Is working overrated?

is working overrated?

Is making money to support yourself and a functional family overrated?

What are people supposed to do if not become a productive member of society?

what if your job is a shitkickers job? and you're so socially awkard you don't fit in anyway?

beside money which I won't be earning much..

doenst matter. I am socially awkward and still manage. People either like or hate me cause I am kind at least.

depends if you can afford to live without working

Working generally sucks unless you're the 1 in 1000 people who land their dream job. You have to figure out what the baseline salary you need to sustain the lifestyle you want is and then work just enough to maintain that.

My hobbies are inexpensive (playing video games, shooting guns, and playing music) so I do just fine making about $45k a year working 9 months out of the year. I can even save money and take vacations on that salary because of how little I spend month to month.

depends what your priorities are user, if you can get by on neetbux or whatever and you're happy then feel free to not work

i personally prefer being able to buy nice shit to keep my autistic self entertained so i work, but it's not because i enjoy working

great answers...

cause I want a Chinese woman and babies.. that's probably why I want to be working to be able to afford them otherwise ...

BTW Alain De botton had a difficult relation with his father cause his father is worth 232 million and when Alain sold his book for 1 million his father wonder what he's going to do with his life cause 1 million is peanuts to him

i hit my 'this is what i need to have a comfortable life' figure about 6 months ago and my salary is only going to go up as i get more experience in my job, and my partners business is starting to pick up so all in i'm looking forward to being able to have luxuries and not having to count pennies

its a nice feeling


Depends on what your life goal is. If it's minimal like I wanna fill my belly and play video games til I die then it is overrated. Anything else, work is necessity to achieve what you would like to achieve. I work 72 hours a week. Most weeks no day off.

why would you do that to yourself?

No, but she is.

Cuz I wanna retire by 42 and go see a different country once in a year. I have no kids, not married. I have a great gf who shares my thoughts though.


Live and die.

As we've done for many tens of thousands of years.

I work like 40-60 which isnt bad. Still no time. theoretically I can retire by 61, but my contract will probably change by then. It already changed, but luckily I dont have a family so it doesnt matter much to me. I dont care if I work my whole life, I just want to game and have some time for it.

People did a lot of niche shit though like pottery, weaving, etc. Everyone has a niche. You cant all be the village idiot.

How old are you if you dont mind me asking?

Mods! Have an underage faggot over here!

26. Turn 27 in march. I havnt given up on a family, but I make pretty shit money for now. I should be making a killing eventually and the way my benefits work, ti doesn't matter what I make, I have a pension ahead of me.


You're set then. You just need to be patient. But I must say...I've been gaming since 10-12 years old...I'm 37 now. I still play games, matter of fact I'm playing one now. But as you get older, it fades. You start seeking different joys. So, try to keep that in your mind when you think about yourself at the age of 45-50. If problem is not playing enough video games, you are not really missing out right now. Tech gets better and better. So, why not work when you're young and find financial comfort at the age of 40+ and enjoy all the new era of video games without the worry of money? Just my 2 cents.

I have a lot of joy in various hobbies. I actually didnt start enjoying games til after highschool when I had less friends. I actually like retro shit. I'm playing mario golf on n64 right now while waiting for the boxing match.
I do music and art. I want to make my own game. I get enough time to play games, but not make one.
I do manual labor so I get a good work out everyday. My job doesn't let me do over 5 days a week or over 60 hours. And I can retire early. Its actually 59 I should be able to retire after 35 years at the same place or 54 after 30 years, but less pension.

i work 25 hours/week
im retiring at 35-40
having families is overrated

Seems like you have your head over your shoulders. You got this man. As far as I'm concerned, you have nothing to worry about. Young, is yours. One thing is for sure, you can't have it all. Gotta pick your battles.

People did those things for themselves or their small, individual community.

They sure as fuck didn't clock in, clock out. Their time was mostly their own.

only thing I dont like is my job keeps me in one place. I cannot move with out starting all over. Its hard to save money cause cost of living is so high, but like I said earlier I should be making a killing eventually. Where I work its all about waiting your turn.

Partner=gay homo fag

Also, if you guys are living in US, I highly recommend watching Michael Moore's documentary "Where to Invade Next" It is eye opening. Make you question the concept of "Work" in US.

Just like you said, you wouldnt have been on the clock, but no one cared back then. Theyd still nag at you to get your work done 24/7 and there is no "i'm off the clock" excuse.

The work would be DONE though. I think that's the part you're not getting.

