we can't let her get away with this.
Can anyone in France rough her up a bit?
Other urls found in this thread:
Not your personal army, Jonah.
Go to bed, Jonah.
I would love to choke the shit out of her while fucking of course
>the Jew apologist OP is back
Faggot. Jonah Hill will never be /ourguy/.
Eat a dick and kindly fuck off back to your synagogue
she's a bitch but physically hurting her still isn't right.
What is her crime lad?
shes cute, dont hurt her
She has a muslim boyfriend.
i dont care
The only thing better than seeing Jonah Hill getting blasted by such a clever joke from a true cutie is seeing the most pathetic spergs on Sup Forums having sympathy pains for him.
Our cucks are already all over youtube insulting her. That's pretty pathetic.
Va te faire foutre, tête de cul.
you sure showed him.
bantering Jonah Hill to the point of triggering him
im sure blacks and arabs touch her daily but being french she likes it
>tfw a qt would rather fuck this than you
jonah's had it rough guys we should lighten up
Both are semitic desu
>We never really bonded.
>Yeah, not, I gotta go with a serious actor.
>The studio forced you on us.
>defending some millionaire celeb just because you have the same body type
Oh un français raciste sur Sup Forums, quelle surprise.
why is literally everyone in france black, arab or dating a black or arab
im not even memeing or cuckposting. literally everything i hear about france involves blacks or arabs
>that feel when no cute French gf
"oh a racist in Sup Forums"
this french frog is literally here on the internet defending his country being overrun by foreigners and defending them like a white knight while they are out fucking every white women in sight
this reason.
ornella supposedly apologized.
the jews had nothing to do with french colonialism, instead of parroting memes just inform yourself a little bit
C'est des salades ! Les campagnards français y croient aussi, enfin tous ceux qui ne vivent pas à Paris.
Because the government ran the country into the fucking ground, that's why.
This is what you get for buying into internationalism. Worm people abuse the fuck out of your good intentions on paper, but weakness in reality.
She probably meant it as much as Gary Oldman and Mel Gibson did.
All he did was post a picture of her and her bf you oversensitive faggot.
Meanwhile who's living in a 60% white country?
I can possibly believe this bothered so many faggots on here. It's just one person, right?
no doubt but she doesn't deserve violence over this.
>his country being overrun by foreigners
I see Amerifats post this all the time, are they just unaware?
> "White women"
You own them ? First, if you can't fuck any "white" woman, you're the only one at fault. It has nothing to do with black and arab people, you're probably an ugly/skinny/fatty/manlet. So, start being a "man", learn how to speak to people, lift, and maybe you'll be able to fuck the chinese girl in your class (chinese are white, aren't they ?)
That gross uncut dick, tho
I never said she did. Heck, I approve of her rustling that fat fuck.
Wtf I wanna commit sudoku now.
Et donc?
muslims cut their dick too.
Or, ni car ....
And atheists suck dicks.
I just don't get why she did it. That's the only thing I'm not getting. Was Jonah getting roasted? Where did it come from?
He could've pointed out that with his mad dosh he probably fucked the very women that make her feel insecure every night in front of the mirror before she goes to bed, but I'm glad he didn't.
It's a comedic talk show, it's like asking why people get insulted on Never mind the buzzcocks or Howard Stern, If you don't do the research being agreeing to the interview then you have it coming.
Fat Jew detected
Oh. If that's the case then there's no big deal. I thought he was doing some interviews for his new shitty movie and she just started railing.
I don't even like him it just seemed inappropriate before I knew it was on a comedy show
>he's cut
reported to french authorities
Forgot about this hag, even in france we dont watch this show anymore. 145,000 viewers yesterday and it keep sinking. We just dont care.
fuck off, flase-flaggot
Neck your fat self, jonah