Gun terror: Innocent jogger shot by a gun nut as he ran down a quiet street with his dog


>A JOGGER was targeted by a gun nut as he ran down a quiet street with his Shih Tzu dog, Dougal.

>Jordan Fyfe, 25, was shot in the back of the leg at close range in what may have been a drive-by shooting by an attacker with an air gun.

>Brave Jordan, a civil engineer, who fronts the band Faithful Stranger, was jogging close to his home in Kirkintilloch, near Glasgow at 10pm on Monday when the attacker opened fire.

>A Police Scotland spokesman said:”The pellet struck the man in the leg, which is serious enough, but imagine what could have happened if was in his head or face.

>air gun
>gun nut


The horror

Probably some jihadi practicing.


Imagine the horror of British men of old if they could see what their glorious Britannia has fallen to.

its a fucking pellet annoy me when someone gets an actual wound

This reminds me of the local news from my hometown, nothing used to happen so shit like this would be "news". It was just some kids fucking about with a BB gun

Is it newsworthy because there weren't any fatalities?