Nobody weaved baskets until their eyes bled. You only made shit out of furs when you caught and killed something. For a lot of winter you did almost nothing due to shitty weather. Etc. Etc.

partner is female and im a dude, sorry to burst your bubble man

People still do no construction or concrete during the winter. We are luckier today that we have work that is available.

Now that is a complete different argument. I doubt it there will be something called economy/money in the next 2-3 generations. Think about how fast AI is evolving.

As soon as we reach quantum computing...It's gg.

Class traitor

If were bringing AI into the equation then who ever it was that suggested we tax companies that use it and automated workers so that we can provide a basic income or everyone who doesnt even work is right.
I dont think basic income is a good idea, sounds communist, but if we are going to have robots doing most of the work then its what should happen. In my experience, there is an automated robot in my work place and it cant keep up and it cost a shit load. I dont see how it saves money especially when it breaks down and takes a shit load of people to fix it.

Not everyone can be the village idiot, but the village idiot could come from anywhere.

Seasonal workers have other jobs to fill the economic void for their eventual lack of work during the off season. Or they make so much that they don't *need* to work in their off seasons. Or, they collect unemployment.

All of which has nothing to do with my original point; people had much more time simply living and dying as we had been doing for tens of thousands of years previous to the social/economic construct of the last few hundreds of years.

People worked way harder years ago. It wasnt til like 70 years ago that workers werent being fucking killed at the work place.

and to be more specific. I work at UPS and our warehouse has an automatic sorting robot. It does letters and shit under 5 lbs. It cant keep up. It wasnt being used because it isnt practical, but since it cost 26 million dollars to put in to play our higher ups say you must use it year round all the time as much as you can.

Yes, what we should do is terraform the african continent into a massive autonomous manufacturing production center which produces goods(food, fabrics, plastics, microconductors etc) from scratch that are then distributed to all other people free of charge.

Honestly that sounds like a super cool idea that I havnt thought of. I am going to think about it myself now.
Its HUUGE. You can do so much production there and farm so many resources. Sacrifice one shitty place to build up the rest of the world. Never forget africa as it was, but let it take one for the team.

Capitalism is about who can convince who to pay for what,not about what 'saves money'. That being said, I agree that automation is heating up. eventually we need to have the humans not doing the production they do now, but still benefiting from the production. That raises the question of population. Assuming we are still stuck on earth with limited earth based resources we can't expand our population infinitely. People "just are" going to continue breeding as much as they can, so eventually there is going to be not enough to go around, unless we can keep the means of production expanding offworld faster than the population can increase. I'd like that, but I'm not hopeful. So we'll run into the problem that some people can and can not afford to support themselves & have childeren, and we need some way to differentiate & well, I guess that's where we've always been and where we'll always be, isn't it?

i was born into shit and it took me 33 years to get out of it, i've done my time

Well we should be making huge strides in space exploration too. A big thing needs to happen for us to preserve our life even in space.
I want space colonies.

Can we do the desert? I think the forest there is doing a bunch of keeping the atmosphere breathable related things... could be wrong.

If it were to really happen, you can lose all the factories else where. I believe africa is big enough. I also think that as we develop this kind of factory continent, that we can still preserve what is unique to earth.
Africa has a shit load of resources.

Even if its not practical. Its a cool idea to think on.

I'm sorry. I was legitimately pretending to be retarded. I live with my parents who have done their time to raise a middle class family & I feel pretty guilty about not doing better for myself in order to give them better legacy, but at the same time none of the other things in life hold a candle to shitposting on the internet, so I want to dedicate my life to trying to improve the state of transhumanism & shitposting. Your a good guy user.

We all want space colonies, but they're really really difficult.

Have you had a 40+ hour a week physical labor job before?

I can tell you being a nomadic hunter/gatherer was nothing like today's physical/mental grind, with all the negative outcomes those provide.

Sure, you can live a few more mind numbing decades longer than you normally might have, but that shortened life span was certainly more fulfilling. And again, your time was your own, no matter what you did with it.

Maybe check out todays workplace deaths and serious incidences too, because you're delusional if you think nobody dies during work because 'modern society'.

I think china already volunteered itself for that position though, didn't it?

I was a slacker neet growing up, and i've never managed to make it past 40 hours a week without going insane and quitting. It doesn't help that my parents are cool and wealthy so I can live with them into my adulthood, but on the other hand, if I didn't have that I guess I'd be homeless or dead or something... idk.

