can we stop romanticizing NYC in films
Can we stop romanticizing NYC in films
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Is this a meme from the upcoming winter collection?
But it's literally the capital of the world.
Stop watching them
You're right OP. I sure do get tired of seeing those New York City freeways.
What part of LA LA LAnd don't you undestand my man
it illustrates OP's point fine.
Why don't they show the giant ny rats in movies?
but i just saw an anna kendrick film xD
Is there anything Goose can't do?
Not act like a block of wood
It's a giant scam to lure Japanese and Chinese spenders
If they stop Jews can't get them
>>Posts a picture of LA
I still remember the first time I went to NYC as a tourist. It was amazing.
The movies rarely catched that feel. It's like their definition and sound quality aren't high enough
There's something wrong with your font rendering
honestly romanticizing LA is just as bad because at least in NYC you can sort of make your own way LA has no jobs outside of Hollywood
It's an American city so it's shit by default. Not even memeing, go to any European city and compare it to an American one.
>But it's literally the capital of the world.
How so? You only think that because it appears in so many movies. There's no other reason.
No way, goy. My cousin Moisha rents out a whole building there
>How so? You only think that because it appears in so many movies. There's no other reason.
NYC's gdp is 1.3 trillion
Canada's gdp is 1.8 trillion
NYC is literally the financial center of the world and to say otherwise is delusional
So that's why it's 80% nigger
I've been there once, I wasn't impressed.
Its the smell they don't tell you about. Its like this stale mix of garbage and piss and alcohol around every alley, mostly because apparently noone in the entire city knows how to put trash in the goddamn dumpster. Nah, lets just throw it on the fucking sidewalk.
Times Square was alright, if only for the novelty of seeing it up close.
The rest of the city though? Sub-par as fuck compared to Chicago.
The food sucks, (especially the goddamn """pizza""") the people are shitty, and everywhere you go tries to rip you off with overinflated prices because most people who visit don't know any better.
Fuck New York.
it's actually 25% nigger which is standard
New York is a shit hole.
Didn't they take this huge stock market and relocate it to Frankfurt, Germany? I don't remember the details
American pizza sucks overall. Idk why it is so overrated
It seems like a city that's better to live in than to just spend a weekend in.
Never been there though.
And don't forget all the young urban whites.
It's a garbage city and should be wiped clean.
>financial center = capital of the world
marxist get out
>Didn't they take this huge stock market and relocate it to Frankfurt, Germany?
You're thinking of the European Central Bank, which, unsurprisingly, is located in Europe.
The two financial centers of the world, London and New York, also happen to be the most influential cities culturally. I think it's fair to call them the capitals of the world, or at the very least the capitals of Western civilization.
Only plebs believe capitals to be the best cities in a country.
Or anglo plebs.
pajeet or zhang?
People who hate NYC are
You can't afford it and you can't get laid in it so you think it's the city that is shit
for what? pointing out that LA is a garbage city to make a living in if you don't want to work in Hollywood?
The kikes are even worse.
>Canada's gdp is 1.8 trillion
Is Canada suppose to be some impressive economy or something?
This. Our economy is generally small as fuck not to mention how poorly it is doing right now.
Suck my silver spoon you flyover cows and third world literally whos. You can all die tomorrow for all I care.
its meant to illustrate how much money NYC is making. 35 million population vs 8 million and they make basically the same amount of money
where can I check this?
>I've been there once
Yeah, your opinion should really matter. Stopped reading right there. That's the funny thing about most people who hate New York, they either visited once and had a bad experience because they're a smelly tourist and no one likes them and they didn't know what to do here or how to act like someone who wasn't raised in a barn, or they've never been here and think it's like in the movies. Either way go fuck yourself and die.
>watch movie about Paris
>capital of love
>everybody happy
>sun shines and birds sing
>go to Paris
>traffic is retarded
>nignogs screaming everywhere
>streets covered in a layer of dog shit
>stinks like a pigsty
Isn't the movie about how LA crushes people's dreams?
I like history and American cities don't have any.
I honestly can't tell if New Yorkers are really this defensive about their shit city, or if you're trolling.
Most New Yorkers I've known at least admit the absurdity of their city. They treat it like a drug addiction, almost; they love it to death, but they also acknowledge it is draining them dry financially and stressing the hell out of them.
I honestly don't know how you can romanticize 10 dollar an hour parking or paying 2 grand a month to live in relative squalor. All while being packed in like sardines with people who literally, not figuratively, won't give you the time of day or even acknowledge your existence.
Cities in general are like this, but New York is the epitome of the impersonal, sink or swim, elitist mentality.
>people from New England don't understand what it's like for strangers to actually be happy to see you, and just write off the south and Midwest as "flyover states" because the liberal media brainwashed them into thinking that if a place isn't touristy, it sucks
LA is the better place to live. Much fresher mountainy areas and sexy foliage. You just have to know where to go.
all of this is fixed by 1 simple thing
LA has smog
NY has rats
I honestly hope people keep thinking that places like LA or NYC are where they should live.
