how would you like to save Sup Forums? hiro is asking
mods don't delete
We know in some ways this board is suffering even more than Sup Forums. Post your thoughts, ideas in this ITT
How would you like to save Sup Forums? hiro is asking
start by removing the ability for any moderator to use html code or w/e that isn't available to normal posters
does a mod need to able to force some shitty youtube video/song/webm on everyone who visits a board? no, so that shit needs to go ASAP
create /film/ where people can discuss actual quality films, and leave all the pleb/capeshit lovers here
she became a janitor
Remove cape shit and most of the problems will go away
BAN Sup Forums
engage robot is the only answer
>ban the following boards from posting here
ban Sup Forums
ban Sup Forums and all its run off boards
ban Sup Forums
ban Sup Forums
ban wannabe Sup Forums(aka Sup Forums)
None of these users have contributed to increase the boards quality only to degrading it
ban the game of thrones general as its not even airing now
ban mobile network posting from the site/make it only people with a Sup Forums pass can post from mobile networks
remove all the people that started posting here on the board after 2013 if possible
give youtube its own board
block european isp/ips from posting certain hours
a good amount of Australia can't post on Sup Forums because of that one guy so do the same here
convince hiro to do that thing where the site doesn't show up on google results or if possible just for Sup Forums
trial board: /superheroes/ or /film/
bring in the robot for a month
is I
better yet remove Sup Forums, but get rid of them before they flood other boards.
how is Sup Forums suffering?
I love that we have shills there it makes us feel important
There was a time when this board had a suspiciously large number of Day threads
her IRC name for #Sup Forumsshows showed up on that totally not legit leaked list from a year or two back when moot totally didn't get hacked
Anyone asking for stuff to be banned should be perm banned.
Sounds like an invasion of r9k
>block european isp/ips from posting certain hours
and what 'certain hours'?
and you forgot
>ban bane/move the shit to Sup Forums and/or /s4s/
damn . sold out
>cape shit
Agreed. Sup Forums also wants a new containment board: /cpsht/ - Superheroes
In fact, Hiro already agreed last year to implement this idea. He just needs to be reminded.
Ban any country that doesn't fully lie north of the 28th parallel N
Kill all Sup Forums mods/janitors
Dox the pedos spammer
piss easy to evade and won't be enforced. look at [reddit9k]
Ban anyone who posts "what did he mean by this" and other memes that newfags are constantly parroting as an attempt to fit in with 'board culture'
what did he mean by this
what did he mean by this?
what did he LITERALLY mean by this?
Most of this + remove youtube cancer and if you refuse to do that then let us discuss Fox, CNN, etc news coverage here since it actually plays on the television
not sure what this guy's getting at
explain in further detail
>capeshit whining
>Star Wars shit rumors
>Star Wars shit whining
>Ghostbusters whining
>MDEshit shilling
>height shitpost thread
>shitty show general
>shitty show that has a general not being made to use general
>shitty show general that is a /soc/ and tourist circlejerk
>capeshit company wars
>screencap of RT score of blockbuster
>celeb said this on social media whining
>gender / race of cast whining
>interracial porn
>mobile shitposter thread
>"movies women will never udnerstand"
>SJW falseflagging
>"Me on the left"
>Sup Forums
>pedoscum threads/spam
>"is it kino?"
>legitimate actresses threads deleted
>Who will play [unrelated to film & television] in the inevitable biopic?
>eceleb trash
>[unrelated to film & television] black person doing anything
>walking down the street when you see these girls
>sitcom trash
>celebrity's personal lives drama
>persecution complex whining
>thinly veiled Trump shilling
>"What did [unrelated to film & television] mean by this?"
>unflattering pic of celebrity
>screencap + forced meme from shitty movie
>mods babysitting shitpost/memepost threads they think are epic
nothing will ever change
you forgot
>what's next for his/her career
>marathoned a movie did I like it?
>characters who did nothing wrong
>what went right/wrong?
hiro isn't even here lol
>removing capeshit and capekino from Sup Forums
why did i lose to this..
another example of why nothing will change
it means one step closer to removing you Sup Forumsedditers
epic !!
Ban Sup Forumsshit and franchise/capeshit.
Also Order 66 on the cpposter australian.
Everyone likes cunnyposting. That is, everyone except disgusting redditors.
What's wrong with cute little girls offering you refreshments as you go about your daily browse?
it's just not Sup Forums related
She used to show up in supernatural live threads, but i don't think she was around much last season.
It's beyond saving. Just let it be.
It's board culture, it's totally Sup Forums related.
Ban frogs and yuros.
Ban and delete my existence so that I stop coming to this shithole everyday.
Honestly, this board may be beyond saving. It degenerated into pure, unadulterated vomit ever since at least 2012.
>Game of Thrones threads
Offtopic cancer constantly reposted and of 0 value.
>bane posting
Attracts underage faster than anything else.
>normie maymays like what did he mean by x
and most importantly
>cape shit and terrible flavor of the month TV
All these things completely, utterly wreck this place. There's no actual film discussion whatsoever anymore. It was already sparse in 2010, but threads did happen semi-frequently, and being a slower board allowed more serious discussion. Now it's just the second go to shitposting spot for Sup Forums crossposters.
has been up for almost an hour, retards. hiro isn't reading your posts.
thanks for nothing hiro!!
