Sense of Safety Taking its toll on Humans

Alrighty, Sup Forums,
It's discussion time. I have all of the reason to believe that all of these gender pronouns and people being triggered and other such degeneracies
have come to our world as a sign that we have had it too good for too long. People are losing their
sense for the need to survive and are gaining a false sense in its place. The near mental illness of these
people in this day and age is amazing. People are no longer sensing any sort of physical pride
and are instead
replacing it with their own pride of their complete ill nature. What would you say, Sup Forums, please weigh in.

Other urls found in this thread:

Check.out the famouse rat experiment.
Rats got everything, food, water etc. After a while they stopped procreating and just went full narcissist.

I totally agree. I think these things are a side effect of our decadence. You can see the decline in our society since they came into being.

Must be democrats.


That comes before the fall of a society.

I think having no real purpose or struggle in life promotes mental illness in otherwise normal people, hence the apparent uptick in crazies. Or the APA has just come out with more problems to diagnose people with, and our culture of nuture and validation has caused people to buy into it.

Either way, the Muslims will make men men again one way or another - either through people waking up and fighting back, or being forced to assimilate into their stone age barbarism where SJWism isn't even acknowledged.

Citation needed, but will do.

>but history isn't cyclical, we're living in a totally unique time that is unlike any other and Sir Glubb is a liar!

Here is what he is talking about.

>be a woman
>try to be profound
>wind up naked instead
it just keeps fucking happening

Behavioral sink is what you're looking for.
The experiment was made by John Calhoun. Mouse utopia it was called I believe.

more like ww3 the chinks make it, you get nuked

I mean, Glubb is bunk for his 250 years shit and his ignoring the countless examples of empires that don't follow his model
what he presents, if you don't take it as an ironclad rule, is an extremely important note on the spirit of humans, particularly men, based on their surrounding society
-savage invaders in times of desperation
-wise leaders in times of greatness
-brilliant creators in times of plenty

and also realize that decline is measured in the loss of unity - the loss of a people to have a society that is centered around its founding views, championed by similar people who can speak with one voice, think with one mind and crush with one fist

The takeaway isn't that FoE is a particularly adeptly written piece, but it does give us a good idea as to how to formulate the perfect society, and why things can go awry

those have to be the most disgusting fake tit scars i have ever seen in my life

Pretty sure that's a cock

This is actually really educational and has a lot of substance. Thanks for the contribution.

maybe there's a lesson here somewhere

I got nothin that's pretty much right.

The good (bad) news is the collapse is right around the corner.

Sup Forums is incompetent enough to know shit about Chinese military. They have like 10 ICBMs, dozens of SRBMs and MRBMs, while US alone has thousands. Chink airforce has only ~300 4gen fighters, which are Su-27 copies of doubtable quality. Most of the air fleet are copies of MiG-21, a 3rd gen fighter. The only advantage they have is sheer numbers, but in 21st century they no longer matter.

*this no longer matters

Is this also to say that muslims, considering their undeveloped, constant state of warefare in the middle
east are not yet at their stage in the cycle, but will get there eventually?




Someone should poo on those pubes

Boredom. I have a similar theory. People are bored out of their minds so they need to create controversies and struggles when they are now simply to say they struggled and survived.

Yeah I wonder this too. I look at that picture and think "you're not making any point here besides the fact that you're desperate for attention" they go straight into naked attention getting mode when they try to be intellectual. Is it because she really has nothing to say but wants to feel important and praised too?

Didn't even notice the tits, too distracted by the Roastie Rope.

Damn it, India.

wow this explains alot about my position in society. im a beautiful one! :)

One of you suicidal NEETs should buy that rope when they inevitably sell it for 10k at an art show, then wrap yourself in the German, Swedish, British, and American flags and hang yourself with it

>No one else thinks Roastie Rope is funny...

