i'm BLACK and POOR!! :DD
white people cant understand what its like so only black people can write this, if ur white u cant write thats what i always say haha
btw did i mention i live in atlanta and make trap music??
i'm BLACK and POOR!! :DD
white people cant understand what its like so only black people can write this, if ur white u cant write thats what i always say haha
btw did i mention i live in atlanta and make trap music??
Other urls found in this thread:
The Stern Solution is needed.
>it's a Sup Forums gets triggered by silly shit thread
now tell me you aren't Sup Forums like a good little idiot
I'm still not entirely clear on what the fuck trap music is supposed to be.
Good thing nigger's don't exist. Only black people you racist white trash trailer trash piece of shit. :)
Is that the response you were hoping for you pathetic troll?
Gais, get in here. It's happening soon
im australian and black somalian refugees came to my city to form gangs and fight in Federation square.
feep beep
it's funny because he grew up rich and privileged and he only has a show because of his dad
let me guess
trump will win ?
Can we stop trolling for a second? I want to discuss Donald Glover's acting style. It doesn't seem that he has one. Like, he can't act his way out of a paper bag. He's just so incredibly horrible and also he isn't funny. Why doesn't he get some acting training?
thx for that m8
We're havin' a blast
i like his shirt
100% accurate
And Hillary will die
I fucking hate black people.
>implying this is trolling
It may be a shock to those living in sjw bubbles but in the real world everyone hates niggers
even other niggers
gr8 b8 m8
If blacks are unhappy about their situation, why do they keep voting for the same party?
*goes to college*
*gets a job straight after graduation*
*grows up with stable parents*
*lands role in The Martian*
It's the slave mentality. They can't betray "masta"
He's not poor and he doesn't make trap music in the show, why did you even make this thread?
nigga head look like a pt cruiser
Blacks don't learn.
They are the niggers who keep sticking their hand into fires, blames the fire for burning them, then does the same thing again the next day.
I'm not racist but,.....he looks like a literal neanderthal here
White identity politics is so stressful. There's nothing this show could be that wouldn't trigger you.
>it's another defensive easily triggered Sup Forumscuck episode
Will we ever be able to have a good Atlanta thread?
It's rap music that revolves around drug culture and features an extremely distinctive style of flow:
Do you feel good about trying to constantly degrade and humiliate anything black people make?
Thread should have been deleted after this post.
>retarded autists are gonna take this bait knee-jerk style
>implying this isn't another "have sympathy for the oppressed black person" tv show
I could say the same thing about every white person in film and television. I won't, but I could.
There was one thread before it aired which was pretty comfy
So is the show actually like this or has nobody bother to watch it?
Sup Forums is a board of peace, those other Sup Forumslacks are not real Sup Forumslacks. Sup Forums promotes peace.
Paper Boi is definitely trap.
Why would anybody watch this nigger trash?
oh god, the formatting, it hurts
>every promo is just people walking backwards played in reverse
does FX have the worst advertising for its shows out of any network?
1000x this
OH shit the SJW's are creating another safe space
Ohhhhhhh shit
Corporations want to flood Murica with Africa
We spear chuckin' now lads.
Learn the language or go back.
Then why bother to discuss something thats supposedly trash anyway?
I like this show.
Feels like old Boondocks, makes fun of everyone.
Do you see any discussion here?
That;s because you refuse to get it, so just keep on being a contrarian.
I blame Future, Fetty Wap and Migos too.
You would
bad example. i think it has more to do with weirdly specific stuff that happens to poor black we don'T really hear about. i'm white so i don't know but i'M thinking of stuff like having a car mirror broken because you looked at a women walking on the sidewalk. or sleep at your ex, mother of your child and have sex with her and at night she goes out on a date.
>hates nigger trash show
>still spends time and energy posting in a thread regarding nigger trash show he's going to watch anyway
Stay cucked.
white bois be gettin all triggered n sheeit
Every time I go to reddit I get redirected to . Really makes me think.
Guys, check out this post. He said NIGGER in the spoilers. He's so edgy, I admire his courage. White power, my brother, white power.
Really immature user.
>posting white nationalist memes
fuck off nigger
Look guys, he did it again. Fuck, a comedic talent the likes of which these fair white boards have never seen. White power, my brother, white power.
Being in a relationship and taking your girl out to a restaurant while being broke is an universal feeling. How is the focus of the episode to make you feel for the black community? Take a bitch out, listen to some Migos and stop being so fucking sensitive.
stay mad nigger
jesus you're fucking stupid
You don't talk to your mother that way, Timothy Gregory Allen. You're grounded with no internet or Xbox for a week. Now go find a job already you useless slob.
Y-You too...
>not wanting your country to be destroyed like every nigger city or country is racist
k Jamal
wtf? did I travel back to 2009?
It's rap with all the effort and talent taken out
>effort or talent
im not racist but ship all niggers back to africa pls
ok bigot
i'm calling the mods
Im as Sup Forums as you are Reddit.
>trailer for his show
>nice music, think it's trip-hop or something
>look it up
>made by a white australian group
>he didn't know Tame Impala before Donald Glover put him on
>someone talking shit about ratings in the other thread
>it had the biggest premiere numbers of a comedy show since 2013
Is Sup Forums's low IQ why they're so violent?
Donald knew what he was doing when he gave his reason for an all black staff. He could have just hired them but then he goes "WHITEY DOESN'T GET US AND WHITEY CAN'T WRITE US"
I don't support people saying nigger and shit. just sick of jews pushing identity politics.
How is this an authentically black show (tm) when it's directed by a Jap?
There is a cultural barrier some times. I can't talk to my white friends and my black friends about the same topics in the same way. Same goes for female friends and male friends. That's going to have an impact on the environment in a writers room and by extension an impact on the contact and approach to the show.
I'm very confused as to why this is a bad thing? Because something vaguely negative about white people?
You guys are such faggots, for real.
t. reddit
First intelligent coment I've read in this thread.
How is True Detective Season One an authentically white show (tm) when the same applies?
Does it pretend to be such a thing?
Because it's a retarded assumption to make, as if there aren't whites who are poor/underprivileged.
I personally don't care but it was unneeded and more fuel for already poor race relations.
It's even demonstrated in the show itself when that white guy's story about the DJ is entirely different when told in front of two black guys he doesn't know.
So why do black people act like they know all about white people and how to write them?
It doesn't need to, everything is default white and free from any kind of pre-judgement or racial reading, so in a sense yes. True Detective is yet another prestige drama cenntred around white male anti-heroes, like Breaking Bad and Mad Men and so on and so forth. You just don't discuss them in a racial context because you're not obliged to.
How could the black writers have known that when they can't understand white people?
>as if there aren't whites who are poor/underprivileged
Literally no one has ever made this assertion in the history of the world, and if you need to build this strawman to make your argument you ought to be embarrassed.