What was the point of this character?
What was the point of this character?
Be a skeleton slut.
fan serbice
>girls are tough!
>winds up getting saved by both Jonathan and Steve and contributes a couple of possible theories
I want to kiss nancy!
sequel bait. and the "what it is like to be a girl in the 80s" character
Anorexic lifes matter.
>healthy weight
no wounder the obesity epidemic is rampant in your part of the world
so the audience has someone else other than themom and kids to relate to since she lost her best friend to the demigorgon or whatever
she's also used for the female demographic of the show, you know, with the high school drama and love triangle
f-feed me, user...
to rapesent tipical girl in '80 tv show
She looks like another actress but I can't figure out who
she's the self insert
emmy rossum
who is this bonie boner?
self insert for the show's primary demographic: teenage girls
Her crossed with the chick from Ferris Bueller
Basically this.
She's really cute in motion. In promotional pictures, she looks like shit and is far 2spooky4me.
To piss off autistic virgins. Seems like it worked.
that chin...wtf
Season two will have a very special episode about eating disorders
Getting slut shamed by two retarded police officers while her mother watches.
She's a growing girl. Soon she will outgrow her childish skin coat and take her final form as a true spooky skeleton.
Thats normal in almost any country in europe that doesnt speak english...