I was proud of that one Sup Forums...

said "boredom" comes from lack of limits to knowledge and choice


The internet, by providing unlimited information all the time, killed all motivation to ever bother reading it, and essentially destroyed the value in *not* knowing things and having to be patient and have an adventure seeking them out. It's having a full walkthrough to every single video game that you're tempted to open at will and just follow instead of having to figure anything out.

Once you can choose your social clique instead of just having to deal with a small limited community, you're mentally fucked. Every single website is a safe space , hell every thread in Sup Forums is its own safe space. it's not boredom but rather LACK of true boredom. And lack of things you just HAVE to do. Now you see why young people, whether Trump supporters or lefties, are longing for some sort of authoritarian power to tell them what to do.

What Chesterton says about the city is million times more true about the internet.

>no one lit the hair on fire
I'd do it. it'd be worth the prison time.
"Hey whatcha in for?"
"Oh you know, 2 feminist where standing in the middle of the road with their pubes tied together so i lit them on fire"

I can see where you're coming from. Boredom is just the best word I have for it. I got into a fight with my dad a long time ago, when I was gonig through a mental break/down panic attack and I said

>I'm suicidal because I'm bored

And he immediately went


>No that's not what I meant. I meant I have no purpose or reason for living or existing. I can't accomplish any goals, I keep getting set back I'm being forced to work jobs I hate, to live in places I hate, next to people I hate and I can't get out of any of it.

He shut up after that. Point is I guess I have a different concept of "boredom" then anyone else.

well he has a point. You're "bored" because you're addicted to instant stimulation, and suddenly the real world seems "boring".

though it's a combination of that and the fact that if you live in a city or especially suburb the outside world has actually become more drab as well.

>the thread gets archived after 7 posts
This is why I fucking hate Sup Forums, it's impossible to have a discussion about anything more complex than
>tfw no gf
or generally anything that can't be boiled down to a funny image with some text over it

transgenderism is a cancer

Have you read the unabomber's manifesto? I think you'd really relate to it

I thought it was funny user. You have earned my keks and a Pepe.

People are toxic to each other. The media has trained everyone to have beliefs. Everyone has beliefs, and everyone is wrong. There's not like, one guy somewhere who's right about everything - everyone is wrong about nearly everything.

I could take any person off the street, sit down with him for an hour, and then tell you at least 10 things he genuinely believes that are verifiably false. But the kicker is, I could then proceed to prove to him that his beliefs are false, and he would still believe them.

Now, in the Information Age, we've got 7 billion people all connected to each other constantly, and every single one of them has some insane dogma to sell to everyone else.

It's a mindfuck of epic proportions. The human brain is not designed to accept this much input. People are literally going crazy from information overload.

You see it evidenced here on Sup Forums more than most places, of course. Do you know how many people have had their minds changed about one of their firm beliefs in a Sup Forums thread? Most likely zero people. No one changes their mind because that means leaving their comfort zone.

It's an unsolvable problem. Is it a "sense of safety?" I think it's more of a need people have to validate themselves in a world that doesn't really leave much room for individual achievement anymore. But I'm probably wrong about that, and you're probably wrong too.

Everything in humanity is a cycle

Trying to stop humanity from entering into decadency is as futile as preventing the shift back to order

It's probably a result of the media and politicians promoting the Chinese as the next big threat. They can't even develop their own proper jet engines. Everything remotely successful is a copy of your country's technology as you said.

Honestly, the ABM shield on the west coast, even with its low success rate, could probably down all the ICBMs if they weren't shot down shortly after launch (not to mention that the first targets would be our silos anyway, of which there are too many to destroy).

Even without the poor equipment, the god awful command structure and communication would handicap everyone but the US, Russia, some of the NATO countries, and perhaps Israel in any serious conflict. China in particular has issues with corruption and a little too much overlap between the military and ruling party

I was thinking about that too, the reason why the human race flourished was because we were always faced by threats. Now everyone is soft and weak, look at what it did to us.

why has this quote not been posted on top of a morbidly obese person passionately eating?

Sup Forums is a collection of beautiful minds.