OP you are a fagot

user there's no need to apologise, fuck your legacy and just find a way to have a happy life

if it's shitposting on the internet, become the best shitposter on the internet

not that user, but I can relate to being lazy/stupid compared to my ancestors. I never wanted to join my families business though and feel sort of good finding my own way. My great aunt still fucking works there at 93.

I currently work over 40 hours a week and its going to tax my body from wear and tear, but I should be healthier for it and risks are very low. We are taught safety every single day and know better than to risk ourselves for a faster or more efficient job done.
And I do see what you are saying. I imagine romeo and juliet who died at like 14. They had 1 little story, but it was a great one. If I recognized my youth I might have done something great like I dreamed of, but I let time go by. I like it though because I see so much every new month.

Guess youre right, but africa is bigger and has even more resources and I'd imagine a global cooperation there instead of 1 country getting all the benefits.

I can do it only cause I get 2 days off. I would go nuts if it were 6 days a week. Even full time drives me nuts sometimes, but I gotta keep earning more vacation. I have 2 weeks only next year.

Thank you, you glorious fucking faggot.

Your job culture actually emphasizes safety over speed? Nice!

also, yeah, my dad is a navy man. Good one too, from what I can tell, but I fucking hate the military industrial complex. So... yeah. I tried being a baker, and that was fucking terrible, so now I just do fast food and live at home. I've been learning code and I'd like to help with the effort to create an ai that saves us instead of killing us all, but that's probably a pipe dream cause I suck at math and spend my time shitposting on the webz rather than studying.

ooo we got a nice guy

Is tomato a fruit

Probably also depends on what you do and what you have a propensity for doing. I don't know if there's anything I can do for 40+ hours a week without going into a really bad mindstate. If there's anything I'd like to know, or maybe I just need to lower my standards for mindstates... somehow.

I work at UPS and we are crunching numbers all the time, but it doesn't matter next to not getting in accidents or injuries.

I tried art. My parents were computer programmers. In the end I am just a laborer.

True. I sometimes have a decent day even if its long cause I remember when I was a kid I was at school from 6 AM to 8 PM everyday, and same with summer camp cause my parents worked a lot.

Is the derivative of a constant zero

yes, it's a scam

too bad there is no other choice right?

$45k a year is pretty insane. I have a 4 year degree and I never landed a job over about $18k a year.

I never would have made it if I didn't start my own business.

LOL good luck when she makes you pay alimony because of common law marraige (even without being married officially).

I think you are in for a rude awakening in 10 years or so.

Well said.

solar/wind power, farming and mutual aid, acquiring shelter without going into debt

I make about $20 a year, but in 5 years should go up to $60k with 6 weeks of paid vacation.

> We are luckier today that we have work that is available.

Wow you whipped pretty good by the system aren't you? Lucky to have more slave labor? Really?

Try starting a business and live off the income without working. Your outlook on life changes quickly.

Yes, but having money is not.

LOL they told me that too buddy.

Start a business now and in 6 years you can promote yourself instead of getting the boot when you expect your next promotion. After working your ass off while others slack.

Happened to me over and over and over. Always waiting for that magic promotion.

Do you have any interests you can start a business with now?

>implying this is easier in any way than slaving away at a traditional job.
How do you start a business when you spend all your time working for rent and food user? Starting a business is harder than just getting work last time I checked, and getting work is not the easiest thing in the world.

Trick is to find something you enjoy doing.

What? like the country gives this to you or you become self sufficient and off the grid? I would love to be off the grid and self sufficient, except I use excess amounts of water and electricity.

Most people I met who own a business work their ass off more than their employees. Except of course huge ass companies that jew the fuck out of them like the one I work for.

You can choose to believe me or not, but its true. I'm in a union and have a contract. My pay can get to top rate in 4 years, there is no question about it. I already made it to the position I am at this year, just have to stay to get pay increases.

And yes I can start a business if I had the money to buy something. I worked for a flower shop before which only had about 12 employees. I also have 2 friends who owned a ice cream shop and a water ice shop.

Also my family owns 2 joint businesses in concrete and I never wanted to work for them. The owners works their ass off and its run by few employees.

Yeah I know that shit is hard.

Start on the weekends. DON'T waste your time working at your current job on the weekends. Go door to door and cut grass or drop off business cards or something. Make it productive.

>Most people I met who own a business work their ass off more than their employees. Except of course huge ass companies that jew the fuck out of them like the one I work for.

Yes it is very hard in the beginning, but when you get your first employee you can sit back as long as you compensate fairly.

