Oh shit guys. Chris Handsome got one of our own
Oh shit guys. Chris Handsome got one of our own
oh shit the decoy actually looks like a passable kid
these girls are over 18 so why is it weird that these guys are attracted to them?
MOAR of the decoy?
good question
like are these guys just un trouble for wanting to fuck fully sexually mature adult females just because they said they were 13/14? if adult Selma Hayek was gonna suck my dick I wouldn't stop her just because she said she was 10
The image they use for their profiles is of a 12 year old.
They use a profile pic of an actual 12 or 13 year old.
You'd think the dipshits would realize it's not the same girl
I remember an episode of To Catch A Predator where they sent the wrong decoy out and the paedo still wasn't sure if he should go into the house or not. They sent a male out instead of a female or something.
hows it feel moralfags that I fucked an underage girl and got away with it?
Thank you for that information.
Pics or you're lying
Is this new show working with Perverted Justice? I know that the dipshits who get caught doing this are generally worthless, but that group has been caught editing chatlogs multiple times now and has had a ton of cases thrown out because of it.
The founder (I forget his name but he changed it to something fucking retarded) got caught soliciting hookers here in Portland -- not that that really matters.
I hate to be such a bitch about it but the people luring these shitlords are just as scummy as the shitlords.
It's not Perverted Justice. It's Tetra something or other. Someone posted their website in a thread a few nights ago and they take themselves very seriously.
>Perverted Justice
Nothing really. It happens way more than you think.
Remember Johnny Appleseed
Nope, it's working with a new group, Tetrad Core.
Chris can't get them all. Now that he's back you'll get yours, pedo scum.
I wouldn't be surprised if it's some of the same guys, but it doesn't matter.
This is the founder of Perverted Justice that I mentioned, tho it may be irrelevant for the new show anyhow. I forget his real name but he legally changed it to "Xavier Von Erck" for some retarded neckbeard reason.
what a worthless man
no they dont, they use their own pictures.
No, they don't. Watch the show.
Isn't episode 2 tomorrow?
still dont understand how this isnt entrapment. dont the girls act really slutty on the chatlogs? and dont they go into shady areas of the internet to act that way?
that still doesn't make it legal? Entrapment would only work if they're pulling you into something you wouldn't normally do.
They show up to a place with intent which is what changes. There is literally no reason for a pedophile to go over there other than what they're doing which shows their intent beyond a reasonable doubt. Though for other reasons they usually get off lightly but their lives are ruined enough that it still has impact.
in the originial series of tcap they would use old pictures of perverted justice members
they never initiate contact and never are the first to steer the conversation to sex(so they say atleast) and they usually do it on yahoo in the old series, kik and other mainstream places in the new one
Have they stated which platform they use to lure pedos in with?
I wanna get on their show
>of perverted justice members
It was pictures of the NBC cast.
"make sure you bring condoms"
this is basically saying fuck me.
they mention whispr,kik and grindr in the opneing of the new ep and also icons of badoo and twitter fly by so maybe they use that too (they mention pokemon go too kek)
No. They never initiate contact. The "sluttiest" thing they'll do is request for the person to bring condoms or alcohol, as proof of intent.
Die pedo
settle down autismo just asking questions. Theres some extremely lonely people out there that could easily be baited for free sex with a highschooler dont be a faggot.
They say that, but loads of cases for thrown due to them handing over incomplete chatlogs. There were more than a few that were quite suspicious.
As far as it being entrapment, yeah the dudes are definitely going there thinking they're going to have sex. But like I said, there were cases where it seemed obvious the fake underage started the sexy talk.
Still doesn't make it right and they are idiots, but it makes it a lot scummier. Still funny to watch either way.
What's up with fat dudes and trenchcoats?
And those "people" would be pedophile criminals
Like I said, die pedo
It's a different company they're working with this time, not Perverted Justice.
they think baggy clothes hides their fat
lol I live in canada. Its only illegal in murrica the land of the free.
>this is what the people responsible for cancelling the show originally have caused
>this can never be undone
pedoshits, your time is done
hope you made the most of the last 9 years because now Hansen's back and he'll sit each and everyone of you down
you fucking scum cunt
fbi contacted
Cookie guy allegedly got off because Perverted Justice wouldn't hand over evidence, but that's the only one I can think of.
weird that american laws are harsher than most countries on the planet huh I know it hurts to be a moron.
I thought you had to be over 18 to use that. Wouldn't the kids be violating the TOS.
>tfw 27 and fucking 16-17 year olds
It's perfectly legal here.
I know, and it may be completely transparent and above-board but whiteknight vigilante groups like this rarely are if it doesn't suit their agenda.
I'm not defending dirty morons thinking they're going to score with kids, just saying there are no good guys here other than based Chris Hansen.
I agree. I mean how often does this shit even really happen anymore?
some old fart picking up teenagers in a chatroom is an old chliche.
most of those retarded guys that get caught probably never would've come close to fucking a girl anyway.
What parent would approve of Chris Hansen giving their child's photo to a pedophile to pretend she's the girl he's having a sex chat with and jerking off over?
>Pedos BTFO everyday
I love it. I would pay so much money if he caught the pedo spammer. I would build a shire to Hanson.
This show is so low budget now since they aren't getting that NBC scratch anymore. No more big mansions, no more 10man film crews. Just some low quality hidden cameras and an autist following Chris around. Not to mention the decoy is a shitty actress, she sounded like she was about to piss her pants in fear. I miss the old decoys who acted flirtatious and made lemonade and cookies for the perverts.
