orchestrates a liberation campaign and seizes the oil so we aren't jew'd by Saudis on the oil market.
I would be worried a month ago, but the new government is cutting back on gibs, if they come here the most they'll get will be shitty camps, instead of living like kangs off government money
its already happening to them.
their top white citizens are moving to america, we're basically the white refuge.
its only a matter of time before swedens top can't support the bottom poorfags.
Another great success for communism.
Truly it is a wonder that we have not adopted this glorious philosophy.
>WTF is wrong with journalism now?
Most journalists' first language is Hebrew
cuba had its own financial crisis some years ago.
it was greatly mitigated by the cuban government urging everyone to plant food gardens.
Could be worse eh?
P.S send qt puerto rican grills
>author Jennifer Lawrence
She should stick to making shitty movies.
From Chavez to chow pets
Mao did the same thing when millions were starving from the 'Great Leap Forward', funny how similar the implementation of socialism/communism is across the world
>equates niggers to animals
>feels sorry for animals
pol logic
It's a side-effect of internet journalism. Print journalism doesn't contain so many errors because of the editing.
hey, here's a thought. is venezuela the only country to be taken over by communists and not immediately be overrun with mass graves?
I guess if they all starve to death they might get mass graves, but that's a little different.
Nigger they're fucking starving because their government fucked them over. I'd eat my dog too. I'd make his death painless though
Will trade 100 Mexicans for every female Venezuelan.
Maduro has just promised to give factories to the workers. He wants to Yugo the state. You don't even. Expect ciavil war in couple of days.
>steam friend in Venezuela
>all he does is buy groceries, sell them for 100x the price, then game with me
>casually mentions how he might get shot one day and not to worry about it
Can I save him?
100 likes and Brazil will invade Venezuale and take it`s wastad Oil
Yeah and they'll all vote Bernie or whatever the next communist flavor of the week is, in order to turn the USA more like the communist shithole they came from.
+1 like
Well, immediately is a stretch, they have been at this for decade. It's when oil prices felt that their entire economy went down the drain, since it was the only single thing the country produced, no hyperbole. Even food was imported with oil money.
I'd feel worse for them if their government hadn't tried to destabilize American oil production and by proxy the petrodollar with the rest of OPEC
Literally eat shit and die, mess with the bull get the horns, maybe your next regime will be smart enough to not subscribe to oil-based communismbux whilst fighting a country practically designed to destroy communism
How sad, socialism kills
Seems like they are fighting for the right reasons.
They've had a pretence of democracy until now. If Maduro feels his rule is challenged by desperate citizens, he'll clamp down far more brutally than he already has. When Communists fuck up (and they always do, eventually) they invariably designate scapegoats and begin to slaughter them without mercy.
You colombian fuckers better stop the hordes of commies, start building a wall ASAP
End times are coming literally all over the world now, and it all could've been avoided if the fucking British had just let the Nazis alone.
1 like= 1 prayer for Hugo
>bunch of Oil
>ruled by niggas
+1 (You)
Now is the time to establish white nationalist community in Venezuela
>Christians of Jewish descent
>Venezuelan people of Spanish-Jewish descent
pure coincidence
Burn baby burn!
You should have left Venezuela when Chavez was going to Cuba for medical care.
Heads of State going to foreign countries for medical care. That is a sure sign that the ship is sinking and you need to get the hell off.
>hur dur socialist miracle in Venezeula guyz
>oh shit that failed, well yk, it was just cause the terrain sucks and not socialism idk LMAO
>anyone else FELLIN TEH BERN XD
>if the fucking British had just let the Nazis alone
Perhaps the Nazis should have left Poland alone, instead of carving up the country in concert with the "Judeo-Bolsheviks" and murdering millions of Poles?
Why can't Canada accept actual refugees?
No. If they allow in Venezuelan refugees, that means that socialists would need to admit that socialism failed in Venezuela. Same reason that liberals don't fight to get the whites in South Africa declared refugees. Doing so would mean that they would need to admit that ending apartheid was a bad idea.
+100 like
I can't wait for a coup in Venezuela that will save the country but lefties will bitch about 20 years from now as an example of American Neo-Colonialism. Christ I hate liberals so much. All they do is bitch and ruin countries.
In case anyone forgot why we are impeaching her
Nazis dindu nuffin
>implying Poles aren't sneaky and scummy as the jews
>le Nazis win teh war meme
>implying the romanticist-socialist abortion known as National Socialism could have saved us from the technological system
>implying WW2 wasn't just the blowback from WW1, the war where the concept of society organized as a technological system finally usurped and destroyed the organic human societies of the Old World
they have plenty of oil reserves we should help them organize a coup overthrow madero and help redevelop their country. we could be the best of friends and oil trading partners.
well no, in regards to south africa it would be because they wish whites to suffer
That they consider whites "racist" for fleeing south africa.