Why isn't CIA on the boat?
Start by banning Sup Forums
he was the iceberg
>cape shit and terrible flavor of the month TV
it's still Sup Forums related, but it needs a quality control
CIA and Bane as kate winstelet and leonardo. bane survives on the raft, CIA sinks.
Sup Forums is a problem on every board, even Sup Forums
and move letterboxd generals to fucking /trash/ or Reddit
CIA was titanic, bane was iceberg
Actually reverse this. bane was too big for the raft.
It symbolises how scenes from that movie became popular because of bane for short time but in the long run it was CIA who survived
Make all the boards you want
Just don't tell me the goal is to improve the quality of the site, I can't buy that as plausible.
You don't like something, want it somewhere else, that's legitimate. But it's all shit posting now, no matter the subject.
>they think something will actually change for the better
lmao based swag n' wood won't let that happen
>a good amount of Australia can't post on Sup Forums because of that one guy so do the same here
Fuck. Off.
I'm an Australian and I half-seriously posted a thread a couple of weeks ago asking to be made a janitor so I could help with the retarded amounts of spam and shitposting on Sup Forums.
The 'Australians are shitposters' meme is not a reason to ban an entire country.
Die in traffic, you low cunt.
Yeah, I wonder why they didn't make you one.
Really, the only way to make Sup Forums better, is for us to make it better. Just ignore obvious shitposts and just participate in threads where you have any contributions to make. Make more quality threads and resist the urge to give baitposts a (You).
As for now, it actually appears like people want Sup Forums exactly like it is. Threads with real discussions and good topics die, while gossip threads and circlejerks prosper.
be the change you want to see, faggot
only problem i have is constant (porn) spam, it's annoying and not even original. it's made to annoy. hard to remove though, sine the cause is that whoever is doing it just wants to ruin Sup Forums.
make Sup Forums an NSFW board
permanent sticky for blacked content
ban all mobile networks, comcast, and at&t
ban non-americans
ban anyone using ad blockers
allow post reporting even when banned
don't require captcha solving to post or report posts
require javascript to read posts
disallow original image posting, instead let users select from a set of preapproved images
enable robot
require iq test every session with threshold set at 110+
add subchans /marvel/ /dc/ /videogames/ /pornography/ /sciencefiction/ /reality/ /celebrity/
do not allow anyone to post
expand board to allow for 500 threads in the catalog
force hiro to make at least 20 posts here every day
You arent really helping to fight that "stereotype"
Just report/hide them or even use filters
>do not allow anyone to post
>force hiro to make at least 20 posts here every day
mook's movie blog
What are some good filters to use?
ban this guy
I can't believe that made me laugh out loud. Only a weird fuck like me would understand that joke.
Is japmoot retarded or does he just not give a shit?
well, he is pretty much a newfag
>thinking the mods and faggots on IRC will let hiro change much
>thinking the mods and faggots on IRC will even tell him about most of the suggestions
lmao can't wait for swag's next memesticky and newest forced meme
Hiro posted in the last thread though
swag would be based if he just banned capeshit threads
yo neo/tv/
shut the fuck up retard
Allow anime discussion, please
There are threads about western cartoons all the time (even though Sup Forums exists) and they never get deleted, but any thread relating to anime is almost always deleted within minutes
You are not wanted here Sup Forums
kek, too true
yes he is
We need a board for live/stage theatre. Otherwise this is the closest board one can post about it and musicals on, but it would probably get shit on for being off-topic.
no, people who discuss musicals and shit are rare but they're always left alone
shit, even old time radio threads are welcome on occasion
/cel/ could actually be a pretty massive containment board if you make it include youtube/internet famous celebrities.
sometimes i feel like celebrities and relevant youtube content is good enough to warrant threads though
This would also help at least a dozen of other boards.
Ban all off topic meme threads and ban every single person that posts in them, just like they did to anyone who posted in a thread that started with CP, even if they were saying "Reported!" and saged it.
>Sup Forums wants /capeshit/
>Sup Forums wants /capeshit/
>every board could use /celeb/
Delete /qst/ and /news/ and replace it with the above boards
now that you say it, you´re right. in the end, bane didn´t fly so good in the long run
i second /capeshit/ i do not want to see another piece of capeshit media ever again. this is the containment board we really need.
this so much, I think it's the only thing we really need desu aside from keeping dankmemes to a minimum
as far as /film/ goes, the lack of discussion is not due to shitposters but rather the lack of anons who like/seek to discuss it
threads usually die and go into the abyss while you niggers have no shame bumping cape
the board will be filled with memes
>Sup Forums’s mod, who goes by the name of Invisibro/Swaglord, allows CP, Guro, Bestiality and all matter of porn up and does nothing to delete it.
I havent seen any of this shit other than faggot and nigger porn, much less cp, in a long ass time. Did he mean sp?
also, why is anhiro such a cuck? at least mootykins tried to listen
I think it's a language barrier.
In the last month or so someone has been posting webms and pictures of naked children and worse and deleting them a minute after posting them.
On Sup Forums
Mostly in off topic porn threads.
>pic related
>Mostly in off topic porn threads
well that explains it, you're just asking for it then
I dont even bother with that shit
Call it whatever you want then, but get it the fuck out of Sup Forums and Sup Forums