Who is the best Star Trek race and why is it the Klingons?
Who is the best Star Trek race and why is it the Klingons?
>niggers of the Alpha quadrant
the correct answer is romulans
Master Race
That's the same actress that later plays the female Founder in DS9.
>a race where women rule by way of biochemistry/pheromones which makes every male their slave
>you'll never get fucked by a klingon woman
I see Hirohito is up to moot's old tricks.
Fucking hiroshima I didn't post that
>No one ever suspects the friendly merchant
I think you mean whatever-race-kira-was
So how hairy are Klingon women anyway?
>fight war against cardassians
>deep-seated racism against them
>one of them steals your wife's unborn baby
Miles must suffer
Ferangi. They're pretty funny and any episode surrounding them is always enjoyable.
What race do you wish you saw more of?
I kind of wish we saw more Vorta. I wonder what they even do after the dominion war.
White human males.
Vorta were shit
>What race do you wish you saw more of?
Where did you find that screenshot? I've been looking for a place that has HD screenshots of TNG, but the one place (Trekcore) I know of doesn't have 6th season.
>I wonder what they even do after the dominion war.
I bet the Dominion are constantly at war and conquering people, they probably just transferred them all from the Alpha front to the Delta front.
Friendly reminder that Dukat did nothing wrong.
>literally jews
I dunno man, killing the Space Pope because Satan told you to seems a bit dodgy
>Jews are the only greedy people
Your racism is showing user.
IDK m8. They are the prettiest race, but dem pheromones. I rather not be a slave.
Best? Andorian without question. Their woman are wonderful and the males are total bros.
>that fucking outfit
Every time
Anyone else though the Jem'Hadar were kind of bullshit? Not only were they physically stronger than Klingons and other races, they could also cloak themselves at will.
"stratrek is progressive"
"It's a play on modern society"
watch it TOS TNG and VOY
Its a fascist organisation called star-fleet who eliminated banks, owns all the space-ships has data on everyone, has a secret police, illegal councils for those who don't tow the line, tries to expand it territory.
They were literally created specifically to be warriors. If you could genetically engineer your own supersoldiers, would you hold back on awesome superpowers just because they were OP?
I'm talking about this from an outside of the universe perspective.
They just seem too OP.
Klingons are vile nigger beasts.
>>Bejorans are the hottest.
>space jews
No mongrels allowed.
This nigga gets it
Space Kosovans / Rwandans, not space Jews
No such things exist. There's only the shiptars who swarmed that part of Serbia during WW2 and were never expelled after due to the communist Tito who, in the long run, ruined Serbia.
And Kosovo was, is, and always will be Serbia.
>not liking space jews
You're limiting yourself quite a bit by doing that.
mfw when theres an argument over non-existent pussy. its just as non-existent in reality for y'all, why not argue about real life?
Molly a QT
Best race is half Cardassian half J'naii who's sexual organs did nothing wrong.
i think we both know it's andorians
I always thought of them as Space Albanians.
Btw, nice dubbs, you two.
>space albanians
No, not really. Bajorans didn't surrender at the first sight of Cardassia across their borders. They even fought back and drove them out eventually. Albanians embraced the Ottoman religion and culture and intermingled so much with them that they are virtually indistinguishable from the degenerate t*rkroaches of today.
>Molly a QT
(also, I like that my capcha was Japanese street signs)
I could never figure out of they were space jews or space palestinians
I stand corrected.
Maybe Galactic Gypsies.
>It's a solar system with inhabited planets
>They're called Sun 1, Sun 2, Sun 3, Sun 4, Sun 5, Sun 6, Sun 7 and Sun 8
>having an actual home(world) of their own
Earth is Sol 3
But nobody calls it that outside of science fiction, and it was made up later.
If it doesn't have another name, it means the planet wasn't named at all until after they realised its position within the solar system, which is clearly stupid.
But if Star Trek crews actually went out and said they were from Earth, aliens would think they're mental, since every alien is from Earth (except those from gas / liquid planets obviously)
If universal translators were that stupid there'd be no contact with aliens except constant wars.
>girl I liked/was dating for a bit liked Star Trek
>started watching it because of her
>she ended up dying in a car accident
>really want to watch it because it was one of the only things I shared with her but it hurts too much after a while
RIP Torias
Not as cute as Naomi Wildman desu lad.
Mah nigga's.
Also Andorians have a sub-species that are psychic, so...yeah. Peace out.
Whoa! What bout them??
>would cross entire Delta quadrant to smash
Do you have any younger sisters?
Don't remind us
>When the Kushungaza kicks in
>not nausicaans
I think it's the eyebrows that do it for me.
the borg, hands down
but all they did was jerk off over every planet
>implying you wouldn't if you could
something about fucking a klingon makes me think of melted chocolate and caramel in a delicious screaming swirl of growling and sweat
grika's ridges freak me out.They just don't look right.
I dunno.
They're hot and keep in shape and like to fuck but they have a random area law every day that if I break accidentally, I'm killed for.
Could we date off planet?
Susanna Thompson was the best actress I've seen so far in Star Trek.
How come she isn't in more iconic works?
>ginger qt vs japanese qt
Yeah. King Solomon couldn't decide that one.
How dare you earthlings not worship the voice of God as the best race among you puny humanoids?
Now where's my fucking starship?
I always thought the founders were them, evolved personally
Bajorans didn't "drive them out"
Cardassians left because they made a treaty with the federation
Cardies are best m8. Bajorans are worst.
This. Yet the Bajorans continue to claim they won. Fucking Bajorans.
>It's a Garak convinces Bashir that two dudes showering together is completely normal on Cardassia episode
>dat smugness
Has anyone done a Garak Pepe macro?
Apparently both actors played them like they wanted to fuck each other. I'm sure they had fun with that one.
No, but I have some rather dank ones unrelated to Garak.
But I forgot to save it.
From what I recall, there's a Sisko, Klingon (may have been Martok), Ferengi and Denobulan versions of it circling around the internet.
>ha ha! Yes, we were only pretending like we wanted to fuck each other
>why doesn't Alexander ever return my calls?
>remember the sixty hundred bajorillian
Garak is too liberal to be pepe for now.
When the chumps commit mass suicide november 10th, pepe will be free though
You goys seen dis?
I really wanted more Children of Tama episodes.
"with apologies to Capt. Christopher Pike"
Ben Garrison is such a classy gentleman.
Fuck yeah Pike was a fucking hero.