Maybe if the Polish hadn't been trying to cleanse the ethnic Germans from west Poland.
Male Venezuela Great Again
Been a while since I gave this a listen
Is this still socialism or not? I can't tell.
Where is Sean Penn? Chomsky? Corbyn?
By that logic, those people are racist for not moving to South Africa.
They should have left when Chavez passed the new Constitution in 2001 and started talking of "neighbourhood councils" and "direct democracy" to bypass Congress.
"Direct democracy" is newspeak for "totalitarian communism". All the communist shitholes (North Korea, Cuba, etc.) claim to be 'direct democracies' on paper.
Anyway, the writing on the wall was there a long time ago in Venezuela. The most annoying thing were the ignorant naive Western leftists overseas defending that dictator when his intentions were obvious with a little research.
They are decades too late. This is the last resort option.
Chavez and Maduro, like everyone else, are money grabbing thieves - socialists. They got rich off the cheap propaganda.
Now, when everything is failing, Maduro is trying to save the situation by suddenly going full communism.
Like captain of Titanic trying to read a global warming pamphlet about melting the iceberg when the stern is at 90 degrees angle.
Anyway, it will be interesting. How soon till cannibalism?
Good habbening music.
Every liberal ever born is a hypocrite
coup d'etat when?
Nobody who champions the Nazis is in any position to complain about ethnic cleansing. Hitler wrote in "Mein Kampf" back in the early 1920s that the German state needed to steal land in eastern Europe to accommodate its population and that this would make war inevitable, so all of the retrospective justifications for Nazi expansionism which ignore this fact are just romantic fantasies.
All that being said, Nazism is completely dead and is never coming back in any case, so we need a new ideology to unite Europeans against the new invaders -- preferably not one which alienates the countries which suffered under the Nazis during the War.
>this wasn't true socialism, next time we'll definitely get it right
I'll give until August at being positive maximum
>Chavez and Maduro, like everyone else, are money grabbing thieves - socialists. They got rich off the cheap propaganda.
Don't forget the international drug dealing.
Maybe Bernie can be their president after he loses. Then he can really show them the upside to communism.
I wouldn't get too excited. We're next.
>Nobody who champions the Nazis is in any position to complain about ethnic cleansing
>he fell for the Holohoax war propaganda
I've noticed as much, as well. I saw a friend on kikebook say that the top 1 percent of the world has more than the bottom half, and that wanting to do something gets her labeled, "Socialist."
So I asked, "Well, what is it you want to do?"
"Well, if your solution is socialism, how is it inaccurate to call you a socialist?"
Cognitive dissonance is a funny thing to observe in action.
i know that feel, internet friend.
reposting this from last venezuela thread
>TL;DR translation
>friend: m8, i'd prefeer that our country were occupied by germany rather than staying like this, this is gonna end like zimbabwe if nothing radical happens
>government has stolen so much money from companies
>and unnironically, there are still ppl sucking government's cock, like 30%, but they're still there
>me: just run to chile or arg m8, contact a friend from chile, he can help u
>friend:you know, a plane ticket is so expensive that i would need to work for two years straight without eating
i've known him from at least 5 years, playin online vidya n shit.
How come in every pic I see it says people are starving and havent eaten in months, yet all the women are like 300lbs and morbidly obese?
Most the men are fat as fuck too
you mean the world everyone is collapsing, and china will just buy us and europe making us workers capitals, and the ussr will be established.
Or we will launch nukes if they touch our soil which i hardly doubt obongo is a fucking sell out to china and russia for our country.
>>he fell for the Holohoax war propaganda
Did you even read what I wrote? I'm not talking about the Jews. Hitler himself wrote that he was going to annex territories as far east as Russia and dispossess their populations.
I've been having a fucking field day with my old classmates who did exactly that, defend Chavez.
The best part is, one guy gave a bunch of kittens to a Venezuelan who was here on a visit, he brought them back and gave them to his friends and family there.
Now the guy is freaking out because some of the cats he sent have probably been eaten. He's posting all the time on facebook asking them to send pictures of the cats, and nobody has responded.
>everyone starving for months
>entire country still morbidly obese and fat as fuck
Yea, pic 1. Look at these pics.
The whole thing is made up tryng to get a handout from the west
So who runs Bartertown these days?
Why is it always a fucking chick?
socialism : eat cats
Gotta say it must be fucking awesome to be a Venezuelan politician.
>Complete control over the populace
>Personal access to all of the country's wealth
>Absolutely no accountability for your actions. Just bitch about los yanquis and most of the media and leftists worldwide will ignore your crimes.
Feels bad man