Aren't most modern day democracies actually republics?

Aren't most modern day democracies actually republics?

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Heavily influenced by Governments Corporations and Kikes as well

Other way around.

Yes and no. They're republics in name but they actually suffer from mass democracy syndrome.

>mfw simple semantics undoes my entire worldview

Other way around.

We started as republics, which made us great.

We've been turning into nothing but democratic shitholes since.

Democracy = Tyranny of the masses

>Be every white western nation (which, naturally, were all very successful)
>Be republic
>Shitskin immigrants appeared!
>Out birth whites because of gibs and uncontrollable monkey-syndrome
>marxists see the weakness and teach shitskins that their country is a demoracy so EVERYONE should have a say, everyone is mayor of crackerville.
>Endless "positive discrimination" laws
>Shitskins have special privileges
>Whites cucked out of existence and country, white flight ensues
>Without whites the entire country turns int South Africa/Zimbabwe


But we elect people to make/break most laws on our behalf. We have democratic elements but we are still considerably more a republic

God do I love/hate that feel so much

jews love money, commies hate money, jews hate commies

get out of here jew

A republic expects representatives to be educated in their field as well as have popularity with the people.

Democracy puts whoever the rabble wants in office regardless of merit.

We're more democratic than republic. Apparently being a "career politician" is enough education now.

Both words semantically mean the same, it's just that one is of Greek and the other of Roman origin. That's also why modern Greek still uses the same word for both, the name of the Hellenic Republic is Elleniki Demokratia.