>You can choose to believe me or not, but its true. I'm in a union and have a contract. My pay can get to top rate in 4 years, there is no question about it. I already made it to the position I am at this year, just have to stay to get pay increases.

Unions are different so lucky you.

He does it by choice. Good man to lead by example but he really could sit at home all day if he wanted to.

Cuz some jobs are better than most video games. Not all jobs involve checking into a cubicle. #artist4lyf

The owner is the one that gets the business and finds the work that needs doing. On top of that he shows up earlier and leaves later and even does the work himself when needed. Its the same for all small company owners I have met.
They make more, but they do more.

Exactly. Why so many acting like work sucks just because they are too stupid or too lazy to find meaningful work?

because the job you want is not coming your way anytime soon.

Because you're looking for a job rather than making one. Get a skill you fucking whiner.

Ehh, I admire anyone who has the skill to become a paid artist, but doesn't feel bad for not doing something more productive with their skill.
Cut grass? Really?... I'd have to find a mower, or tell people I'mma use their mower to mow their own lawns, plus I'd be like, why the fuck are you growing a lawn instead of food? Plus how do you grow a lawn mowing business into a serious business? I feel like this was not a suggestion with any serious amount of thought behind it.
I'm trying to become a code monkey, and I do x rated art faggotry on the side of that, but feel I should probably give one of those up and focus on the other with all of my free time.

Like what? I went to college for classical guitar performance while working and I never stopped working because there were no jobs for what I loved.

>Need to work to survive
>Waiting for good job
>Working shit job, still waiting for meaningful work
>Stuck working shit job until dream job rolls around

Yeah man, it's just heaps easier to not be employed until the one job you want comes around. Move out of home idiot.

Yeah, ok, I'll just strap on my skill helmet and climb into the skill cannon to shoot myself off into skill land where skills grow on trees.

>Typical Job Board on Indeed:
>HIRING NURSES 250k a year in middle of fucking antartica NOWWW!!!
>Car Wash
>Wendy's competitor
>$12/hr backbreaking 100lb box lifting FORKLIFT 10+ YEARS EXPERIENCE REQUIRED

>257 people have applied to this job

>went to college for classical guitar
Did your parents not love you or something?

Nah all you need is a weed whacker and garbage bags. I've done it.

It's not about "having the skill". I "created the skill". There's a huge difference. Anyone can spend thousands of hours doing something that feels kinda shitty before it feels kinda good and can actually earn some money.

Most people would rather complain though.

And yes, you communist bitch, mowing a lawn is a real business. Buy a 100 dollar lawn mower you lazy fuck. Go mow lawns wtihout judging. You really think you know better than the millions of people who choose to have shitty lawns? Enough better to preach at them and not mow their lawns? Anyway, yeah my friend in my president's club (local business owners alcohol thing) started mowing lawns, now pays people to mow lawns, makes more than some doctors. Not a bad living if you have social skills.

applying online is dumb. Just go in person even if a place isnt hiring.

I was already working so I didnt care about money afterwards and I was doing what I loved. I dont regret it at all, but my dream job is never coming along even though I developed what was necessary.

>applying online is dumb. Just go in person even if a place isnt hiring.

Wasted lots of gas doing that. Seriously dumbass advice. This isn't the 1980s ffs.

What's your patreon link?

Hey fellow wendy's user! I love how unlike mcdonalds who has computerised equipment we have appliances from the 80's that beep constantly.

You all make me sick.

For real.

I'm on the verge of vomiting. The excuses.

You all are excuse machines.


Get a CPA. Get a nursing degree and make 90k+ a year working locum tenems. GO TO MEDICAL SCHOOL. Get a 2 year degree in X-rays and work for a mobile MRI company, make 60k+/yr. Become a CPA and make 30$/hr. YOU FUCKING WHINY BITCHES.

You all make me sick. Get a skill you fucks. "wahh i don't want to do anything that society wants to pay me for... give me money, i don't want to live with mommy." fucking pathetic.

>go in person
>"apply online"
are you a fucking retard

Learn to scam people. Not talking the big scams. Just trick people to give money to you. It's easier than it seems.

Just go up to any business and ask if there are any "positions open". If they are a small business they might hand you paperwork. Make sure to dress nice for this part, Otherwise they will think you're a hobo and won't pay attention.

If they're a big business, then they might ask you to send your "resume" (look it up) or fill out an online application.

Once you've done all this, you should be able to scam businesses out of money, no problem. I've gotten away with it so far, and you should be able to as well.

That sounds retarded, I'd rather work my shit fast food position than build a little grass cutting empire. Why would I want that?