Looks like Rich Evans.
its their own pictures from when they were 12
They're pictures of the cast and crew when they were children.
Reminder that if you had sex as a teenager with an other teenager, you are by definition a child molester. I suggest you seek help and report yourselves to the authorities so you can be punished for your crimes you filthy, hypocritical, pedophile scum.
Jim Sterling?
Brazil please. We all know you bought those girls.
good thing i've never had sex then, fucking faggt
>There is literally no reason for a pedophile to go over there
I know right, a paedophile wouldn't even be interested in a pubescent teenage girl anyway. Or is this just another case of Americans not knowing the definitions of big words they use?
That's the thing. I don't go in chat rooms so I don't REALLY know but I can't imagine old dudes picking up underage girls is really still a thing. I'm sure it happened rarely using aol or yahoo (maybe even irc?) but that seems pretty goofy for now.
Even with that, I'm guessing most if not all of them thought they were simply roleplaying at first. I'm having a hard time figuring out how someone would be stupid enough to actually travel to someone's house when they know this kind of program/sting is a thing.
so I'm guessing this show is filmed in California? theres only 9 states in america where age of consent is 18, california seems like the best bet because it has the densest population.
In To Catch a Predator, they were old photos given to them by NBC staff.
In most countries in EU 14+ is legal, whats up with burgers?
Came here to post this.
Privately run prison systems is the deal. caging humans is a multi billion dollar industry.
First episode took place in Connecticut.
>wahhhh Im not that kind of pedo
sorry buddy but pedo is the blanket term for all you losers.
>made lemonade and cookies for the perverts.
>"I'm in the shower! The're some juice on the counter!"
Speaking of which, no more counter. Just some shitty table.
California was always their best bet. 50 people showed up over 2 days for the first CA episode.
Is the new ep out?
most of the world is lower than 16. shit even in america in a lot of states its 16. are you a justified poilce officer by chance?
Where can i watch the first episode?
>I will bring you roses m'lady
I can't believe he actually said this.
Some of them molest their family members and out of guilt they seek out some strangers kids. I do agree though that these guys would otherwise be harmless as online predators. The real problem are the handsome pedophiles, the guys and women who have the kids contact them, for example sam pepper the popular youtuber he fucked some underaged fans, so did onision and sam hyde the guy who's got a show on adult swim now. Little girls and teen girls specially, DO NOT like ugly ass grandpa types, they'd fucking block and report any and all advances from some creep. Handsome men though, they'll seek them out themselves and they'll try their damndest to get molested. Those guys are the real child molesters, of course no one cares about those guys, because good looking people are allowed to get away with crime, ugly guys have to suffer though.
Yeah, but now they've got CUPCAKES - they never had those before
Yes, dont breed stupid goyim. Be afraid.
>Met this chick at a local bar club once. Tsll blinde, hot as fuck. Easily a high 8/10.
>Hang out all evening at the bar. Guys I don't know giving me the thumbs up when her back is turned. That's how hot she is.
>Meet her for coffee the next night
>she tells me she is 17 but it's OK becausee she is an emancipated minor so we can still be together no problem.
>fml fml fml fml fml fml......
>My mind starts calculating a way to salvage this because I want to fuck her so bad.
>I ask her when her birthday is
>She says "March" .
>It's June right now
>Ask myself if I could go 9 full months as bf & gf without fucking her.
>No way could I hold out for that long
>Tell her Sorry but it's just not gonna work out
>she says OK
>I get up and leave immediately.
That my friends is how you stay out of trouble.
Anyone have a link?
scaredy cat.
>I have to feed my pet lion really quick! Just help yourself to some cookies & lemonade, I'll be back in a minute!
How did she even get in the bar? Every one I've been to has an employee checking IDs at the entrance.
Any torrents yet?
is second episode out?
Fake ID and she looked 21 easily.
How's that freedom treating you? lel
>meet girl at bar, end up making out outside while her gf is getting the car. Give her my number.
>get angry call the next afternoon from her mom - she was 17 and had a fake ID, told me she was 22 (and she looked it)
>get screamed at for like 10 minutes before she believes me that I didn't fuck her daughter
>almost think it was all a weird prank before i find her on facebook and see that she's really in high school
not really related but people are fucking crazy
>it's a Sup Forums defends pedos episode
did you read the thread? they aren't pedos, these girls are all over 18 years old
I knew Sup Forums were fuckin pedos.
>and that's the catch, Predator
>t. When not on a watch list
>still dont understand how this isnt entrapment
Probably you're a retard who doesn't know what entrapment is. Entrapment is forcing someone to commit a crime they don't want to... ie: telling someone to shoot a gang member or they'll kill their family. The police cannot do this.
Entrapment is NOT setting up a sting where you advertise a crime job, set up a fake home and then arrest those you recruited to rob it. The police can (and do) do this.
This is a sting, not entrapment since they're not trying to convince or force the guys to do anything they don't want to, just leading them on which is perfectly fine.
I really want one of the guys to try claiming to Hansen or in the interrogation after they're arrested that it shouldn't count cause entrapment just to see the look on everyone's faces as they try not to burst out laughing
Screencap please
Nope, it's definitely not entrapment. You're right. I think it still qualifies as kind of a grey area, however. It's prodding along a thought crime into an actual crime - I suspect that many of those that get busted wouldn't actually commit to going to meet someone if they weren't prompted into it.
I'm not sure that creating a crime and then busting for it does anything to stop actual legitimate sexual predators.
But I could be wrong, not really that important and it's kind of tough to feel bad for people so stupid. I honestly can't fathom how someone could fall for something like this anymore.