How many centuries would you last?
How many centuries would you last?
Considering how vast the planet is I don't understand why these idiots couldn't just avoid each other.
Theyre drawn to each other and cant run away, fate will always bring them together
>why these idiots couldn't just avoid each other.
literally explained they are like animals who have a desire and need to find eachother/ kill
Was this the movie that made katanas fashionable for autists?
Or is anime to blame?
>Considering how vast the planet is I don't understand why these idiots couldn't just avoid each other.
BUT MUH GAME. Also aren't immortals like opposite poles of a magnet and eventually you'll run into another one sooner or later?
It might have been this movie and the television series.
well its the most autistic sword to begin it was only a matter of time before western autists liked it as much as the eastern autists who made it
Excuse my ignorance, but how can a sword be autistic?
>implying the katana isn't aesthetic as fuark
>implying it won't go back to being best after giving it a decade of rest from weebs
>back to being best
something either is best or it isn't
fanbase has nothing to do with it
back to being perceived as best by jaded assholes like us, you pedant
Jaded assholes like "us" ((you) obviously not included) would never consider it "best", because it factually isn't
>plebs think they must kill each other
None of them actually knew what they were, why they could live forever, why they could sense others, and had no clue at all what their purpose was. All they did know was that when they killed someone, all those near it would get that person's power. The want for more power and the superstition around that event is the only reason they kill each other.
There's actually a good chance they are not supposed to kill each other. But, it really depends on which canon you prescribe to I suppose.
How isn't it best?
Let's start with defining what "best" means in this case. You go ahead and start, I'll get back to you in a min.
Highlander Immortals have 5 different sets of rules depending on which movie or TV series you listen to.
It's a shame everything about Highlander except for the original movie is awful and the original movie isn't all that amazing either, it just has a decent premise.
Hopefully a few, but who wants to live forever?
I'm a dead inside, hedonistic, self-centered cunt, so I'd take immortality any day.
The best scene in the entire movie is the duel where he's drunk as fuck and just loling
insert rotorscoped lightning
insert random fireworks
insert glass flying everywhere
A scottish spaniard who's actually egyptian.
From the planet Zeist.
Why the dashes?
Yeah I never really understood the whole "let's kill each other" thing.
Maybe you stabby-stab some of the more insane ones but after that you just leave each other alone and live forever. Seems like a perfectly pleasant way to exist.
What happens if some random sheep shagger cut off Connor's head in his first battle?
Whould the random guy become immortal or can only those who were born immortal harvest that energy?
Why exactly did they cast Lambert in this role? Movie would have been 10x better if you could understand what the fuck he was even saying. It's like making that Israeli chick Wonderwoman: were there no actors available that spoke English?
>not amoring your fati
ALL night long, if ya know what I mean
>ALL night long,
what did he mean by this?
the prize?
nigga, just don't kill each other I mean come on
you can finally have kids
you can finally have a normal relationship
you don't have to always be wondering if someone is going to take your head.
>Whould the random guy become immortal or can only those who were born immortal harvest that energy?
Depends on which continuity you go by. But right off; No, the random sheep shagger would not become immortal. That's something you're born with. Now, if you're going the tv show's interpretation, the nearest immortal would get it regardless of if Conner had achieved immortality yet. But in the movie's canon, it's unclear. Since Conner technically hadn't achieved immortality yet, there's no telling if the Kurgan would get anything.
eh, it's not like infertile people don't exist
I'm sure a lot of folks watch their friends die
really the prize is dying, which seems like a waste of everyone's time
Don't forget the collective knowledge of 1000s of men and women, and borderline telepathy.
Though personally, I'd have preferred immortality. Breeding is overrated.
The price was shit.
What would be so terrible if Kurgan got it? Anyone could've just shot him.
Is this a good movie?
Should I watch it?
Its simple: One bad Highlander started killing others for power and the other have to start killing to keep up with him or be obliterated when he finds them.
Essential Kino m8
I see what you did there
How the fuck would you know? These niggas get their own gaydar and shit. You can either avoid everyone and live in fucking Antarctica OR actually see the world and get your head chopped off by a random turbo neet with thousands more game hours than you. I mean, it's literally MMO PVP IRL BBQ TBQH. Only autists survive.
It's horseshit.
Infinite cause I'd hide in a church.
Certainly not these apes.
Its cult, just see it so youve seen it.
The TV series is better than the movie.
How do they even find other immortals.
Why can't I go back to Zeist
there's literally the scene where val walks around in a trench coat with his katana, this is the inspiration for modern fedora autists
When did the fedora become the symbol for edgy faggots?
Fedora's used to be fashionable. I see some guy wearing a fedora in an old Noir movie and that looks suave as hell.
That would be faggots copying Timberlake, right?
When did Justin Timberlake go around wearing a fedora?
Highlander 3 sex scene was my fav during my high school years
There was a video a long time ago with some dancing and a hat...'s not like I know anything about him. There was just a period of pop&R&B where everyone was wearing suits and hats like they all though they were MJ in smooth criminal...
At one point in time, one immortal killed another and got a kick out of that, thus started the tradition.
You answered your own question.
Fedoras have been out of style for 60 years. Nerds or "neckbeards" are the only people that would wear historical fashion.
Michael Jackson wore a fedora, Timberlake copied him but mostly wore a trilby.
Fashion from 60 years ago looks heads and tails better than today's "fashion".
Right, I'm not a hat expert so I get them confused I guess. I knew there was some weird logic to it though...
t. neckbeard
That's what I always thought happened. It's implied that the Kurgan is old as fuck and has been tracking down immortals to kill for possibly thousands of years. He and Ramirez had known each other and Ramirez talked about training Connor to be ready to face him. It always seemed like an effort to stop a psychopath from becoming all powerful.
It makes even more sense considering that they didn't know what the prize was until Connor got it. They were already immortal and super powerful. The Kurgan seemed to think it would give him more power, so it's probably what everyone else assumed, too.