The more people who willingly cram themselves into urban centers means less people out here on the plains, so my cost of living stays low. I can have my own toilet, yard, full kitchen with dishwasher, trash service, and own a car that's parked in my own damn garage, all for around $700 including bills.
Again, I hope everyone just writes off places like where I live. I fucking hate humans anyway.
It's called Paris Sydrome
This post, especially towards the end, feels like you're fuming over not being recognized as living in a respectable city that people want to visit
nice life
>oh wow it's a bunch of boxes full of people jammed so close together you can't get a breath of fresh air
NY had some cool museums but the people were generally insufferable, the food was almost inedible and everything really does smell like piss, it's not an exaggeration.
I know it's an old article, but I think it sums up New York fairly well.
>dog shit
Uh yeah, about that...
But user, I'm from NYC, traveled Europe and Asia, fucking hate that city, and STILL have yet to find a metropolitan city that rivals it.
I fucking wish I could.
And Tokyo's is 1.9 trillion. And why would you compare it to other cities instead of the word economy which is 101 trillion?
>other cities
I'm not fuming. I honestly view this place as a sort of hidden gem, especially in the admittedly shit state I live in.
Sure, life moves slow down here. But I really am a misanthrope. Guess how many giggling Chinese tourists took my picture here in the last decade? And guess how many did that within a few hours of being in NYC, London, or Paris?
Nah, you guys can keep your tourists.
Also, all our drug addicts are housed and largely unseen, and our homeless population is like 10-15 familiar faces that everyone knows by some halfway affectionate moniker. Even our scuzzy side is really safe and underwhelming lol
I want scummy 70s New York with a heroin dealer on every corner. Manhattan is basically just a giant mall.
>no jobs
There are plenty. I got my first job applying for only a week.
NYC population = 8 million
Tokyo population = 13 million
what was your non point?
have you ever had sex with a good looking girl?
What's it take to get laid in NYC? Having a high paying job right?
Does personality matter at all?
No, Woody Allen is still alive.
curious now, where the fuck do you live?
i bet its like north dakota. or new mexico.
>hey guys, there's plenty of jobs in LA. I got my job serving the obscenely wealthy within a week!
How does it feel barely scraping by even with that inflated minimum wage, wagecuck?
lol look at this guy, doesn't know that places like fucking Utah have so many more hot girls than new york which has: beaners, niggers, white trash stoners, and rich snobby cunts, lel
Yes. And they weren't some rich Park Slope or Williamsburg fuckslut trust fundie waiting to get their modeling career off the ground
>places like fucking Utah have so many more hot girls than new york
oh yeah? all those girls who move to Utah to become models huh
Nah, but New Mexico is actually a really nice place. So is Utah.
I'm not really exaggerating when I say I live in the one good city in my state, and I think if I told you which state, you could probably figure it out.
the best looking girls (to me) aren't models. Being a model usually means a clear lack of personality and/or self-obsession, both unattractive traits. And yes there are plenty of girls that could be models but aren't.
This was my post
You just reinforced my point lol. The girls I fuck are hot, educated, and actually want to do something with themselves other than be swarmed by desperate fags with cameras trying to make a name for themselves as well.
yeah I went and
>homeless people
>mentally ill people shouting things
>drunks in public
>nasty ugly train system
I hate how dumb girls still think they should move to NYC to become famous or something dumb like that
but I guess it worked for JLaw
I lived in NY for two weeks and most the wannabe model girls actually aren't very good looking. They just dress like sluts and act high and mighty. Pass. I only feel that way about NY and LA girls though, and Utah girls are the only other ones I know
sorry bud it's not coping season
Is there any city other than LA and NYC good for movie/TV career
The 1970's was New York city at both its height and nadir. When people think of New York, they think of the city from about 1975-1980. Studio 54; CBGB's; Plato's Retreat; Screw Magazine; Times Square; 42nd Street.....
There's a reason why Bernard Herrmann's theme for Taxi Driver is the city's theme song and always will be no matter how Blade Runner Disnyfied the city becomes!!!FACT!!!
Who the fuck cares about money, its the architecture and the people thats importent you dirty jew.
noun: nadir; plural noun: nadirs
the lowest point in the fortunes of a person or organization.
"they had reached the nadir of their sufferings"
synonyms: lowest point, lowest level, all-time low, bottom, rock-bottom; informalpits
"the nadir of his career"
So, now that I've proven my point, that YOU are a fucking moron, say goodbye to your family and jump from the nearest bridge into oncoming traffic so as to remove yourself from the gene pool. Stupid cunt!!!FACT!!!
personality in the financial capital of the world?
As someone who was born in New York and recently moved back there, not the city itself but the suburbs just outside, the problem with the city is that it's hyped up to be this big great place where you can always find something to do or someone to meet. In reality, it's no different than anywhere else but figure, there's still nothing to do unless you have a lot of money, and even then those things work then quickly. The problem with the world is that everything is less fun than it actually seems when you get to doing it more than once.
A big sausage and a lot of booze usually does the trick