So let's look at the facts here

So let's look at the facts here.

* Trump says climate change is a hoax (doesn't believe in science)
* Trump gets into office, and only 8 months later Hurricane Harvey happens. First one of this magnitude in 12 years! Last one was under Bush.

Why are republicans science denying dingbats? When democrats are in control these things don't happen as often, because they are more climate friendly. As soon as Trump gets in he throws out all regulation on coal, and backs out of the Paris agreement, and BAM, Hurricane Harvey!

Other urls found in this thread:

One word...greed

Ladies and gentlemen introducing 45

Obviously the democrats somehow control the weather. Don't you remember the weather at trumps and obamas inauguration?

>Eclipse of the century
>Next one in 2024
Fake News confirmed

Trump's accomplishments

>Russian collusion

>Defending Neo-Nazi murderers

>Proving he is mentally unfit for office

>Dismantling the EPA and coal regulations, causing destruction to the planet to increase

>Failing to complete even one campaign promise

>Pardoning a criminal locked up by the Obama administration



>bmm tch
>bmm tch
>bmm-bmm bmm-bmm tch
>it's the Trumpet

Kek, election was nearly 1 year ago. Libs still crying this fucking hard.

>hurricane is Trump's fault

Low quality bait or mentality deranged, can't tell which.

prove that it's not his fault. maybe it would have happened anyway, but would it have made it to a category 4? maybe trump and the gop shitting all over the environment caused it, or maybe it let it strengthen to a category 4 storm. cause and effect are actually a thing you know.


Don't cherrypick

While trump is definitely a science denier who's helping to fuck the planet.
Do you actually think trump caused a hurricane ?
If so please stop voicing your opinion.
It's making the rest of us look bad

This, fucking seriously. There's actually things to call him out for, there's no need to make things up. Please stop.

Literally just continued creating jobs at the same rate they were being created before he came into office.
"Congratulations on not immediately destroying the economy Trump, you truly are the greatest"

What am I making up exactly ?


Trips confirm...

Honestly mate, you don't have even a basic understanding of how climate change is if that's what you think.
Please just read a textbook or something.

Prove that it is.

The first 6 months of any president's term will be affected by the previous President's policies.

Wait until March, then tell me this cunt's doing a good job

Ok, to believe that Trump caused the hurricane is silly, climate change is very gradual; there's good and bad to both sides, but right now there are more important issues going on in the western world than climate change, 4-8 years isn't going to hurt the planet.

it will if his policies are so ignorantly written that they can't be undone

I was referring to the user saying that it's dumb to think the hurricane is Trump's fault. Especially when there's this faggot making non-supporters look like morons.

Yeah but it sets a pretty bad precedent when the most powerful country in the world, and 2nd (I think) biggest polluter in the world just denies anything is wrong and actively chooses to make things worse

Yeah idealised 5 seconds after I posted.
My bad-just ignore me

Got any proof of the Russian collusion or defending neo-nazis?

lmao you keep telling yourself that you stupid sack of shit i feel bad if you really that stupid to believe not even 2 years will do damage to this planet

>The first 6 months of any president's term will be affected by the previous President's policies.
* Economy and Jobs credited to Obama

>Trump either caused, or strengthened the hurricane with his policies
* This is clearly Trump's fault....

Contrary to popular belief, America doesn't control the entire planet.

Lol Amerifags think their president controls the weather


If your little country managed to not emit another carbon atom it would be completely insignificant


dubs of truth

Well gee. Why has a special prosecutor been secured to investigate him having obvious Russian spies visit Trump tower, only having Don Jr tell 4 different versions of why they were there?

The whole "There are good people on both sides" comment speaks for itself. Then trying to deflect by saying that there is an alt-left, and that it is somehow bad since it stands up to Neo-Nazis.

Wow, now I know why I never go to Sup Forums anymore. This is sad, you HAVE to work for somebody or something, I refuse to think any human being is as retarded as OP.

>Why are republicans science denying dingbats?

Yeap, that's pretty much how this shit works. Always has. Like I said, wait until March

Okay then let's follow your logic, then Obama caused Super Storm Sandy back in 2012.

Don Lemon, is that you?

Well Trump Jr at least tried to collude with Russia. Even though he got baited, he admitted what he went to that meeting for.

As for defending Nazis, no, he hasn't come out and said "these dudes are alright." His entire campaign rhetoric is about how brown people are the problem though, and that invites those sorts to the surface, and he seems loath to really call them out for their crap because they're a big part of his constituency.

Yeah, it doesn't control Russia and China.

>The whole "There are good people on both sides" comment speaks for itself. Then trying to deflect by saying that there is an alt-left, and that it is somehow bad since it stands up to Neo-Nazis.
this right here.

OHHH THATS RIGHT!!! it only controls the one you and i are living in

>collude with Russia
>Russian collusion
Notice the intentionally super-vague word "collusion".


It's not vague at all. In the context of Trump and Russia, it's understood to mean (using context clues like you learned in fifth grade) "working with Russia to make the election results more favorable." Which Don Jr definitely intended to do with that meeting with the Russian official.

>Especially when there's this faggot (You) making non-supporters look like morons

There are more options than only A or B. There are complete morons as well as highly intelligent people on both sides, and then there are both of those groups who are on neither side.


I can agree, but implying Trump caused the hurricane isn't intelligent at all, and it's making it look like non-supporters are petty idiots who think the president controls the weather.

