I really wanted Scott Eastwood for this role but Alden Heil Hitler seems ok too, too bad he's a manlet.
Are you okay with Alden Third Reich playing the role Han Solo in the upcoming Han ''Solo'' spin-off?
Who the fuck asked for young Han Solo movies? We already have three young Han Solo movies.
>but muh ebin Lego movie directors are making it XD
Fuck them and fuck you
Who the fucked asked for three young Dark Vader movies?
Really makes you think.
literally everyone. The problem with Solo is that he was literally a one dimensional asshole before his big character development in the films. But prequels will turn him into a good guy, changing the character massively. Fans should go into an uproar 100x bigger than when Han shot second(because in reality, that doesn't matter).
He was great in Hail Caesar, glad they picked him
I've only seen him in Hail Caesar and Tetro and he was terrific in both. He's got a certain magnetic charm or endearment like old Ford, despite not looking like him.
In before all the people who quoted RLM like it was gospel love this movie.
God damn it do I miss Lucas, and hate that I miss Lucas.
No, I find the moles and lumps on his face distracting.
Also can someone please explain why Alden has his surname replaced with words referencing the criminals who were responsible for the deaths of over 12 million Jewish men, women and children? What's this meme about?
because he looks malnourished
>12 million
If you like the actor you shouldn't be happy that he's in this shit
>I really wanted Scott Eastwood
Why do some of you guys think he can act? He photographs well sometimes but seems like a dink.
What will Sup Forums do when glover gets cast as Lando?
Why not?
Nah he looks skinnyfat. Ezra Miller looks malnourished.
Best choice desu.If there'll be a young Lando I'm perfectly fine with Glover.
I think his dad can teach him a couple things and Han Solo character doesn't require that much of an acting skill.
Puh-lease. JJ and that Looper guy know the memes. They know the fans. You'll get the most serviceable thing imaginable.
>Third Reich
He could be good, loved him in Hail Caesar.
That's true, he was a dick back then. It'd be interesting to see just HOW he became a dick though. Some early adventures of him assholing his way around the galaxy would be fun.
>Han Solo movie
Give us Boba Fett movie
Weird how much better he looks from the front.
Oh Solo! Come, join me in the hangar. It seems Greedo's a no show, which is simply a bore, but I'll partner you and Chewie. Why the pout?
Manlets are overpopulating us tall guys. Is it because of sjw gen-x moms not wanting tall imposing men for babies? Everywhere I go today feels like I'm in Munchkinland or China