Alright. So, it's inevitable we'll get more movies about Giger's xenomorph. Scott is working on his movie, Blokamps' may be dead, who knows. Let's put them aside for a moment: regardless of how they turn out, more movies in this franchise will still probably be made. However, it's a series plagued by bad sequels.

What would it take for the next one to be good?

Other urls found in this thread:

>trans female lead
>1000x more quips
>tone down edgy xenomorph look

They're currently plotting the next movie hoping they have a good substance movie.
They might have started a somewhat okay plot with Prometheus but as sequels go, the next one will turn it into crap.
I really hope they do a good sequel. I really do.

Personally I think they were headed on an interesting path with Prometheus. Telling a tale about the world of the alien without showing an actual "alien". I think the second they start having hoards of aliens running around they've lost it, so assuming that doesn't happen they need to keep fleshing out the mysteries of the Engineers and their activities relating to their creations and their plans through the galaxy. To keep it from becoming a cheesy monster movie fest they need to do what they did in Alien 1 which is keep the monsters hidden and let the world be the catalyst for the tale that they are trying to tell.

I wish they could just leave it alone. There's no need for any more xeno so just make a different sf movie and stop ruining muh alium

Earth outbreak, in the spirit of Aliens.

I hope they do Blomkamp's idea...but without Blomkamp as director.

I hope based Jimmy Cameron comes back into the fold.


Fite me nerds.

As long as this chucklefuck stays out of the picture, it can only get better from here.

I'd agree with you on one thing: the Alien movies have suffered from a deficit of worldbuilding.

First movie sets up the world: the monster, its life cycle, the grungy look of this future, The Company, the milk-spouting androids, etc. Second movie expands on that with more worldbuilding: prefab terraforming colonies, the USCM, The Queen and the caste system, etc. Alien 3, though, took things backward, hearkening back to the first movie in many ways. It gave us a prison and a religious group, but it wasn't terribly robust world building: the idea that prisons and Christianity still exist wasn't terribly expansive. Alien: Resurrection then proceeded to burn it all down, jumping further into the future and throwing out much of the old worldbuilding.

Prometheus took more risks in terms of worldbuilding, but simply fucked it up with a shitty Lindelof script and an uninspired Chariot of the Gods style backstory that everybody and their kid brother had thought up already for the Space Jockey. That doesn't mean more worldbuilding shouldn't be attempted, though, because that kind of creativity is necessary for the series to thrive: you can't just keep remaking the same two movies over and over again.

>Alien: all about the horror of sexual assault
>Aliens: all about motherhood
>Alien 3: metaphor for the AIDS epidemic, hampered by extreme studio interference
>Alien: Resurrection: has no subtext, is just a brainless action movie with Whedon quips

The series began to run astray the second they abandoned the subtext of human sexuality that permeated the first three, the only three with any real quality to them. Any potential sequel should be anchored around a concept like this, using Giger's erotic biomechanical nightmares to explore how much our own bodies and urges scare us.

Sorry, but you are a retard. "Bad Lindelof Script" has become a fucking meme and clearly exposed people who have not understood Prometheus and/or are just retards. Prometheus script serves as amazing fundamental groundwork in the alien universe by shedding more light onto the mysteries of the space jockeys/engineers and gave a glimpse of what we can expect of the alien orgina, what it is and where it came from, thus opening the door to potentially great future alien stories/orgin stories.

That's why we get 3 more Prometheus sequels.

aliens was genuinely terrible
that said, alien is a movie that you really can't make a sequel for. if you take it in a new direction you're ruining the feel of the universe and if you do something similar you're rehashing alien.

>Jokes about how it's head looks like a dick

I liked what prometheus was trying to do, but I agree the general idea behind it was not interesting at all, BUT the little details like the whys and hows were very intriguing I thought.

pooping is pretty scary desu

Give the xeno a personality

oh fuck off idiot, nice bait

Please tell me why you think one of the greatest sci fi movies ever is 'terrible'

I think user was referring to dumb ass characters that served only horror scifi tropes.