>"There are good people on both sides"

He wasn't referring to the extremists (Neo-Nazis, KKK, Antifa, etc), he was referring to the others who were present, but not part of any of the hate groups.

>extremists / hate groups

pick only one

Nice try, but they are just as bad as the others since they use violence and vandalism regularly. I know that the media is out trying to justify this and defend them, but they are an extremist group.

>against those who oppose neo nazis

Found the Nazi

>you can only pick from Stalin or Hitler, no other choices exist.

If that's the case then why did job growth plummet under Obama for 8 years? Obama's policies are only effective once he leaves? Dumbest thing I have ever heard in my life. Never mind..this is THE dumbest shit I have ever heard in my life. You're a dumb useless fuck...even god can't help you.

This is fucking dumb too. Spin job argument that is not even close to reality.

Can't tell if trolling or just fucking stupid

>everything that happens is Trump's fault.

The irony is that the media would never defend the antifa if Trump hadn't defended the neo Nazis first. Compare this to Occupy where the media crucified the movement over the Black Bloc. Trump is radicalizing the nation in mind boggling ways.

When did Trump defend Neo Nazis? Link to video.

Oh that's right, that never actually happened.

Only it actually has happened so many times that finding video footage or press about it should even be easy enough for low info Trumptards to pull off.

He said "They are not all bad, there are many many good people in that group. Many good people."

He tried to argue that the neo Nazis and White Nationalists were morally equivalent to the people opposing them. Even Mitt Romney called out Trump's bullshit.

Translation: "I don't have a source".

He was talking about everyone at the Charlottesville protest you dope, not the KKK.



Antifa is the moral equivalent. Both systems they want end in violence.

Nice try, but they aren't in any way even close to that. You basically have on one side Nazis, and then on the other, those who oppose them. The ones who oppose them aren't the bad ones. Saying that they are is only in reality defending the Nazis.

The Charlottesville protesters were marching with torches. They were explicitly alluding to what the Nazis did.

That march took place Friday night, the protest had a lot more people than them and happened on Saturday. It wasn't just that group you idiot.

Yes it was. It was just that more of them turned out for the day of the protest.

Let's make this clear. Antifa maybe anti-fascist, but they have a political ideology. It's called Anarcho-Communism, which could be equally if not more destructive than National Socialism. I am not defending fascist, I abhor fascist and communist. I support constitutional monarchism, but believe that democracy is the second best. I'm against all political violence.

Yeah. On Saturday there was a White Nationalist rally at the park with the statue. The White Nationalists literally expelled everyone from the park who wasn't White, even non White Trump supporters.

It's violent yes, but it's in self defense, so they have every right to use violence to prevent violence being perpetrated against them. This is exactly the same as if someone pulled a gun on you, and threatened your life, you would be fully justified to use violence against them in order to stop them. This is exactly what the alt-right is doing but instead of on a personal level, it is happening on a large-scale social level. The left is therefore fully justified to use violence against them.

>non White
>Trump supporters

pick only one

He's gonna wash the coal. Make it clean with soap and bubbles.

Antifa has good intentions but they would be more effective if they refocused their energy on doxxing more Trumplets to get them fired. Several were canned after the Charlottesville protests and that shows how effective the strategy is.

The torch carrying group were neo-Nazis, but not violent. If we want proof I'll go find the video of them shouting "hail victory"

Yeah, nice try diverting attention from the fact that Trump was defending White Nationalists.

Antifa has a nasty habit of showing up to peaceful protest and starting shit.

Charlottesville was a false flag put on by Soros, Obama and the Clintons.

>"Hard-core Nazi protesters"

Notice how the flags are brand new? They still have the fucking creases in them.

It's all bullshit put on by the left because the whole "Russian" narrative was losing traction.

He called them out! For fuck sake are you people really this ignorant?

>citation needed.

>things that never actually happened

>Notice how the flags are brand new? They still have the fucking creases in them.
Or maybe they folded them up to transport them in a vehicle. Nah that's crazy, everything is a conspiracy.

Look at the picture. Also who was the guy who captured the video and the first one interviewed? A man who was paid $320K by Soros, and former CIA. If you believe that's just a coincidence, then I have some ocean front property in Oklahoma to sell you.


Retard Hurricanes will happen irregardless of climate change. Your whole argument is fucking retarded and this is coming from someone who knows climate change is real.

>citation needed

back to Sup Forums faggot

He defended them first. Then called them out. Anyone who takes his time denouncing White Nationalists and neo Nazis has serious problems. Incidentally, the whole world has taken notice of the fact that Trump is openly flirting with racists and Nazis.

thumbs up to this guy.. lol he knows. lol

Only that's not authentic and he's only pandering after being called out.

Everyone can say crazy shit. But you need to back it up faggot. The faggots over at Sup Forums will eat it up though, even without evidence.

exactly! only further proving that he is clearly unfit for office.

Yeah, you can tell that he's pissed that his handlers are demanding that he say things that he doesn't mean.

He said he condemned both sides, the media freaked out because their precious antifa was being called out, and Trump had to be specific because retards can't think for themselves.

I'm just glad the hurricane went after Texas, where the rural filth deserve to have their trailer parks flooded.

>citation needed

only "both sides" is code words for antifa. he was really only condemning the left, which meant basically giving a shout out to the neo nazis.