>greatest sci fi movies ever
even if this was true it wouldn't be helping your case, sci-fi as a genre is filled with terrible, overrated movies. anything over 3.5/5 (alien rates between 3.7 and 4.0) would be one of the "greatest sci fi movies ever" and aliens is a 2.8/5, 3.2/5 at best.
nothing thoughtful or interesting happens, the movie is just telling a simple, clean, story carried by the otherworldly setting rather than material
if you think the theme is interesting you'll appreciate the story more but I don't, especially when the first one was just a better choice.

>Prometheus script serves as amazing fundamental groundwork in the alien universe by shedding more light onto the mysteries of the space jockeys/engineers
It was horribly unimaginative and wasn't a story that needed telling. The space jockey could have been literally anything (shit, he could have been a sentient plant or something for all we knew), but in the end he was just a suit with a white bald guy in it.

What mangoo?

wow, you pulled random ratings out your ass, well done. I said 'one of the greatest' not THE greatest. It's widely regarded as one of the best when any form of sci fi list of movies is mentioned.

Thinking that nothing thoughtful or interesting happens in Aliens is a real stretch, and if you really think this then I pity you as a movie movie and you must be real fun at parties.

Seeing the Alien queen for the first time? Wondering how Newt survived so long on her own? The Power Loader V Queen scene?
The score?

Please tell me what you rate in the top of your sci fi list?

James cameron says it best

>the xenomorph morphs from a male drone into a female queen

>I said 'one of the greatest' not THE greatest
i never misrepresented that
>Seeing the Alien queen for the first time? Wondering how Newt survived so long on her own? The Power Loader V Queen scene?
none of these were good things

2)blade runner (movie was okay but the story it's based on is fantastic and they do a decent job of putting it into a movie)
3) metropolis
4)alien (setting was unique and the atmosphere the movie created fit it like a glove, story is bad but the other elements push it up)

it's pottery but it isn't forced at all, the drones don't have a gender and those kinds of life-cycle based stages of transformation can change gender in nature

All the parties I go to are full of hip people who don't watch pleb shit for punchbags.

>tfw a queen decides not to reproduce, adopting a pansexual existence thus giving the patriarchy a big middle finger

The franchise has to returns to its roots and focus more on mystique and slowly leaking information about the universe. Focus more on horror elements instead of action. It will be harder now because there's so much out of the bag, but there are so many mysteries and unknowns that can be explored.

It wasn't unimaginative. It lacked execution because Lindelof and they were clearly writing for 2 or 3 movies instead of stopping and saying "Hey, how about we make one good one first."

>none of these were good things
You really are a tosser mate. worst troll ive ever seen

>it isn't forced
>it isn't canon, but that isn't forcing a change in the canon to make it fit my particular fucked up gender psychosis

the only changes in canon would be implying that the drones are male and implying that the drones can directly morph into queens

>not respecting my exo-fetish worship of alien canon in favor of your own gender-switching fantasies
The LGBT community has become so rigid and intolerant. Sad, really.

>they need to keep fleshing out the mysteries of the Engineers and their activities

you want them to ruin what little mystique those overgrown albino retards ever had?

you seem to be overly obsessed with "worldbuilding"

the setting is already fucking established to death. we can get a standalone story in it without requiring an hour of boring loredrop dialogue, m'kay?

Daily reminder that "the director's cut" of Alien is not strictly additive to the original theatrical release (which is Scott's actual, preferred and definitive version). What I mean by this is that the director's cut also /cuts/ certain footage from the theatrical release, in addition to adding some. The result is that both cuts of the film contain mutually exclusive footage, but this is a delicate point which not a lot of people realize.

Both cuts spend nearly equal time discussing the bonus situation , however.

Are you implying that
drone -> praetorian -> queen
is impossible and is a gender-switching fantasy? as far as I know that's the canon, not all of them evolve but when they do that's how

it was godawful, but i blame jon spaights (who also wrote the darkest hour, which was a garbage movie made to launder money for the russian mob)

that gif is heavy autism

And what, exactly, are you expecting? Another tired rehash of the "Weyland Yutani wants to turn the alien into a weapon" stotyline? Another bug hunt? The setting has been established and largely exhausted. The setting needs to be expanded. If you just retread the same stuff from previous movies, there's no creativity, no growth, just aimless pandering.